MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Donna sorry you are not get much sleep, remember to nap when CJ does , and have a great appointment today! 34 weeks wow, so close now!!! Only 21 days till early term :)

Ruby sorry I have no personal experience of growth scans but have heard they can be totally unreliable , maybe you are just destined to have a nice early term baby at 37 or 38 weeks and baby will only be an average 7-8lbs by then xxx and growth slows down after 38 weeks any way so even another few weeks could mean only an extra lb too xxx

Waiting for... I agree you must be really tired hun, give your self a break. Being pregnant and working is hard enough, or being pregnant with a young one alone but working long shifts and running a home and looking after a little one must be sheer exhausting! And your work is tremendously stressful and hard too I would imagine. I am tired and grouchy at the end of the day to, and I am no longer working due to SPD, so totally get it xxx take care.

Need to get some house work done, so sorry that I never said hello to everyone but getting really stiff and need to move or I may be stuck here all day lol - can't win too much exertion really hurts and to much immobility really hurts too lol. Hope everyone else is doing well.

Any more symptoms from our labour watch ladies? Xxx
Got major chocolate cravings today! Unusual for me but I just want!

Good luck at your appointment Donna.
I do have a lot less patience than usual and I'm really tired too, just gotta keep on plodding on though cos no-one else is gonna do the stuff for me and the house and laundry doesn't get clean by itself.

As for baby showers, it's not as common in the uk as USA, I had one for my 2nd, but I didn't get loads of stuff, just a few outfits really. It seems such a huge thing in America.
Are anyone else's boobs leaking really badly? I'm going through loads of pads right now, having to sleep with a crop-top thing on too to keep them on over night.
(btw took me ages to think of what to call them :holly: lol )
Thanks girls.
Well my appointment went ok the midwife is coming to mine on monday to do my birth plan because she said she wants to check with the consultant that I'm alrite to be midwife led and I've gta av more bloods done to make sure my irons going up cuz if its not I've defo gta see a consultant x and she said try not to worry about hemoraging because I was in lbour such a long time wv cj and he was big tha is why it probz happened x chad is head down and wouldn't keep still she was laughing , I'm measuring 36 weeks. X

And nope my boobs aint leaking yet this time around , I'm glad tho because they leaked from 19 weeks with cj and I use to soak right thru my tops. I've noticed a few drops but nothing major x
That'll be good to have the MW visit you, I always feel so rushed at the clinic and forget some of the things I want to talk about.
Good to be reassured about the haemorrhaging, its a scary situation to be in.

Maybe your iron levels are some of the reason for feel so tired.
Have any of you been struggling with feelings of restless and sadness? Usually at the end of the day I just do not want to play and interact with my 5 year old anymore.
My patience seems to be less lately too. Is this just common late pregnancy fatigue wrecking havoc on my emotions? (keep in mind that I also work full time as a nurse--so every other day I am on my feet 12+ hours)....

Any reassurance would be great. I am feeling like a sucky, lackluster mom to my 5 year old...

I don't have a five year old but I'm still working full time and barely hanging on to life somedays. I literally cry in the car on the way to work and look like a hot mess and hate my OH for being unemployed and getting to stay home. I try to keep my eyes on the finish line and know it will be amazing when baby gets here.....but mostly just cry a lot. I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm not sure what's going to happen in the future. Hormones, fatigue, not being able to really 'give' it at work like I used to be able to. I feel like a failure a lot of the times. :hugs:
I am beyond tired and feeling like a sucky mom to my 1 year old. Itry tobring her on the couch with me to read her books or slowly get on the floor to play a few games w her but thats about all i can manage :(. I went to bed at 8:30 last night i was so tired!

I have another nst this morning, dilation check due to contractions so hoping everything is ok! I just feel so large and in charge and im swelling like its no ones business...blurgh...
Hi ladies I have not been on here in ages.... was so busy over Christmas. Not long for most of us now....exciting :happydance:

I have 4 more weeks of work left and I honestly dont know how I am going to do it! I am starting to get SPD it is so freaking painful I feel like an old woman most days trying to get around. I am lucky as I have a desk job, but just getting to work is a mission. It is summer time here also and I am swelling, waking every 2 hours to pee and still have the worst acid reflux. Ugghh sorry for rant I just feel crappy.

And yes I also feel like worlds laziest 7 yo old wants to be read to each night before bed and played with etc. I am so tired after work I just want to flop on the couch.

Have a great day everyone :flower:
HappyHome, mine leak almost every day now. At exactly 28 weeks DH and I were feeling frisky and he suddenly pointed at my shirt and said, "you leaked." I was mortified! I just wanted to curl up and cry because I was embarrassed. Anyway, I leaked through four layers, it was kind of nuts! I need to get some breast pads. And ever since that day, they are really tender!
Lol I have never leaked milk with any of mine so don't really expect to with this one either, would be nice if my milk came in before day 5 right enough. Those first few days are tough lol especially with the bigger baby' s who seemed hungrier lol

Ava's sorry about your SPD hun , I know it sucks!!! Practically house bound here a lot of days and could j just cry :'(

Sorry if ur seeing this on fb too, but i went to my appointment, baby was on the monitor for over an hour bc she wasnt cooperating and they werent happy w her, but then she perked up and i passed again for the day! I go back monday for another one.

We also found i have bacterial vaginosis which is prob causing all my contractions!! I had no signs or ymptoms whatsoever...he noticed some discharge while checking for dilation and yupp, bv! Im on flagyl so hopefully it knocks it out and contractions go away!
I know this is going back a few posts but going back to pooping. I defo did and couldnt of cared less well maybe slightly embarrased when the less than subtle midwife asked if we had any deodorant but we all started laughing and honestly who cares xx
yikes nikki! glad they found it

donna- im the same way! too much exertion causes so much pain with the spd, but too much sitting around does too. you cant win with it!
Hey ladies! Hope you all are well! :) I had my glucose challenge test (1 hour test) today and I really hope I pass. I had to remind the tech doing the draw that I needed drawn NOW because she forgot about it. :dohh: She seemed to surprised by my tiny veins (they are not that small, especially the one I gave her), I directed her to my best vein and she still had to dig around (I prefer to be stuck once) and now I am bruising :wacko: I better cross my fingers I pass, otherwise the 3 hour will be absolutely a nightmare if she struggles with my best vein.
hi ladies

my boobs leak quite alot ... even if I do wear a a bra ... hope its a good sign
Morning girls :)

Hope ur ok. Better nights sleep here but gosh my back is sore sore :(

Happy 34 weeks donna.
I wonder who will have baby 1st between u&me lol guess u. Cj was 11 days late and ino rush 2 come x
Hey there sexy ladies lol
When I read what others are going through I really shouldn't moan.

Swapped beds with dd3 last night, left her in bed with Daddy and I got in her bunk bed with dd2 above me, I dont think anyone in the house slept well so probably be an early night for me (I hope)

Going to be on super slow motion today, I'm not sure I'll either get to Toddler Praise group later.
Just wanted to share the pics of our nursery... we just put the wall stickers up last night!

The one branch above the changing unit is still gonna have a sign hanging down which originally says 'forest' but we thought it would be nicer for it to have his name on it, so hubby is gonna change that, but we can't put it up until closer to the time he'll be born, cause the name is still a secret....
And tree is gonna have some sort of green hill or something like that underneath it, as it was really low if we would've put it right at the bottom.

Please excuse the mess, I've still gotta sort the rest of the room out!


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Lovely ella xxxx 34 week bump excuse the mess ha my son keeps sitting in the old bouncer I got a new bouncer snd swing yday there gorgeous
got both for 50 wen the bouncers 50 and swing is 110 thre 5 weeks old bt look brand new x


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