March IUI Thread!

Jessegirl, congrats on the nice follie and O'ing naturally. I haven't O'd naturally since I've been seeing my fs. Welcome to the tww starting tomorrow. Hopefully you'll add another bfp to the list!
we are officially in our first 2ww. we had the first iui today and it was extremely stressful! my poor husband put so much pressure on himself this morning that we missed his drop off time by more than an hour (I thought for sure that this month wasn't going to work) luckily I called while he was stressing and they were super sweet about coming in at a later time. So he did his part and then we went for our appt arouind noon. it was pretty much what i expected it to be, a little more pressure than i had thought it would be but not really any pain. and so far i've had no pain or cramps or anything. i really hope things work this month! good luck eveyone.
Jessesgirl....that is awesome!! 20 is wonderful! And surge on your own is great! So exciting for your IUI!! Best of luck and let us know how it goes!

How are the rest of you wonderful ladies doing??

afm: We had our US today....doc said lining looked really good :thumbup:but didnt give me a number:shrug:. As for our follies....We have one on the left that is 15 one on the right that is 14 and one lil bugger that is 10!~We will trigger on monday and then IUI Wends:cloud9:!! So flippin happy! I havent produced any follies in I dont know how long! PCOS kept me from Oing any eggos so I am too excited seeing we now have 3. He expects one possible 2 matured:happydance: From what I have read and heard on here the grow 1-2mm per day?!!? Hope that is right and there good and ready for IUI:dance: He wants us to :sex: after the trigger Monday and then after the IUI Wends night so there are lots and lots of :spermy: Hubbs boys are really good so the more the marrier!! Feeling really good about all of this:happydance:
Jesses girl...that's great! I'm glad you were able to O on your own. That does provide a little more hope than having to take meds or anything. That means your body is doing what's it's NATURALLY supposed to do, so congrats on that. Fxd!'re almost there. So exciting! I'm glad that you have a renewed outlook. I know what's it's like to feel down and then something comes along that perks you up. So I'm happy for you. Fxd!

AFM...O is actually being a little delayed, which is weird cause this is the most relaxed cycly I've had in a But, I'm still cool with it. This month, I feel like I'm actually patiently waiting on my little one. Very different feeling...weird, but it feels good. I really feel like Baby is on their way to me soon. I thought O would be here on Sunday, but it's looking...and Monday and at a stetch, Tuesday. And I'm actually ok with that. And I'm hoping with Baby makes his/her way to us soon, but if I have to wait a little longer than this cycle, I'm oddly feeling ok with that too.

Fxd, and good luck to all of us newly IUI ladies!!!!!!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
No doubt...what an amazing outlook you have! Its kind of a weird but amazing feeling to have that calm come over you! I am so happy your doing well! Looks like the next few days are going to be exciting ones for us all! All of moving towards are hopeful final tww!!:happydance: Hoping and praying we all get our:bfp: this time around and move on to being bump buddies!!
It's not too weird. I actually prayed for God to take away my insanity, if you will, about ttc. And it appears that's just what he's done...and as usual, in His unconventional way. But I'm cool with all of it. Test/af day may be different, but for now...and hopefully through the tww...I will keep feeling this way. I have my moments but for the most part, I'm good :)
As my mom always says...with god all things are possible and my favorite from her...give it to the lord and he will take it from there! So happy you have peace! I am feeling really good about this cycle also! Only thing I am guestioning is that they want me to trigger Monday between 10 pm and midnight but IUI isnt until 4 on Wends. So Just hoping not to miss the eggo!! Hopefully she will just be there waiting on the boys! I am so excited about this month I want to go baby shopping. I havent wanted to do that since our loss last year!
Looks like O was just teasing me this cycle. Got my surge this day after I thought I would, so we are going in tomorrow for the iui. I was kind of jacked though, cause this cycle has been completely opposite for me emotionally and physically. The emotional part is good, and so is most of the physical part but I woke up this morning ready to go ;) and I can't cause we're suppose to abstain for a couple of days. Generally I'm ready to go a few days before but it didn't happen like that this cycle. I mean, I think we bded like we were suppose to per the fs, but it's just not helping my current On the up side I'm not experiencing the pain like I normally do. I can feel my ovaries and yesterday I could feel my uterus lifting but it's not nearly as bad as its been so I think the water is helping. Hoping the pain stays away and this is our cycle.
So we caved...actually we discussed it and felt we should bd today. Didn't want to take the chance and miss it. And I think we made the right choice cause the pain is settling in good now. I'm having a lot if pressure cramping and my ovaries are still at, so it's now all of my reproductive lady parts going So just trying to take it easy and drink lots of water. I hate having this pain every month. That's the only downfall. This is honestly one of the biggest reasons I want to get my bump. But I now it will all be worth worth it in the end when I'm holding Baby.
Hey the more you have there waiting for eggo the better! Let us know how the IUI goes tomorrow and lost of luck! We trigger tomorrow and have never done that before so a lil nervous about that!!
Nervous about the trigger or iui? I can't speak to the trigger, but the iui is smooth and easy. It was painless for me. I've heard others say there was some cramping or trouble getting the catheter in, but I've mostly heard good things about it. I was nervous at first too cause of when I had the hsg, and the cramping and bleeding I had with that. But the iui was completely different, so I wouldn't worry about it. And it they do have trouble with the catheter there are different levels if firmness I believe, and size I think, so you could always ask about that. Good luck!
I'm now in the torturous 2WW. Have lots of symptoms, but that has burned me before. Tested today, 9DPIUI and BPN. Fingers crossed!
I'm now in the torturous 2WW. Have lots of symptoms, but that has burned me before. Tested today, 9DPIUI and BPN. Fingers crossed!

I'm right there with ya! I'm hoping maybe the second week will go faster than the first. I haven't tested at all, my fs recommends not using hpt because of the ovidrel shot. Hopefully we will have good news soon!
Good luck to you ladies! Lots of :dust:!

AFM, the iui went well and the count was much better than last time. Last time it was .6mil post wash and this month it was 2.2mil post wash with a 95% motility rate. So had we not bded yesterday I'm sure it would have been higher buy its still better than last time, and its not like we don't know his count is low. Do all in all everything went well. We'll bd again when I get home and leave the rest up to God.
Good luck to you too No Doubt! Welcome to the tww! Hopefully yours will go quickly and end with a bfp!!
That's the if I have anything to say My biggest goal is to hopefully stay calm and relaxed and keep the same mentality I'vd had throughout the first half of my cycle.
Oh so much going on right now with all us ladies! No doubt...glad the IUI went well and sperm count was up! Fingers crossed for you!
Aintlife....your still in! 9 days is really early! Keep up those happy thoughts!
L4hope! The 2ww is so hard but your half way there! Our fs doesnt want us to test either but honestly I am not going to be able to stop myself:blush:
afm: We trigger tonight at midnight. Our IUI is wend at 4:15 so fingers crossed the eggo and the swimmers meet up! I am excited for my 2ww. I am really nervous about the trigger tonight. This is my 1st time doing it and hubbs plans to give it to me. I told him of all the times he wished he could stab me now was his change:haha: He is so flippin nervous to give it to me...I may end up having to do it myself if he wimps out! We have to bd tonight (we did last night too...couldnt wait:blush:) then no more until after the IUI! prayer and prayers this is all of our months!
Babybwishes I hope the trigger isn't too bad. I think I would prefer to do it myself, even though I know the hubbs would be much better at it than I just freak out so easy, especially with needles. I once had a doctor tell me that he was just going to have to schedule an OR for a 5 minute deal that could have been taken care of in the office, all because I kept going " wait, wait, wait, wait, wait" I ended up getting it done in the office, but those 5 mins turned into 45 mins. I just don't like least not in regards to anything medicinal. I can get tattoos and peircings all
Babywishes, I have to get the trigger shot every month since apparently my silly body won't give me the LH Surge. I absolutely hate needle and blood...not conducive to fertility treatments!! Anyways, it's a very small needle and not too bad. I have my hubby give it to me. We were told the stomach or thigh is fine. For me the thigh just seems better. Lay down, close your eyes and it will all be over before you know it!

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