Jalanis: I'm sorry but at least it is a clear sign your body is getting a signal your hormones are stabilizing. Do you have an OB in mind to see? There are lots of online resources to help with making sure you have a healthy lining. I don't think your husband's consumption of alcohol hurt you in this instance but I was reading how it is good to obstain from heavy consumption while ttc. I smacked my husbands drink away from him until I was sure I was done with his spermies

Diet pills are a no go just like any type of major hard core dieting when ttc. But there's no way to really tell what happened now..only a chance to go forward and prepare your body for a HH9 in the future.

It does have a way of sneaking up on us. I'm sorry you are hurting.

I'm still saying I think you O'd earlier and are working on a bean. I told you would O early this cycle and you did. And I just don't think you missed the egg. OF COURSE I'm not psychic but hope and prayers beat out stupid FF as far as I'm concerned.
As for me and my temps...

Oh my world!! How my daughter knows when its an important night to NOT wake me while I'm sleeping is beyond me.
She woke me at midnight asking for water. I could have cried. Gave her a bottle of water from my night stand then tried to go back to sleep. My husband starts snoring louder than a jack hammer and boom! I never go back to sleep. I temp and it is higher but I have not had more than an 1 and a half hour of sleep.

And now I've been up for a good bit freezing my petunias off with a temp lower than 97 degrees
I know I ovulated Friday/Saturday but I wanted to see a temp jump or something. Feel robbed.
Meh, at least the O pain has subsided. Sitting here I feel silly though. I don't even know if I can get pregnant at this point...

And I'm like stressing over some major 'what ifs '

Well, that's my rant for today.