There's a dollar tree an 8-10 minute walk down the street, rite aide is a 20 min walk in the other direction so I always get a few cheapies from there when AF is late... but that's been behaving so I haven't picked up any since my OPKs came with 20 hpt'sI hope baby sticks in there Jalanis
OMFG summer needs to go away!! it's only just 12pm and it's 85F, yesterday was 90F. but it's cold in the mornings. I took DS over to the dollar store to get more glowsticks because he's obsessed with them haha, melted on the walk up the hill back to our apartment (it's all built on sand dunes where we are so lots of small steep hills). Even with feeling almost out this cycle, it's hard walking past the pregnancy tests without wanting to grab a few ha! I swear they were more accurate than some I've tried in the past!
But yeah hills and heat not a good mix, especially with the tiny junky umbrella stroller to push DS in, the wheels are the worst but the travel system stroller is in the car at work with DH. and FF calculations are still bugging me, I am either going to get a new bbt thermometer or ditch temping all together, mine takes too long to read a temp. DS's infant digi is so much faster and accurate than my bbt one, just drives me nuts when you have to jump out of bed because he's crying in the night/morning and it can't give a recording quick enough.
I'm talking a mile a minute and need some water, DS needs lunch and we both need a nap!
You walked by some perfectly good $store tests and you didn't get me any?LOL Our stores stopped caring them near my house. And the last time my husband asked me to check with a store clerk to find out, she blabbed it out over the loud speaker that I was looking for some ovulation tests and such..OMG..I think I fainted from utter humiliation as other customers stood there staring at me. My testing made all public. Never did that again.
Its been insanely hot here too. It was supposed to be hot today as well but it instead turned super windy and cold unless you were in a sun spot. I'm enjoying it and hoping it doesn't go away. Got my crochet needle out to make me a new beanie.
So, yes, water, food and nap you two!! We live on inclined streets too and the struggle is real!!
Just so you all can see how light my IC got and the right one was just right now..i just hope it isnt an ectopic.
FTale how's the not peeing on things going for you??!!
not so good for me. I have peed on 5 sticks today. my husband would think I had lost my mind he thinks I only did one. oh well. let the craziness continue...
Hey y'all. Little update on me. Have been feeling heavy and full down in abdomen. I will have my first appt on Nov 14th
10dpo bfn blah. I feel out at this point. no symptoms. not bothering taking my temp for few days now as a break. already thinking of next cycle now.
here watching mickey mouse with the 3 climbing all over me. trying to sleep while a 2 yr old is sitting on my head not easy!!
FTale good luck with frer this morning. feeling positive for you!
Jalanis hope you are doing OK x
bbygurl not long to your appointment now. exciting.
Last night discharge had stopped but woke up dark brown with a hint of red on it. I really want to know why am i bleeding if i dont have anything on my uterus..this is confusing.
Either its ectopic or this pregnancy is done already. Now its more red than brown
It keeps changing so im really confused ive never had this happen..with my MMC i had a d&c done but there was a baby there and this time around there isnt. I did another IC and it looks like yesterdays positive. I hate this limbo.
10dpo bfn blah. I feel out at this point. no symptoms. not bothering taking my temp for few days now as a break. already thinking of next cycle now.
here watching mickey mouse with the 3 climbing all over me. trying to sleep while a 2 yr old is sitting on my head not easy!!
FTale good luck with frer this morning. feeling positive for you!
Jalanis hope you are doing OK x
bbygurl not long to your appointment now. exciting.
Coco:Amen for a heartbeat. I was just thinking about how after two lines on a test, comes the waiting for a heartbeat, then after that delivering a healthy baby. Its a long trying road filled with so much unknown just hopes for the very best. I am very happy for your family. Will keep you in my prayers.
Lyo: I'm crying tired of ttc. I use to look at my husband and think man I want to jump his bones. Now, I look at him and think, ' better keep my hands to myself, I'll need quality sperm in two days..' That is not healthy thinking at all. I am so happy he is still laughing at me and my crazy ttc antics. What I really want is a sense of normalcy. As of right now I am preparing myself for a new cycle. And I'm trying to not focus on the down side of not getting pregnant but the upside of enjoying the rest of this month. I just looked at my calendar and realized 10dpo actually translates to OCTOBER 22 2016... I did not realize we were that far into October. I just saw dposThank you for cluing me in on that you in Ireland...that is so cool!!
Jalanis:Holding you right now in my prayers. I'm praying for a miracle. Praying for God to make clear to you what and why things are taking place as they are. Praying that you do not feel abandoned or forsaken as you are surrounded on earth and in heaven with compassion and sympathy unending.
10dpo bfn blah. I feel out at this point. no symptoms. not bothering taking my temp for few days now as a break. already thinking of next cycle now.
here watching mickey mouse with the 3 climbing all over me. trying to sleep while a 2 yr old is sitting on my head not easy!!
FTale good luck with frer this morning. feeling positive for you!
Jalanis hope you are doing OK x
bbygurl not long to your appointment now. exciting.
Lyo don't let the lack of symptoms discourage you! I had zero, really zero symptoms till my BFP and then it was just one day of nausea and then nothing till the middle of the 5th week that exhaustion hit. Fingers crossed you get that BFP this month already!
Hi ladies,posting so I can follow. Cd11/12 today so O is just around the corner.
GL to everyone!