Making a Baby

I know its just aa limbo! Medicaid is insurance that the goverment helps you. Its based off income limit requirements that i meet them so they are able to help me with free dr visits etc etc but only during pregnancy.

I also had some yellow CM snot before this bfp. Hopefully some good signs for you. Then the following symtpom was just sore nipps and fuller breasts which right now that symtpom vanished on me already..i feel them full.but not tender they are being their woobly selves :haha:
Ah, I figured it was insurance. All maternity care is free here automatically so I have no idea how insurances and stuff works for that!!! Lol. Yeah, I'd say leave it and see what happens yet, give it another month at least. :)

The yellow snotty cm I had my last two cycles too though so it's definitely not a sign of anything except progesterone of TWW! Lol. I do recall it when in early pregnancy with both pregnancies, but it's still just a progesterone thing which is obviously also a pre-AF thing too!! Lol. I'm only 4dpo now and I don't intend to test early so we will see. :)
Flying duster, whenever I have crappy sleep it jumps it seems. It did a week before O (a day or so after my fever from the yucky bug was gone). Heh who knows, maybe it's from temping earlier than usual (normally around 7.30 am) that one was 6 something am. or that we had a mini heat wave? Oh well, I'm prepared to roll onto the next cycle.

I'll test on Saturday or Sunday at like 3am 11/12dpo... mainly because I have a hedging bet on being out and if I am out, I can take Ibuprofen after the 5K charity walk. Hopefully my stupid feet behave and I don't get too much pain or swelling this time (I get swelling around the pins that are in my feet, yay for that LOL)

Ok I'm off to tackle DS back to his own bed, he had a little nightmare and is in with DH at the moment... I wake up a hot mess if he sleeps next to me, how do 2.5yr olds become like hot water bottles at night?
What my real question is if my levels were 292 and went down to 29.5 in 3 days, wouldnt my tests be negative by now in 6 days that have passed? Well thats just a question i have been really thinking about.
What my real question is if my levels were 292 and went down to 29.5 in 3 days, wouldnt my tests be negative by now in 6 days that have passed? Well thats just a question i have been really thinking about.

It can take anything from a few days when you're early on to a few weeks to have negative tests again, how are you feeling otherwise?
Flyingduster: I was reading how you were adjusting your temps. Its how I do it too. My bbt doesnt always save so some times all I have is the second temp. I think as long as you get to sleep from midnight till about 5? Is good. I cannot cosleep was way too figity.

Disney: HOT HOT HOT...that too. My goodness the few times I tried that she was always taking the covers off because she was hot but I was cold so I'm freezing but butt off. Yeah, nope, not for me after they are one at least. A quick day time nap till they fall asleep is ok early on though.

Jalanis: The body takes a while to release all of the hcg from your system. The good thing is that it is going down but a scan tomorrow will make sure there are not any retained tissues to cause you harm. Do you feel sick at all? I know a fever is the first sign that your body might not be totally cleaned. The tests will get lighter and from what I recall I ovulated after having a positive hpt just a week earlier. But your scan tomorrow will give you more insight so try no to let the tests drive you crazy in the meantime.

Lyo: How are you doing?

AfM: I 'm on CD1 and feeling much better than I did earlier. I had a massive headache. I finally got around to taking some magnesium, fish oil capsules, and a soy based prenatal vitamin. I feel worlds better. Not tired too. A total plus. I did go back to sleep around 830 until 11:40 though on and off as my daughter was home today. I had to make sure she still did learning and had breakfast snack and lunch time of course. So, a good mix of a morning.

You know I feel sooo much better when not in the tww. I don't know what is going on during my lp but my body does not like whatever hormone is being kicked about in my body. I always feel like an old woman with rheumatoid arthritis. I'm going to keep with all of my supplements and see if they help me to feel better in the tww. Ok, off to start preparing dinner for later.
I only cramped a little when discharge had started on friday but now im fine its like nothing. I feel confused :haha: ive never had this happen. With my mmc i understood because i had a baby in me which i had a d&c for but this one is confusing cause i had nothing when i started discharge so i really wanna know whats going on with my body.

I havent felt sick nor fever at all.
Jalanis I know what you mean. it's a horrible place to be stuck neither here nor there.

FTale you had a nice luteal phase so. it's a good sign.
I'm totally exhausted after a busy day. 9pm here and they are all in bed. it's so hard doing everything with no help from my husband. he's away now until Wednesday so not as long as we thought but still..

no news here cd2. the waiting game. cramps pretty bad today which is unusual for day 2. gonna get a hot water bottle now for the cramps and hit the bed. hope everyone is well I know I have missed some posts but I'll have to catch up in the morning.
Disney, good luck for testing, and for the 5k!

Jalanis, some tests are crazy sensitive and remember they said they couldn't take in to account the previous numbers cos they were done by somewhere else; that's cos there can well be variation!!! Which means their count is also variable, and it may not be that number but more likely that is the average number they got or something. So your tests could be picking up a higher amount too. Ugh, but yeah whatever it all is, it's horrible being in limbo. It will pass though. Xxx

FTale, yay for a lovely LP this time, and the supplements helping level you out.

Good luck this cycle Lyo!

I bed shared both my kids, and yeah I get beaten up a bit at times and blankets thrown off, but I'm still breastfeeding so I'd rather that than having to get up out of bed in the night!!! Hahaha. My oldest moved in to his own bed before his sister was born, but he still often ends up there in the early hours! Lol.

As for my temps, I had a nice expected temp again this morning so I actually decided I'd change yesterday's one to the first taken temp, which was very low but there wasn't much reason why. It was a wee bit early, but not massively. I did have a somewhat disturbed sleep earlier in the night before the solid few hours, but I've had far more disturbed sleeps before without it making my temp drop so much... So I decided I'd just input it as it was, and I notes what the second temp was the two hours later too so I can always change it again.

I'll admit though, really I'm just hopeful it was an early implantation.... Haha. We shall see! It's possible isn't it??? They say implantation doesn't happen till more like 6-12 DPO, but I've got a friend who got a BFP at 5dpo! And I've heard of others too... 6-12 is an average, and there is always ano olds outside that...!? Hahaha, I'm totally grasping at straws, but I'm also quite relaxed about it. I'm actually really interested in symptom spotting in a non obsessive way. Like, in a scientific detached interest way. I'm gonna find out one way or another soon enough, I might just wait it out before testing yet. Hah, lets see how long it lasts.
Lyo: I'm sorry you are having cramps. I hope the hot water bottle helped relieve them. I didn't cramp this time at all just slight constipated feeling. Though my back did ache tons the night before I started.
:happydance: Excited your hubby won't be gone as long as you has thought. It will take a bit of stress out of matters for you. I hope everyone stayed down for the night and you got some good sleep too. I was tired but my hubby some how managed to steal all the covers and toss the extra pillows on top of me.:shrug: We get a Cal King frame and bed in a couple of days so no more of this madness.

Disney: Thinking of you :) Our walks are getting closer. I hope you are get your bfp before hand. FX

Flyingduster: Awww....I can since your excitement. :) 6dpo is big dip day then 8dpo is suppose to be a rise that if sustained is an indication of pregnancy but not for OH I look for it every time. I hope this is your month!! FX

Jalanis: FX for your appt. to give you some peace of mind.:hugs:

I've got a physical to go to and a playdate to date to keep me busy today. I think I'll grab 15 minutes more of sleep before getting ready for the day. :hugs:
Update: well apparently the nurse had given me the wrong results but they were still low anyways. From 292 they went to 99 and recently to 21.5 i had a beta done today to see how long it takes for my hormones to drop. Dr told me to wait 3 months before trying but i dont see a point on why wait if i had an early miscarriage where nothing was even there. I understand when its a D&C or something more complicated but to my opinion i think im good to go:shrug:

Im not too sad because nothing was really there, i think its harder when you see a baby there with no hb.
What my real question is if my levels were 292 and went down to 29.5 in 3 days, wouldnt my tests be negative by now in 6 days that have passed? Well thats just a question i have been really thinking about.

Update: well apparently the nurse had given me the wrong results but they were still low anyways. From 292 they went to 99 and recently to 21.5 i had a beta done today to see how long it takes for my hormones to drop. Dr told me to wait 3 months before trying but i dont see a point on why wait if i had an early miscarriage where nothing was even there. I understand when its a D&C or something more complicated but to my opinion i think im good to go:shrug:

Im not too sad because nothing was really there, i think its harder when you see a baby there with no hb.

I hope you don't have to wait that long before TTC, honestly I'd treat it like a CP and seeing as like you said, no D&C I don't think there's any harm to try as soon as you've stopped bleeding. Some Dr's like to err on the side of caution (like if your numbers were still really high it could take longer to come down).

AFM we went to go take a family pic at Disneyland in front of the big pumpkin, DS was so excited to see it, we got him a stuffed animal, had lunch and were not enjoying the humidity so we saw our cousin who works there then came home, I'm guessing AF is a few days away as I'm stupidly hot during the day and have to pee a lot, kinda crampy so I won't be surprised if AF shows up during our 5K walk :dohh:
Jalanis: That's good that is going down and I agree with Disney about not waiting so long to ttc again. Seems a rather long time

Disney: Don't give up!! I refuse to let you go into AF territory. Have you tested at all? Is your walk next Sunday? My AFSP walk is in Atlanta that day.:dust:

Lyo: You doing ok? I hope you have a restful weekend.
Thanks disneylovers! I think the Drs also do that "wait time" so they wont be confused with estimating a due date to know for sure was missed period. But im definitely not gonna wait to TTC i just hope he doesnt get mad if he sees me sooner :haha: ...

Everytime before AF i get super cranky and moody and everything bothers me i hate those days! And im kinda a heavy flow girl so i hate it! I was enjoying this month with a missed AF lol..hopefully you get a surprised bfp. Remember i thought i was totally out and to my surprise i wasnt.

Just not sure what to do with the insurance i dont want them to make a huge scene about it. I still cant cancel it till i go back to drs to see my lab results cause they sre are using my insurance til then. So not sure if to wait 1 month and then cancel or just call them.and tell them what happened and that i cant cancel yet due to blood work.

Green Handle ICs are out for me! Which ICs are good to buy besides Wondfo?

Hope everyone has a good weekend! :hugs:
FTale, it's Sunday morning, have to be there at 5.15am :o we spent last weekend dyeing these, they needed to sit longer as a lot of the brightness washed out, but they still look fun. Wish me luck walking DS up at 4am!

I sneakily tested this morning bfp/indent, I could have sworn there was a line but it went to just a slight Grey line so I'm thinking it's another of the indented ones :/ I dint think you can see it very well here, stupid indents, it was gone once the test was dry
Disney: Those are RAD!!! HAHA...You all did a bang up job. Geez, now i want one. Ours doesn't start till 2pm but registration starts at 1230. I'm trying to get a hold of my friend to see how we are all meeting up. I just realized that most of the people on our team are out of state. I am the only one here to do the local walk while they are doing the ones where they live. Its my first time walking for this cause.

I can see the indent on the test strip. And OH does it make me mad how color lingers in it till it drys. I'm so sorry. :hugs: What day did you get a bfp with Aiden? What sensitive are you tests?
11dpo with Aiden, but I still think I'm a day later than ff says, so either 10dpo by them or 9dpo by symptoms, 11dpo was a squinter with him, clearer line at 13dpo which would be fine, I will just have to stick to Tylenol just in case, it just doesn't help with the swelling my feet get... I already took the ibuprofen tabs out of my purse I'm using that morning so I don't forget. I can't remember why it's not safe during pregnancy bit just in case I could be, I don't want that risk.
I love the colors on tie dye shirts! Im actually more into those colors than the bright ones.

I can also see the indent...but hey remember on my green ICs my bfp started like that when it was a obvious indent/evap. I hope its your start soon!
Last cycle they had similar indents too :( I'm going back to wondfos next cycle, the ACCUmed opks worked well but their hpt's are awful

DS in his, see how it's not as bright? I put the Bahama Blue on last on his so it probably was already saturated with the toned down blue. I may go and dye his shirt from last year though, I had to do a temp hem on his or it's a dress on him lol. Threw a few pintucks at the sides too so it's more his size and I'll cut those little stitches after as he grows into it
Isnt that a wondfo? It looks like a wondfo to me.
Im also looking for what new tests to buy which probably will be wondfo lol.

He looks cute! I love it! You did a great job!

Nevermind just read the paper plastic lol. I think wondfo is the way to go!

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