Flyingduster: Thank you. We are both just sitting around now. Gonna wait to see what our tests results from doctors say (AMH/Semen Analysis) I think I am Oing???? I have no idea. Last time we bd was like Monday night. I'm sick/tired and he's more attempts will be made here.

I feel like a quitter but we've done what we are suppose to, when we were suppose to. Nothing to now but wait on professional test results to tell us if we are even able to do it on our own.
I hope your temp jumps back up. I know hormones can play around with our temps but I'm a optimist.

FX for a surprise bfp
Jalanis: Your last tests you posted looking plenty dark to me. And cramping is normal as long as its not crippling. So hard to stay confident in your body when it is throwing out all those mixed signals as it prepares you for baby. Try and find some thing time consuming to keep your mind half off of it till your know that is going to be hard but you owe it to yourself /baby to be as relaxed as possible.
Disney: Take every chance you get!! I mean if ever we needed a peephole into what's going on with our bodies , its when we are trying to catch the sneaky egg. You know the thought of Christmas cookies just crossed my mind. I don't know if you eat them but I'm going to have myself a big Christmas cookie waiting for me to eat after I test on the 9th. Baby or no Baby....I want a Christmas cookie.
How is everyone else doing? Lyo, Eegor, Taylor?? Sending
I say we ALL deserve bfps and sticky babies this Christmas.

After the lot of these crappy O timings I want to win the lottery too