MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

Chulie I don't think its 100% true. I get constipated in pregnancy and had a son. Only difference is I had no m/s. This time I have m/s so guessing a girl.
i havent had a real appetite to be honest, but today it seems to be coming back!.. my ...ahem..diahreea ... has stopped and my hubby now has it .. it must have been a stomach bug!! he was up all night too... blah....

i cant get enough rice cakes this a.m. or chocolate.. i had a protein meal bar it was peanut butter chocolate, yum!
my sis in law has MS with my first nephew and absolutely NONE with my 2nd nephew.. she said those pregnancies were total opposites. first was very hard labor but easy pregnancy, second was easy peasy and an hard pregnancy...
I don't want to wait 16 weeks to find out if we're having a boy or a girl .... it's like the longest wait everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I have read every single wive's tale about how to tell what you're having, and most contradict each other so I am pretty sure nothing works except that ultrasound you have to wait 14 forevers for. *sigh* lol
Hey Honey! I have really irregular cycles so we arn't sure when i ovulated. Going off my hcg levels and scan i'm around 5+2
I've really roughly estimated around march 16-18.
What dates are they giving you?

I haven't had a scan yet, (the 31st) so they haven't "dated" me officially yet. Like I said we have conflicting dates, according to my calendar and charting, I believe I'm farther along than he thinks. He said maybe 2 weeks (last week). But I just feel there's no way to have the symptoms I have, and the numbers, and positive tests and only be 2 weeks. My cycle can be odd. I started charting in January and like I said it's really really long (44 days). So IDK if that could throw my dates off or what.

Got bloods done today and doctor left before telling me the results! grrrr have to wait for tomorrow now and have been freaking out all day.
No symptoms at all today. nip nada zilch, just lots of cramping :(
its going to be a loooong night

I know the feeling, my dr keeps scheduling my betas on a Saturday... I have to wait until Monday for the results!! #-o

Keep us updated... FX for good #'s :hugs:
I'm happy I've found this place, and I apologize if I'm about to use this forum in the wrong way....

I need some support. This is my first pregnancy. I am currently engaged to my future DH. Our wedding had been ideally set for August 2015. My life in the passed two months have been nothing short of a roller coaster.
I'm sure this has A LOT to do with my hormones being out of wack. I've been fighting with my fiance over really stupid things, and over some important things; he has a 6 year old son who is slowly getting more and more out of control. He's coming to the age where he wants mommy and daddy together, hates me, hates rules, and just hates life in general. This makes things very stressful on my fiance and myself because we argue about discipline and "fun time". All the things that go along with a blended family. Of course I'm petrified to tell him we're having a baby. So the fighting and step son are all stresser #1.
Stresser #2, I am a full time online graduate student taking an accelerate program. I will finish a year earlier than my entire cohort. It's exhausting. 3 classes a trimester, 3 GRADUATE courses a trimester. What was I thinking? Oh that's right, that I needed to complete in time so I could keep my job. Cause oh yea, I also work full time as a speech therapist in a school district with autistic and medically needy preschoolers and autistic kindergarden and first graders. So needless to say, I'm run completely into the ground.
Stresser #3, I should have worded "worked as" due to the fact, I was notified that since NJ has changed laws regarding my certification, I no longer qualify for my job and am being let go. So I got laid off..... the same day I got my results from the dr.... how awesome. Now you'd think, okay well take the job off the stresser plate and now more time to focus on schooling... however... there comes that tiny bit of being preggers and needing benefits. So it looks like I'll be having a courthouse wedding so I can get benefits through my fiance. ](*,):(

I'm so tired, my cramps are killing me, and I have no motivation to get out of bed today.... except to pee... I have to pee a lot :dohh:
Right now is supposed to be exciting and happy and all the fun stuff and all I can do is stress and be upset and I just wanna get away and enjoy right now.

Sorry this is long, I just really needed to vent this morning and seeing how we're all so close in dates and ranges, I know not everyone is in the SAME exact boat, but I'm sure there's similarities so it's nice to just get it out there and get some sympathy/empathy and advice back. :kiss: Thanks
I'm happy I've found this place, and I apologize if I'm about to use this forum in the wrong way....

I need some support. This is my first pregnancy. I am currently engaged to my future DH. Our wedding had been ideally set for August 2015. My life in the passed two months have been nothing short of a roller coaster.
I'm sure this has A LOT to do with my hormones being out of wack. I've been fighting with my fiance over really stupid things, and over some important things; he has a 6 year old son who is slowly getting more and more out of control. He's coming to the age where he wants mommy and daddy together, hates me, hates rules, and just hates life in general. This makes things very stressful on my fiance and myself because we argue about discipline and "fun time". All the things that go along with a blended family. Of course I'm petrified to tell him we're having a baby. So the fighting and step son are all stresser #1.
Stresser #2, I am a full time online graduate student taking an accelerate program. I will finish a year earlier than my entire cohort. It's exhausting. 3 classes a trimester, 3 GRADUATE courses a trimester. What was I thinking? Oh that's right, that I needed to complete in time so I could keep my job. Cause oh yea, I also work full time as a speech therapist in a school district with autistic and medically needy preschoolers and autistic kindergarden and first graders. So needless to say, I'm run completely into the ground.
Stresser #3, I should have worded "worked as" due to the fact, I was notified that since NJ has changed laws regarding my certification, I no longer qualify for my job and am being let go. So I got laid off..... the same day I got my results from the dr.... how awesome. Now you'd think, okay well take the job off the stresser plate and now more time to focus on schooling... however... there comes that tiny bit of being preggers and needing benefits. So it looks like I'll be having a courthouse wedding so I can get benefits through my fiance. ](*,):(

I'm so tired, my cramps are killing me, and I have no motivation to get out of bed today.... except to pee... I have to pee a lot :dohh:
Right now is supposed to be exciting and happy and all the fun stuff and all I can do is stress and be upset and I just wanna get away and enjoy right now.

Sorry this is long, I just really needed to vent this morning and seeing how we're all so close in dates and ranges, I know not everyone is in the SAME exact boat, but I'm sure there's similarities so it's nice to just get it out there and get some sympathy/empathy and advice back. :kiss: Thanks

Wow you are a busy lady! its always good to get things out of the system and here is as good a place as any. I hope your fiance will be supportive and try and make things as stress free as possible regarding his son. As for the workload.. at least you have something else to focus on rather than the paranoia that is pregnancy i guess :flower: :hugs:
Everything always works out OK in the end somehow :)
So I had my first ultrasound today and I think it went relatively well. We didn't see much and the tech couldn't say a lot until the radiologist reviewed the images & contacted my doctor so it'll be a few days until I hear from my (old) OB. But I also have an appointment with my new OB on Monday & I should be getting another ultrasound that day so maybe we'll see some changes by then?

Anyway... we saw a gestational sac & a yolk sac so far. Gestational sac was measuring around 7.8mm I believe. From everything I've googled, all seems normal so far. I was hoping to see a heartbeat today but the tech kept saying it just might be too early and reading lots of personal experiences from scans around 6 weeks, it's not uncommon to not see the heartbeat until you get closer to 7 weeks. So we'll just wait and see. I'm not as worried, I'm just glad there was something in there seeing as during my ultrasound last month during my m/c, they said the ultrasound revealed no signs of pregnancy.

I didn't get any pictures but when the tech stepped out of the room for me to clean up, I snapped some pictures of the screen with my phone. So they're HORRIBLE quality but I don't care, it's still my little bean on there.


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That doesn't look like one sac Hun! Xxx

I posted about it in the 1st tri section but the tech didn't mention anything about that second "shadow". I vaguely remember a few girls asking over the last couple of years about what looks like a second sac on the ultrasound and it turned out just to be a shadow. So I think that's all it is. We'll see though. I'm waiting to hear back from my (old) OB and then I have another ultrasound Monday with my new doctor so we'll see what they say :)
that's crazy that you go for ultrasound, but no-one can tell you what they see on it until reported back to OB -how frustrating for you lol -and the tech probably does these all the time and knows exactly what is there :D Good Luck -hope all is well, with one or two sacs ;)

That doesn't look like one sac Hun! Xxx

I posted about it in the 1st tri section but the tech didn't mention anything about that second "shadow". I vaguely remember a few girls asking over the last couple of years about what looks like a second sac on the ultrasound and it turned out just to be a shadow. So I think that's all it is. We'll see though. I'm waiting to hear back from my (old) OB and then I have another ultrasound Monday with my new doctor so we'll see what they say :)

Can't wait for the outcome x x
Hi girls had a stressful day with my druggie neighbours. ! Sick of them and thy have the cheek to report me ! I can't wait to move . I havet ate much at al today x
that's crazy that you go for ultrasound, but no-one can tell you what they see on it until reported back to OB -how frustrating for you lol -and the tech probably does these all the time and knows exactly what is there :D Good Luck -hope all is well, with one or two sacs ;)


Thanks! It's just that way because I got it done at the hospital in the outpatient center and not through my doctor's office directly. She said it'll probably be a couple days before the radiologist reviews it, reports to my OB who will then leave me a message. Oh well.

That doesn't look like one sac Hun! Xxx

I posted about it in the 1st tri section but the tech didn't mention anything about that second "shadow". I vaguely remember a few girls asking over the last couple of years about what looks like a second sac on the ultrasound and it turned out just to be a shadow. So I think that's all it is. We'll see though. I'm waiting to hear back from my (old) OB and then I have another ultrasound Monday with my new doctor so we'll see what they say :)

Can't wait for the outcome x x

SimplyCountry - I'm so sorry about all of hte stress you have right now. Graduate school *will* be a little better now that you don't have to work full time (I was in grad school for a long time and got my Ph.D. so I totally understand how hard it is!!). And so glad your fiance is being supportive. Don't worry about the courthouse wedding. That can be kindof romantic anyways. Make sure to wear a dress and take some pictures, and then in a year or 2, you can have your dream wedding with him.

Wavescrash - LOVE the u/s pics!!! Very exciting!!!!

As for me, I'm still extremely exhausted and keep having dreams about... um, doing the deed with DH!!! LOL!!! I heard you can be extra "hormonal" (shall we say?) during pregnancy, but that certainly didn't happen the last 2 times I was pregnant! And I am both hungry and nauseated at the same time too. Except I think the hunger is winning out. :-/ LOL
I am pretty much a POASaholic... so I am 4wks 2days preggo and I pee on a stick every couple of days :blush:

I got my BFP Friday the 12th at 9dpo and went in for my blood draw. It was only a 6! Talk about a sensitive FRER! Anyway it only had me slightly worried because of the low number but I knew it was way early and a faint line...

Fast forward to today, 6/7 days later my line is WAY darker than the control line! Wonder what my HCG is...

I called FRER to see how much "HCG" is in their control line, or at least how high would mine have to be for the test line to be darker than the control line and I was told "that was proprietary info not given to the public"

So, now I've been looking at beta base and wondering my possibility of twins??? My son's tests were not this dark this early
I don't want to wait 16 weeks to find out if we're having a boy or a girl .... it's like the longest wait everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I have read every single wive's tale about how to tell what you're having, and most contradict each other so I am pretty sure nothing works except that ultrasound you have to wait 14 forevers for. *sigh* lol

most docs wont send u for an antomy scan until 20 weeks so do not feel dissapointed if you have to wait a few more weeks..

we only found out ella was a girl because i had a bleed at 16 weeks and was sent to the hospital for an ultrasound, i asked the tech is maybe she can give me an idea and shes like no im really not supposed to but lets take a look and u could see the 3 "hambrger" lines for a girl.. shes like well dont go out and buy pink yet, but its looking like a girl... let them confirm it at the anatomy scan in 4 weeks ! but yea... unless u pay for one privately u usually have to wait .. boo!
We have the 3D ultrasound for $75 at 16 weeks, so we're doing that :D hehe
I'm happy I've found this place, and I apologize if I'm about to use this forum in the wrong way....

I need some support. This is my first pregnancy. I am currently engaged to my future DH. Our wedding had been ideally set for August 2015. My life in the passed two months have been nothing short of a roller coaster.
I'm sure this has A LOT to do with my hormones being out of wack. I've been fighting with my fiance over really stupid things, and over some important things; he has a 6 year old son who is slowly getting more and more out of control. He's coming to the age where he wants mommy and daddy together, hates me, hates rules, and just hates life in general. This makes things very stressful on my fiance and myself because we argue about discipline and "fun time". All the things that go along with a blended family. Of course I'm petrified to tell him we're having a baby. So the fighting and step son are all stresser #1.
Stresser #2, I am a full time online graduate student taking an accelerate program. I will finish a year earlier than my entire cohort. It's exhausting. 3 classes a trimester, 3 GRADUATE courses a trimester. What was I thinking? Oh that's right, that I needed to complete in time so I could keep my job. Cause oh yea, I also work full time as a speech therapist in a school district with autistic and medically needy preschoolers and autistic kindergarden and first graders. So needless to say, I'm run completely into the ground.
Stresser #3, I should have worded "worked as" due to the fact, I was notified that since NJ has changed laws regarding my certification, I no longer qualify for my job and am being let go. So I got laid off..... the same day I got my results from the dr.... how awesome. Now you'd think, okay well take the job off the stresser plate and now more time to focus on schooling... however... there comes that tiny bit of being preggers and needing benefits. So it looks like I'll be having a courthouse wedding so I can get benefits through my fiance. ](*,):(

I'm so tired, my cramps are killing me, and I have no motivation to get out of bed today.... except to pee... I have to pee a lot :dohh:
Right now is supposed to be exciting and happy and all the fun stuff and all I can do is stress and be upset and I just wanna get away and enjoy right now.

Sorry this is long, I just really needed to vent this morning and seeing how we're all so close in dates and ranges, I know not everyone is in the SAME exact boat, but I'm sure there's similarities so it's nice to just get it out there and get some sympathy/empathy and advice back. :kiss: Thanks

Oh man! that sounds so rough at the moment! I think it is very important to let him know ur pregnant. Not only because, well, it is HIS baby, but maybe he may be able to help u out more! He may be sympathetic towards you and try to help u out as much as possible. (some guys dont and get angry etc, esp if baby was not planned.) but ... i think its important to tell him..

as for your job, that stinks that you no longer qualify for it. I think the positive attitude is good because well, you are tired and you are pregnant and I think it would be less stressful to just have to worry about school and not work and school at the same time.. You may need benefits but that does not mean you HAVE to go have a court house wedding just to have insurance. I know a lot of people have things against help from the government, mostly because people hold their head high regarding getting help other than themselves, but I grew up on welfare because well, we had to. my mother was a stay at home and my fathers business was doing awful. When I finally grew up and got a real job and got my own insurance I was so proud. I still am proud to this day, BUT, do not feel embarrassed if this is what you need to do for a healthy baby, especially when its only temporary! :) That is what it is there for. You will soon get back on your feet, get a new job, and not have to use it again! Its the people that abuse the system that makes others mad! in this situation, you would not be abusing the system, and your only using it for healthcare.

im sorry u feel so crap! know we are all here for u and u can vent about anything on this thread.. we are all homronal and we have all been there i am sure!
also, you do plan on getting married, so if you do decide to do a court house wedding, dont short yourself from a beautiful wedding if thats what your upset about :)

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