March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Hi ladies! Glad to hear you're all well. Hope you get the green light soon Left Wonderin'! We just moved a while ago and it was such a great decision. Still not completely unpacked/settled, but making progress.

Just waiting for babies here. Any day now I suppose!
I'm with you Mackjess!!! MOWAT I'm still googling on how to get twins!!!!! Your pregnancy went at a great least that's what someone whose not carrying twins says anyway! Unpackibg will get done one nursery wasn't done until 3-4 months later and I was in no rush just breathing that new baby scent was all I wanted to do!! How's the kicking of two babies? Has it hit you're so lucky!!!!! You deserve it!!
Yes, it definitely feels like the pregnancy went really fast---maybe because I knew this would be my last and I was trying to appreciate every moment. Around 30 weeks the swelling and breathlessness got a bit much and when I saw a new doctor at my 32 week appointment she told me not to go back to work, so that has made life slightly easier. I've been getting around surprisingly well until this week when one of my knees started acting up. I haven't gained much weight (maybe only 25 pounds) so that has certainly helped! People comment how I don't look like I'm pregnant with twins.

No, it definitely hasn't hit me yet. I think I'll be in denial until at least the first one is out! Sometimes the kicks are crazy, but really not too different from one. When they both get going it can be a bit weird---the other night someone was busy up under my boob and I swear someone was knocking on my cervix.
Hi everyone :) its so great to hear from you all !!! You have made my week xx Mowat cannot believe you are so near meeting your Lo,s . I'm so excited for you . Please please keep us posted with any news . Never so have you decided when your going to ttc again ?
MOWAT :haha::haha::haha: too funny!!!! Oh how awesome that is!!!!!!!! 25lbs is awesome!!! I gained that and 25 more after I had the baby:blush::nope: . Omg Twins!!! What's your labr plan...although we know sometimes it can go a total different direction but that's ok!!! Can u imagine holding both those babies in your arms!!!! Plz keep us posted!!! Is the hospital bag ready?

Left wondering!! It seems like we're in the waiting game together😣 what did the doctor say about your thyroid? My sister had to take meds to keep hers down but can you believe something so small of a reason can be the reason why? And I'm SOOO hoping and praying for her everyday now I'll add you to my list of rooting everyday for too!!!!! Bc we're buying a house I have to finish school but DH said we can start trying towards the end of my schooling which will be December of this year hopefully bc it got pushed bk bc I changed schools but I'm so ready NOOWWW: bc my LO needs a playmate!!! But he's so jealous when ever I hold his cousins that I don't know he I'm going to cope with two!!?!!

Left wouldn't it be awesomely funny if we fall on the sme date again!!!:haha:

bamagurl: Hows it going so far?
I missed it too! It has been going haha. It was an eventful year last year. I had a miscarriage in June after a BIG surprise of being pregnant. I found out on a Friday and started bleeding on Sunday which happened to be Father's day :(
I graduated in December and have been working at a school as a tutor for the rest of the year. It was very hard finding a job teaching so I was applying for any and everything. It worked out well though because in January we found out we were having baby #3! We weren't trying trying because we were hoping I would have a job first. I have been soooooo sick and just feeling nauseous. Thankfully that has calmed down a lot now so I am actually starting to feel human again haha. I enjoy it though and am glad that I was sick because it helped me know that things were okay in there. Since my mmc almost 3 years ago I still fear I can't trust my body. I will be 15 weeks Friday which is insane to think about! We can't wait to find out gender, since this will be our last baby. My hubs won't say but I know he is hoping for a little boy since he already has two daddy's girls!

I am so glad to catch up with you ladies!!

Can I just say TWINS?!?! I still can't get over that! I am so excited for you! I have twin brothers who were born my senior year and it is just amazing the bond they share and how different they can be.
No, hospital bag is not ready! Last time I packed after my water broke and we were trying to leave for the hospital. Sure I'll do that again!

Trying for as natural a delivery as possible. I hired a doula as I was a little worried about the delivery---OH was a little useless last time. Figure I need all the help I can get!

I'll let you know when they're here!
Congratulations Bama :) Awh a little blue would be lovely for your oh but I'm sure a little pink would be just as adored lol....... My dad ended up with 5 of us pinks !!!

Mowat lol ..... Can just imagine ye running around flinging things into a bag !!!
Never I was diagnosed with over active thyroid in December and put on meds . They didn't know if it was Graves or post partum thyroiditis . They still don't really lol... I'm responding to meds thankfully and levels are going back to where they should be . Last appoint,ent with endo discussed POA re ttc . Can't try until levels are back to baseline , on this meds either as higher risk of MC , preterm birth and placental abruption that is IF you get pg in the first place as it effects fertility . But the good news is once its well managed there fertility returns quickly and they keep a close eye on levels through pg . They will cahnge my meds to a ttc friendly one once levels are where they need to be and then I'm good to go :) so hoping for good news next appointment on the 11th of May ! Seems like a life time away ....
I missed it too! It has been going haha. It was an eventful year last year. I had a miscarriage in June after a BIG surprise of being pregnant. I found out on a Friday and started bleeding on Sunday which happened to be Father's day :(
I graduated in December and have been working at a school as a tutor for the rest of the year. It was very hard finding a job teaching so I was applying for any and everything. It worked out well though because in January we found out we were having baby #3! We weren't trying trying because we were hoping I would have a job first. I have been soooooo sick and just feeling nauseous. Thankfully that has calmed down a lot now so I am actually starting to feel human again haha. I enjoy it though and am glad that I was sick because it helped me know that things were okay in there. Since my mmc almost 3 years ago I still fear I can't trust my body. I will be 15 weeks Friday which is insane to think about! We can't wait to find out gender, since this will be our last baby. My hubs won't say but I know he is hoping for a little boy since he already has two daddy's girls!

I am so glad to catch up with you ladies!!

Can I just say TWINS?!?! I still can't get over that! I am so excited for you! I have twin brothers who were born my senior year and it is just amazing the bond they share and how different they can be.

No, hospital bag is not ready! Last time I packed after my water broke and we were trying to leave for the hospital. Sure I'll do that again!

Trying for as natural a delivery as possible. I hired a doula as I was a little worried about the delivery---OH was a little useless last time. Figure I need all the help I can get!

I'll let you know when they're here!

Congratulations Bama :) Awh a little blue would be lovely for your oh but I'm sure a little pink would be just as adored lol....... My dad ended up with 5 of us pinks !!!

Mowat lol ..... Can just imagine ye running around flinging things into a bag !!!
Never I was diagnosed with over active thyroid in December and put on meds . They didn't know if it was Graves or post partum thyroiditis . They still don't really lol... I'm responding to meds thankfully and levels are going back to where they should be . Last appoint,ent with endo discussed POA re ttc . Can't try until levels are back to baseline , on this meds either as higher risk of MC , preterm birth and placental abruption that is IF you get pg in the first place as it effects fertility . But the good news is once its well managed there fertility returns quickly and they keep a close eye on levels through pg . They will cahnge my meds to a ttc friendly one once levels are where they need to be and then I'm good to go :) so hoping for good news next appointment on the 11th of May ! Seems like a life time away ....

Hi Ladies!!! As you all know it takes forever and a month to get bk to reply so apologies are in order!!

Bamagurl: # 3!!!! How exciting that is!!! I love the not knowing the gender idea!! I'm def going to do that with my 3rd!! I'm sure you are the princess queen with all girls!! I'm terrified of them bc I know how picky I was as a child and I just know Karma is waiting on me to pop out that little princess!! Lol. How's your pregnancy so far?? Are u sure this will be the last? I know exactly how you feel about school and just applying anywhere..I finished a segment of my curriculum that allows me to work but I'm so desperate for a job that I'm applying below my field requirements?

Left wondering: o my that is a lot! Who would think thyroids would control so much! My sister levels just got regulated so she's excited about moving to the next phase... :sex: I'm sure they'll regulate by May 11th..and don't worry May 11th is taking a long time to get here but it'll be well worth it so you can start TTC!!!

MOWAT: CONGRATS MAMA!!!!! I'm so ready to hear your story!!!! And hear how the babies and you are doing?!!

Brain fart.......
But as you say .. NEVERGIVING UP ;) lol

Just stopping by to say hi ladies :)

LEFT WONDERING: That's our mind matter what the situation is; WE'RE NEVER GIVING UP!!!

Hi Bug222!!!!

AFM: WELL MY CIRCLE of Friends....3 of my friends are expecting and I'm feeling like I'm getting left behind bc I'm waiting to finish school and I don't want my son to have a huge space betwn him and the new baby once we have him(it's going to be a boy) I'm feeling so down and pitiful about my self bc my DH is ready but he's waitingbon my schooling too....but we can't try until Dec of this year but by then my son will be going on 3 that next Feb. I really want led them to be a year or less apart this is not how I planned it but when you're dealing with life and imperfect people plans change....SOOO ladies hopefully to join you soon :cry: until then I have to put a muzzle on my uterus bc I declare everyone can hear it beating for fullness therein:thumbup:
Positive opk today ...hubby SA is up so fingers crossed. :thumbup: this WILL be our month. We have been trying for a year after a miscarriage. Baby dust to all!
Positive opk today ...hubby SA is up so fingers crossed. :thumbup: this WILL be our month. We have been trying for a year after a miscarriage. Baby dust to all!

Arielle believe it or not it's your time!!! FX for you!! It took an year for me and DH too but once that emotional year was over came our rainbow and I hope it's the same for you and DH!!! And all it started with was that 1 positive OPK!!! Good luck hun!! Sorry an your m/c, that's something that we never forget....bc we wanted it SOO bad!!! FX for you girlie!! DTD every night is my antidote to make sure I had back up spermees just in Good luck again... Keep us posted!!
Babies are here---a boy and a girl born last Friday. Crazy right now so it will take a bit to update. Can't believe we made it!
Mowat - :happydance::happydance:

So happy for you hun - it has been a hell of a journey for you :hugs:


Yipeeee what a journey and what an ending !!!! A pink and a blue :) how perfect :)
Never I hear ya about things ticking lol... LOUDLY !!!! Can't wait till your joining in too ....

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