MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Donna, I got your friend request but when I click confirm it says it's not an active profile??! And when I click on your name to see your profile it doesn't work either!
Oh dear, I just looked at registering Aiden in the UK from abroad... $325 later and he'd have a british birth certificate. I don't think they'd let us register him in person when we're home at christmas :( I need to start putting some aside to get this done asap so he can apply for a GB passport easily or if we decide to move home at any point that he and I could travel easily and hubby (american) would be the only one to have to go through getting a visa etc.

5 months from today till we fly! and tomorrow he turns 4 months old, where has the time gone?
Yeah thats what we figured. Better get saving some pennies aside to apply from here, we just got his birth certificate back with his first US Passport so we can apply whenever now :)
Hi girls cant believe chads 5 months old today mad to think this time last year we were looking forward to first scans
Hope ur all well .. x so quiet now a days x
So first off.... If anyone is friends with me on FB...PLEASE don't post anything....
:-$ Bubs is 4 months old... Almost Irish twins! Calling Dr today to go in and trying and get how far I am cause honestly have no idea. Never got AF back and I BF. DtD maybe 5-6 times in past 3 months. Still in a bit of shock! Haha


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That makes 4 babies due now? Ah I'm so broody watching you all get bfp's! Not even a thought for us for some time until we know how Aiden's kidney will heal/progress. His pediatrician ordered a quick ultrasound to rule out a link between the ear tag and kidney problems, well he's the rare few that has both. He's retaining fluid in his right kidney (our left as you look at him). He has a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) test on Wednesday. Not looking forward to them and I struggling to keep him still, the videos we post on fb show how much he kicks around all the time! Hopefully it shows no reflux...
Hey ladies I have not been on here in ages .... Max is nearly 5 months old. Can't believe how quickly its going. We just love him to bits, it has been a tough journey he has reflux, a milk intolerence and has had issues with gaining weight as he spills everything. Has any one else has similar issues? He is on solids now, is breastfed and I am dairy free, he has pepti junior formula for top ups at night. Would love to hear your experiences ...

Here is our little Maxie he is so precious


So exciting to hear of new BFP's! Hope everyone is doing well
Heys gorgeous hu :) chads gor reflux to .. he had colic wen hr was younger seems mad sayin that as hes stil a baby .. he js very hard work .. I keep saying to the drs I think hes got a milk intol and they jist keep fobbing me of what were his symptoms hun x
Hey ladies I have not been on here in ages .... Max is nearly 5 months old. Can't believe how quickly its going. We just love him to bits, it has been a tough journey he has reflux, a milk intolerence and has had issues with gaining weight as he spills everything. Has any one else has similar issues? He is on solids now, is breastfed and I am dairy free, he has pepti junior formula for top ups at night. Would love to hear your experiences ...

Here is our little Maxie he is so precious

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So exciting to hear of new BFP's! Hope everyone is doing well
Max has always had red blotches on his eyelids which I assumed was from his birth as my daughter had bit of bruising there from the birth. Over time I have noticed that it flares up and goes redder when things dont agree with him. He was also getting some blotching on his face which was not much it could have been mistaken for hormonal rashes almost. When I went to the doc I was put on gluten and dairy free diet he was about 3 weeks old then. Now since seeing the paediatrician I am able to eat gluten again. The amount of milk he was bringing up was another wasn't just a bit it was nearly his whole feed in about 4 different goes between each feed. Max was such a chubber when born now he is loosing his little rolls poor thing. We go back in a week for a follow up and weigh in.

Are you BF'ing or formula? Maybe talk to the doctor about it again and see if you could go dairy free or change up the formula to see if it makes a difference? I also looked up information online and lots of his symptoms matched up...he would also look like he was in pain after feeding and arch his back. Hope this helps!

Max seems bit happier he has been put on reflux meds also...but still spills. On top of that he is teething and has had a terrible cold. Wow they know how to keep us on our toes dont they!

Heys gorgeous hu :) chads gor reflux to .. he had colic wen hr was younger seems mad sayin that as hes stil a baby .. he js very hard work .. I keep saying to the drs I think hes got a milk intol and they jist keep fobbing me of what were his symptoms hun x
Hey ladies I have not been on here in ages .... Max is nearly 5 months old. Can't believe how quickly its going. We just love him to bits, it has been a tough journey he has reflux, a milk intolerence and has had issues with gaining weight as he spills everything. Has any one else has similar issues? He is on solids now, is breastfed and I am dairy free, he has pepti junior formula for top ups at night. Would love to hear your experiences ...

Here is our little Maxie he is so precious

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So exciting to hear of new BFP's! Hope everyone is doing well
Aww bless him poor lil man . Dr has only gave xhad gaviscon wont give him anything else . Maybe it is jus reflux but I will take him bk
He arches his back during feeds and was bein sick bt not to much he gained weight nicely x
Chads teething now as well lool bless them x im weaning him as well x hes formula fed x
Ohh good luck with is so hard to know.

We will all look back in years to come and forget all this bad stuff x loving seeing all these cute babies growing up
Hv and dietician have finally agreed he has a milk allergy there giving him a trial of prescription milk x
Hv and dietician have finally agreed he has a milk allergy there giving him a trial of prescription milk x

Awww at least you know what your dealing with hun...we are back on monday to see the specialist. I am hoping they up his reflux meds to a higher dose as it does not seem to be enough.

Max has started rolling now and whenever he rolls onto his tummy or goes in his excersaucer he is sick everywhere :(

Poor lil guy...he was weighed 2 days ago and in two months has put on no weight he has dropped from being in the 75th percentile when born from his weight to only the 9th percentile. Not even his prescription formula stays down :shrug::cry:
poor poppet, Aiden does the same thing when on his tummy, the initial few mins are fine then urp here comes a bunch of milk after a little burp :/ We try to wait until after his nap to do tummy time as thats usually a good hour+ after a bottle. His pediatrician suggested littler amounts more often for feeds but he wont accept smaller bottles and throws a fit and then throws everything up anyway. so 5oz every 3 hrs is what he usually gets... I say usually because the hydronephrosis he has makes him have a severe lack of appetite some days for anywhere up to a week (where he'll barely take more than 15-18oz a day), he's dropped from the 50th to the 25th percentile for weight and is probably even lower now :(

He had a VCUG test the other day where they put dye into his bladder and look for reflux up into the kidneys and how well the bladder drains, he thankfully doesn't have reflux from the bladder to the kidneys but his right kidney still has retained fluid. they will monitor over the course of the year so we have to go back at the end of october/beginning of november for another ultrasound. Hoping that shows improvement!
Hi girls hope ur all well .. fort id pop on here considering it doesn't get used really anymore .. I can't believe chads almost 6 & half months where does time go x
I was wondering how people were getting along too its been a while since I checked in here :)
How did I miss out on the Facebook group? I'd love to know how everyone is doing and see the pictures.....I'm also reading that some Mommas have BFPs again already? I'm totally jealous.....6 more months of mat leave and if everything is still going good I'll be TTC as soon as I'm back :winkwink:


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