Making a Baby

Janlanis: :cry::hugs: I'm not expert but it seems you loss this lil one earlier than other as you are having a heavy flow already. I'm so sorry. Don't give up!!!

Yeaa your right i did loose this one earlier than the other..i was crampy yesterday and today but i think cramping is finishing already i have very little. I dont know why but i knew since like 6am that i was going to miscarry cause you know that "heavy" feeling you get down there like something is opening for AF thats exactly how i felt so it was just a matter of time waiting for it to sucks second loss in a row :cry:

Disneylovers- your tests are cray! They are super dark! I hope you got it FX
Haha FTale, I am NOT testing this month!!! Like, not at all. AF will be here on wed/Thurs, no doubt about it. Cos really, 6.5 days is just silly to hope a swimmer was still going strong enough to get in to an egg, so I know I'm out this month. It's nice to day dream about but it ain't happening! That's why it's taking soooooo loooongg, cos I have a whole 32 day cycle to get through yet till I'm at this stage again, hopefully with a chance next time!!! Lol.
Flyingduster, won't you have a shorter cycle? Even a few days less is a few days closer to catching the next egg ;) my lp is always 13-15 days, 13 when they're regular cycles and up to 15 when its a longer to ovulate cycle.
This current cycle now has been shortened overall when compared to my LMP, but the short bit has been and gone! So it's now a regular 32 day cycle like usual to get back to 10dpo on my next cycle.
The TWW without the stresses of am I aren't I is a nice break though isn't it? you could have a cheeky drink, eat all of the things you're not supposed to when pregnant ;)

Talking of stress, I was talking with DH, he pinpointed a big worry that's been on my mind for the past few weeks, the day I went up to my friends house to dye our race shirts, DS fell over in their kitchen and bit his bottom lip, and hit his front tooth hard. 2 weeks after it turned a rusty grey and I've been worrying about it since even after the dentist said it could lighten and the tooth might not have the nerve killed off. Well Saturday last week was 3 weeks since it turned grey, it looked bit lighter when I was brushing his teeth at bedtime, the next morning there was just a grey spot on the middle of his tooth and only on the back! and it was completely gone by that night when I cleaned his teeth before bed! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I had been stressing out because I did the same thing at 7yrs old and it wrecked my adult teeth positioning after I killed the nerve and my tooth had to be pulled so my adult tooth could come in straighter, I didn't want DS to go through all of the things I had to. So DH said it's funny that as soon as the relief hit me, I geared up to try to ovulate again. Stress really is my inhibitor with ovulating then.
Disney:Isnt'that some thing??? And nice temp jump. Mine did a very lil jump..LOL. But both ovaries are hurting galore so who knows what the morning will bring.

I do hope Aiden is alright though. Like both of you I zinged my teeth as a kiddo too. Cut the front one in half as I got hooked by a metal clothes line. Guess it could have been worse. Dentist fixed me up but my teeth were a sore spot for a long time until that happened.

How is everyone's day going? My daughter and I tried to see a movie at our dollar picture show place. She couldn't take it. Begged to leave because the seats were horrible and the kids there too noisy. :shrug: Just $4.00 bucks lost. And I felt the same way, couldn't wait to get out of there. We will just buy the movie.
Insane is what I call it FTale, O pains galore toys afternoon, way stronger than the failed O earlier this month, everything points to O today hopefully, this has been the strangest cycle I've had in a while

I'm going to buy this kid a sports mouth guard lol, make him wear it at all times haha

I'm sorry you didn't get to watch the movie, but antsy kids in there make it hard to watch. We go to the sensory mornings with DS at amc, it's aimed at kids and families with sensory disorders but they opened it up to families with small kids, they don't turn the lights down all the way, the volume isn't as loud either, they don't care if kids are talking or getting up and dancing to songs on the movies. DS saw finding dory on one of their sensory mornings, did so well and is cleaner than the little theatres
Happy to say my tests are negative already!!

Have a good weekend ladies!
Oh jalanis. How are you feeling??? :( sending you so much love. I guess it's good it has all gone quickly, but..... Hugs.

Disney, that is really interesting realising the stress trigger!!! Kids tee is a massive stress hu. But glad all is well and bring on that egg!!! Haha.

FTale, I don't really enjoy going to movies much myself! How is your temp going?? Confirmation of O yet??

Afm, oh I'm now finding this really hard. I so desperately want to be pregnant, I WANT to be symptom spotting. I WANT to be hopeful. Damn, I want to not be here cos I wish I was still pregnant from last month. :(
I was totally fine with the loss when it happened, but NOW that I'm facing being another two months beyond it, I'm gutted. If I had a chance this month I would feel better, cos I had that hope of everyone saying you're more fertile immediately after a loss, but then I went and missed the chance for that so now it's like a super chance missed and I'm feeling low about it all.

Also the more I think about it, the more I feel like I Od early on cd16 (FF has me as O on cd15) which means I'm actually only 10dpo now if that's true, which means waiting that extra day longer. And the days are draaaaaging. Sigh.

Anyway, I'm ok, just feeling meh about it all. The time will pass. Next month will come. Eventually. Lol
Disneylovers- hopefully 3rd time is the charm! But i will wait maybe like 2 months to make sure my uterine lining is good to going to search up what can help my uterus.

Flyingduster- just feeling meh but too bad it happened for a reason right. Im good thought that it was a quick drop. My other loss took maybe like 2 weeks around for hormones to drop.

Im really wondering if maybe it was some diet pills i was taking that maybe affected my uterus? I really wouldnt know why twice losses in a row. Or.maybe the times we "did" our children dh didnt have any his system during intercourse timing..and these past 2 times he actually did drink a few....not drunk but a few yes.
Well Jalanis, I hope you never know why cos I hope you get a blazing sticky BFP when you next try and don't need any further answers. Xxx
Jalanis: I'm sorry but at least it is a clear sign your body is getting a signal your hormones are stabilizing. Do you have an OB in mind to see? There are lots of online resources to help with making sure you have a healthy lining. I don't think your husband's consumption of alcohol hurt you in this instance but I was reading how it is good to obstain from heavy consumption while ttc. I smacked my husbands drink away from him until I was sure I was done with his spermies :blush: Diet pills are a no go just like any type of major hard core dieting when ttc. But there's no way to really tell what happened now..only a chance to go forward and prepare your body for a HH9 in the future. :hugs:

Flyingduster: :hugs::hugs: It does have a way of sneaking up on us. I'm sorry you are hurting. :hugs: I'm still saying I think you O'd earlier and are working on a bean. I told you would O early this cycle and you did. And I just don't think you missed the egg. OF COURSE I'm not psychic but hope and prayers beat out stupid FF as far as I'm concerned.

As for me and my temps...:growlmad: Oh my world!! How my daughter knows when its an important night to NOT wake me while I'm sleeping is beyond me.

She woke me at midnight asking for water. I could have cried. Gave her a bottle of water from my night stand then tried to go back to sleep. My husband starts snoring louder than a jack hammer and boom! I never go back to sleep. I temp and it is higher but I have not had more than an 1 and a half hour of sleep.:dohh: And now I've been up for a good bit freezing my petunias off with a temp lower than 97 degrees :shrug:

I know I ovulated Friday/Saturday but I wanted to see a temp jump or something. Feel robbed. :cry:

Meh, at least the O pain has subsided. Sitting here I feel silly though. I don't even know if I can get pregnant at this point...:haha: And I'm like stressing over some major 'what ifs ' :dohh: Well, that's my rant for today.
Forgot to add my cervix is high soft and open. Punk. :growlmad: I've been trying to get sperm in it for over a week now. And now that we are done bding it jumps up and says 'Ahhh'...:dohh: Well, my man just left for work and by the time he gets home my egg will be on its way out unless it met some quality sperm from Friday. I'm thinking about hitting the donut shop and chomping away my sorrow later. I was so hoping it was meant to be for us this cycle.:nope:
Flying- I'm sorry you are feeling so yucky about it this cycle. I know I felt like that during my first cycle after mc, I was just so frustrated because like you I didn't have a chance in my first cycle. Although mine was not for lack of bding, it easy because I didn't ovulate and then I had a 41 day cycle length (normally 29). I was so mad at myself and my body and even at the baby that I lost for having ruined my chances. It does get better though and you'll get there.

Jalanis- so so so sorry you are found through this. Will you see a specialist at this point or wait and see what happens?

Ftale- Friday still puts you in with a solid chance! The spermies stick around for quite a while so they'd still be in there and healthy.

Afm- I am pretty sure I ovulated on Friday based on cm and cervix. I had globs of ewcm this month! That never happens for me so I was really excited. I never had an actually positive opk but I only use them once a day so I think I just missed my surge. I have also been all over with my temping due to a very needy cat who likes to wake me up about and hour or two before I'm supposed to temp. So I'm having to do some estimating at this point. Now ff put chs but I am so confident that they are wrong because it put then at cd 10 when I had no mucus at all. I'll wait and see if it moves them automatically, otherwise I'll override.
MissYogi: Lots of ewcm is a very good sign. I find it weird how FF can put crosshairs where unfertile cm is too. It does look like Friday was O for you. Temp shift looks good. Mine looks but the cm, o pains and such were a definite marker for me.

I'll change you Oing on main page. I forget to even update that page some times.

Here is my chart, it is in Research Mode and gives me an O date a few days ago but I'm sure I didn't O till Friday.


  • cd15.png
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Flying- I hope thats the case next time to see a blazing positive..

Ftale- I already have an OB im seeing but when mc was starting i phoned the nurse and she told me to wait til my appt on Dec 13th cause i was still too early to see anything. I know we wont see anything cause im sure my test was negative already even though i saw it last night and sure if it was an evap as when i saw it during time limit it seemed negative to me. I wanted to cancel the appt cause i know theres no point in going but i decided not to, to see what OB tells me why twice in a row and to see how much time to wait to try again. Forgot to mention when i took diet pills i wasnt ttc yet...ever since i started ttc i stopped taking them.
Sometimes it makes me think if my delivery with ds was the cause of maybe my uterus being fragile but i doubt it. :dohh:

Edit: test was evap i just saw it now and has 2 dry lines and no color on test line. Yay for negative! And im almost done with discharge too.
Flying- I hope thats the case next time to see a blazing positive..

Ftale- I already have an OB im seeing but when mc was starting i phoned the nurse and she told me to wait til my appt on Dec 13th cause i was still too early to see anything. I know we wont see anything cause im sure my test was negative already even though i saw it last night and sure if it was an evap as when i saw it during time limit it seemed negative to me. I wanted to cancel the appt cause i know theres no point in going but i decided not to, to see what OB tells me why twice in a row and to see how much time to wait to try again. Forgot to mention when i took diet pills i wasnt ttc yet...ever since i started ttc i stopped taking them.
Sometimes it makes me think if my delivery with ds was the cause of maybe my uterus being fragile but i doubt it. :dohh:

Edit: test was evap i just saw it now and has 2 dry lines and no color on test line. Yay for negative! And im almost done with discharge too.

Ah, that is good to know.:thumbup: I am so with you on going to see your OB no matter what. I hope you still do sono too. Tell her you want to see everything. Have her explain your lining to you and make a plan to monitor you. I do not think you need clomid as you seem to be highly fertile :blush: but the lining is a tricky thing. I'm SO happy the discharge has stopped too. It in itself can drive you mad.
December 13 is right around the corner thank goodness. And your body is a perfect stage to be looked at by you Ob too. Fresh start. And be careful because you are so fertile you can get pregnant fast, Jalanis..:winkwink: Lets see what your OB says first. :hugs:
Jalanis, well it's only just over a week away to your appointment so I hope your Ob is supportive and helpful!

FTale, what a bugger you woke! But fx for a nice jump still and solid crosshairs on the right day!! Haha. And thank you for your faith, I may well have Od on the cd15 instead of cd16, but that's still 5.5 to 6 days after we bd which is really too long to have healthy sperm left.

Miss Yogi (sorry, dunno why in originally typed Disney! Lol), yay for solid O signs, even if FF has put your crosshairs at the wrong place for now!! Haha. You could probably disregard that Wednesday temp and FF would change your crosshairs, if it doesn't change them in another couple of days of high temps from Friday anyway!

Afm, temp drop today, which is interesting! AF isn't due for another couple of days and I normally don't have a temp drop until like several days in to AF, so dunno what is happening. Maybe AF is coming early too, which I guess is ok cos it's not *too* early now I'm 12dpo, and will be good to be on to the next cycle already!! But it's not below coverline yet, and maybe it was just a wonky temp?? interesting anyway, I can't see what it'll do until it becomes part of the whole picture I guess. No sign of AF yet anyway, it's Monday morning here and AF due on wed.
flying- if it wasn't for the long time between bd and O I would be getting VERY excited about your chart. I think I'm excited about it anyways! Wouldn't that be an awesome story to tell if it ends up being your lucky month?!

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