MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Omggggg ha gross but funny story....i was pushing like i was pooping and w my epi i couldnt really feel anything but i got a whif of something awful and i looked at my dh and nurse and im like omg did i poop? Ill be mortified if i pooped lmao... But they reassured me i did not and it was just some gas...omg! So funny now though.
I cudnt push properly cuz I was so scared of pooping ! Lmao x

LOL well there ya go ;) I pooped both times but the nurses are so used to it and so skilled at cleaning it up in a matter of seconds before most anyone notices and your doctor is too preoccupied with getting baby out to care. You almost never notice it yourself since you can't feel anything specific down there or see it happening and your OH or whoever is in the room either doesn't notice or doesn't care because they're too busy watching baby's head crowning.

I didn't know I did either time until I asked OH (and my ex, with my first) and they told me I did but it was cleaned up so quickly but said they didn't even care because they could see baby's head and that was more important.

Gotta get baby out and the right way is to push like you're pooping so why not? It'll be the last time you get a normal poop before it hurts to go after delivery ;) lol.
I never asked if I pooped with any of my four , maybe scared of the reply lol. But if I did, and I am pretty sure I must have cos most people do lol, then no one made a big deal of it!

Donna my first pushing stage was ages, am sure it was hours, or at least felt that way, number two was minutes only, and number three was one or two pushes lol. So definitely gets easier with pushing stage if nothing else :) xxx
Hey guys, I was wondering: how many of you managed a natural childbirth? And if you did, were you in super good shape or something? Did you have a doula? Did you do kegels at least? Or was it all mind over matter?

My counselor told me she doesn't think I can pull off a natural childbirth... :( She says I'm too weak. Mind you, she isn't a physician, but it really took the wind out of my sails if you know what I mean.

I'm not asking for someone to pat my head and make me feel better. I'm realistic and I can change my expectations. I can be up front in saying that I have trouble maintaining a good exercise routine. But I do take supplements (the red raspberry leaf and the evening primrose oil as someone on this thread suggested me) and I do try to do kegels. When I do exercise, it's usually a light walk or some Yoga.

I guess I just want to hear what others think and what their experiences were so that it's not just one person telling me that.
Geekie - I want to smack your counselor. The freakin' nerve to say that!!! I don't have any experience to share with you but I'm in your exact position; planning a natural birth, drinking my RRLT, doing kegels, walking and yoga. I've never been one to have a consistent routine either but since pregnancy I've been better. I'm determined to have my natural birth and I'd be heart broken if someone said I couldn't cause I was "weak". I'm so mad for you!!!! Luckily I have a midwife and some very supportive friends (I pretty much don't talk to anyone else about a natural childbirth because no one else I know has had one and they all think I'm insane) that don't question my abilities. I'm a woman dammit, my body was MADE FOR THIS! And I will do it!!
No one has the right to say that to anyome! People have had natural childbirth for ages without pain relief or hospitals! Learn some breating and relaxation techniques and if u go in w an open mind i think itll be just fine! Have faith in yourself!
I can't believe she said that! That's the last thing you want to hear when you're pregnant (and want to have a natural birth).
All I can say is: if you want a natural birth, go for it! BUT keep in mind that it's ok to change your mind when you're going through it or that things don't always work out as planned. But definitely don't see it as weak!

I had a natural labour - well, I used gas & air, but that was all! So I'd call that natural really! So it definitely can be done! And I never even thought about asking for an epidural or anything other than gas & air. Probably helped that I did have that mindset of 'I don't really wanna use anything else', but then I also knew in the back of my mind that it was an option and it wouldn't make me weak or any less of a woman to use other pain relief!
I told you ladies I was getting a 3D, well I suppose I should share one of the pics. This was at 27+6, he was estimated at 2.5 lbs at the time. Which put him in the 41st percentile. He seems grumpy! :)


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geekie- that's such crap. she shouldn't have ever said that. you can do it any way you decide if you prepare and set your mind to it. but it also doesn't mean you are weak using gas and air, an epidural, a birthing pool, hypnotherapy, Lamaze, medications, or have a C-section. these are all just tools to get a baby here. childbirth is something that takes a strong woman no matter what path that takes. shame on her!

I am not sure I want to know if I pooped lol. I do know I was there for a friend when she gave birth and she pooped. she heard them drop it in the bucket and asked what it was and the dr lied!!! so I wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't say anyways!
Hi ladies, hope everyone is well. Was just catching up on reading through the thread and was laughing so hard! Just what I needed!

I've been struggling the last few days, has been 45 degrees here (113 degrees fahrenheit) yesterday and today, so struggling! Luckily today, I have been able to mostly be inside.

Have my fetal well being scan tomorrow (33 weeks), has anyone else had one of these? I think they just check his size and how he is going but not 100% sure...
ruby i am currently waiting on them to schedule mine this week. at the ones i have had in the past its just like you said, a quick little check up on them. they usually check size of the baby and a couple other things. :)
hi ladies

yes the pushing part is like pooping ... the midwife told me to bend my knees and to press my thighs everytime I felt a contraction and push

worked for me not sure if i pooped or not ... this was many years ago LOL
So we are all getting a little nervous! :wacko:
I for one went and bought a few minor things to bring to the hospital :

chapstick, favorite Ponds wetnaps, tiny travel mouthwash,
bottle of tequila(just kidding)
_Think I'll go to a dollar store and buy hospital slippers and other things that I can just toss when I leave

For baby: Going home outfit, and extra long-sleeved shirts with the side snaps. I think those will come in handy during the first few days.
**Great buy at Target today. They are restocking and clearing inventory so, I found the BABYBJORN Active carrier on sale from $139 to $38!!! This will be useful when I travel back to Italy with the baby.

__I got a little nervous at one point while doing my shopping. I couldn't believe that I was preparing for the hospital!

My husband left Monday to Italy and I became teary eyed as I said goodbye. I didn't realize how safe I felt with him around and how much I love him. After I left the airport , I began to feel absolutely excited to become a mom :crib: . I have a great sense of peace these days. Hope it lasts ;) Concentrating only on how I'll feel when I see the baby--and not the labor.

____Good luck on the hospital tours ladies if you haven't done it yet. I was sick on the day it was scheduled and so now, I am forced to attend a tour in Spanish when my husband gets back in town mid February. It was the only one available! Thankfully I speak Spanish but hubby does not. I'm sure they'll set aside some time from the group to speak to us in English.

__geekiemama: I can't believe the nerve of that woman:growlmad:
Look, we don't even know what we are capable of let alone a stranger. Us woman are stronger than we think.
I need to start getting my things for my hospital bag i have nothing yet ...
Morning girls, I need to get my hospital bag things 2 . Doing it all next week. I had it ready by now with my son lol.

Its my birthday today! 26! The years just fly by lol x
My sons 2nd birthday in 4 weeks and chads due in 6 ! X
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a great day.

My hospital bags are done, there dont have too much in but hopefully past experience will help and I still have the essentials.
I do still need some little hats though.

Feeling absolutely shattered. I dont normally moan about it but yesterday and today (so far) I am just running on empty. I dont like it. World doesnt stop so just have to plod on but its slow going and I hate not getting things done the way I normally do.

My dd3 turns 2 next Wednesday, its funny we have children similar ages.
Happy Birthday Donna!!

I haven't done much for my hospital bag.... I got the bag out, it's underneath the cot in the nursery and I've put some sleepsuits and bodysuits and part of his coming home outfit. Probably bringing way too much, but I guess you never know how long you're gonna be there for and what's gonna fit and what isn't. And if this one is anything like his brother he'll probably throw up quite a bit of mucus after he's born so will need plenty of changes of clothes....
Other than that I have nothing ready yet for my hospital bag. But I guess it won't take long to get those ready. Not sure when I'm gonna do it though. Definitely anticipating this baby to be late so probably won't get it ready until like 37 weeks or so!
Thanks girls. Cj threw up lots of mucus2 !
I've got things ready in a draw 4 him bt haven't even got my bag yet,
I've put away 4 vests, 4 baby grows, mittens, hats, wipes, stil got lots to do lol x
I no I'll be late as well x
Ohhhh sick cloths, must remember to pop some of those in. (thank you for the reminder)

I watching a OBEM on 4OD and it just saw my neighbour walk by my kitchen window....its open....I truly hope she doesnt think I'm watching something else!!!
Got my scan date through to check placenta, 3rd of February.
They did say it would be at 32/34wks but it will be 36 weeks.
Be great to have a peek at baby Jessica again but I really hope placenta site is good, its been something playing on my mind, if its still low and front I may have no choice but a section :(

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