aww gosh so many pokes! poor baby! and its good he managed to stay still after so brave.
and let me know what the results are! must be so hard to see him so upset! ur brave too hun
aww how cute is he! did you find that any baby things you bought hasnt come in handy? or have you used everything? i just got my sling today online hoping il use it alot lol
and did you get a moses basket? doo you use it? and did u get it with the stand?
i got a hauk malibu in plum the whole travel system my mum got it us! it comes with the car seat carry cott and matching daiper bag its sooo cutee!!
it took us forever to choose a moses basket because theres too many options lol but we got a pink one from babys r us but i forgot to order the stand! lol so im gonna wait till its dileivered then see what it comes with!
we bought a cotbed from babys r us too its huge!! baby wont be able to use it for months lol shed disapeer!! its in white its so pretty!!!
i alsmot got the silvercross 3d in red!! but it was tooo heavy too! whcih one did your mum get you? and quinnys are expensive i think but you wouldnt need the carry cott now seen as hes getting older? or would you? because i think just for the pram on its own its a good price. but for the whole sett it seemed expensive.
also did you have a carry cott with this one and car seat? what is charlie mostly in when you take him out with the whole pram? at the momment we have the pram put together with the car seat attached it looks so cute !
your so right! il try not to be too busy lol ive already planned my pregnancy yoga and i planned to decorate too lol pack my hospital bag and babys back and i wont do any washing for baby till 35 weeks? when did you wash everything for him? i know ppl on here who start washing at like 15 weeks.. wayyyy to early for me lol.
i just imagined if i dont do lots of things il be sitting at home bored as hell! lol
and oh yeh i cnt wait it feels like i have been waiting forever to be of work lol
and aww wow hes propper in a good routine!!
has he changed abit now ? like you can tell more what sort of personality he has etc? and can you tell things he does and doesnt like? i dont mean when he crys lol like just differnt things he enjoys and stuf?
and awww did he like the water?? i remember we took my friends baby swimming he was so embarrasing lol propper screaming and it looked like we were torturing the poor little one lol
and my drivings not going to good lol i failed again lol but will try again soon its tireing!
Yeah he was very brave and it was upsetting, but I just kept telling myself we needed to have it done to make sure his kidney is functioning ok!
We went to the proper mum and baby swim yesterday but loads of them were like 3 years old, I thought they would all be little like Charlie, but he was the youngest by about 2 months but he was good again, and was even dunked this time and he just looked shocked but he didnt cry! I was so proud ha ha
I have got a Pliko Pramette from M&P which is ok but its very light and feels a bit rickety, but its heavy to go up and down the curb etc so might get a quinny buzz or just wait til he is 6 months and get a zapp then i wont need to get the carry cot or car seat!
Yeah we have a moses basket, used it for naps in the daytime on the stand, which rocks but hardly ever use it now, he is quite big in it now! We also have a cotbed from Mothercare, which he has been in since day 1... he looked so tiny in it when he was first born, but he has always slept really well in it!
I tend to take him out in pushchair mode at the moment so he is laying flat, but if I am going back to my Mums I put him in the carseat and have it as the travel system.
I did his washing in bits and bobs, as and when we got new stuff really, so it was all done and not rushed to get it all done in one go before he arrived! Apparently he looks exactly like his Dad (not ONE person has said he looks like me, they all say he looks like Chris!) but my Mum says he has my personality when I was a baby, I was a nightmare LOL and quite impatient! I think he can be very chilled out, but then sometimes he can be a bit narky LOL but he is a little star, he went through a VERY whingy stage from about week 6-12 but I worked out it was because he wasnt getting enough sleep during the day, so now I make sure to put him in his cot when he is sleepy, so he sleeps properly in his cot, rather than cat napping in his bouncy chair or in my arms. saying that though, he doesnt like to be held all the time, he loves going under his play gym or just laying on his changing mat and having a good thrash around!
Yeah he is def not phased by water at all! I dont know if it has anything to do with the fact I bath him every day and have done since he was about a week old? The nurses at the hospital said they only need a bath every few days, but it was more about getting him used to it, and having it as part of his bedtime routine for me, is bedtime routine is ALWAYS the same! Bath at 7.30, baby oil,fresh babygro, into his nursery with the light dimmed right down, his nursery rhymes playing on his monitor, and his bottle.... no matter how hyper he is before bathtime (even after it some nights!!) by the time his bottle is half empty his eyes start to close and he is ready to sleep LOL
Aww I am sure you will be driving before me!! LOL xx