Congratulations Bama

Awh a little blue would be lovely for your oh but I'm sure a little pink would be just as adored lol....... My dad ended up with 5 of us pinks !!!
Mowat lol ..... Can just imagine ye running around flinging things into a bag !!!
Never I was diagnosed with over active thyroid in December and put on meds . They didn't know if it was Graves or post partum thyroiditis . They still don't really lol... I'm responding to meds thankfully and levels are going back to where they should be . Last appoint,ent with endo discussed POA re ttc . Can't try until levels are back to baseline , on this meds either as higher risk of MC , preterm birth and placental abruption that is IF you get pg in the first place as it effects fertility . But the good news is once its well managed there fertility returns quickly and they keep a close eye on levels through pg . They will cahnge my meds to a ttc friendly one once levels are where they need to be and then I'm good to go

so hoping for good news next appointment on the 11th of May ! Seems like a life time away ....