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March IUI Thread!

L4hope, are you going to test at al before you go in on Monday? Are you feeling any different this cycle? Fxd!

I just can't decide if I test before I go away this weekend or not. I don't want to get a false positive because of ovidrel and I dont want to be bummed out this weekend either. I'll have to decide one way or the other tonight. As for symptoms nothing that stands out to me too much. I have had a headache just about every day the past two weeks, but it's spring and I have allergies. My lower back is achy, but it gets that way with AF. Time will tell!!
Yeah, I know what you mean about the mixed symptoms. I say don't test and enjoy the weekend. I've actually found that it's a bit easier when af shows up and I don't test. Its kind of like the days when I wasn't ttc and af would just show up and it was all fine.
ok i need some advice. I am 7dpiui and i can't believe i have to wait another 8 days to test. sadly today I am really feeling like af is on her way (i am feeling crampy like a usually do just before). as this is my first month with clomid/iui i don't know exactly how many days past the iui that af would show. so i guess my question is to those how have done this before how long after the iui did af show up? and this is a little tmi, but for anyone else on clomid did your nipples go crazy? mine have been hard and sore for almost 2 weeks now which is very unusual for me.
ok i need some advice. I am 7dpiui and i can't believe i have to wait another 8 days to test. sadly today I am really feeling like af is on her way (i am feeling crampy like a usually do just before). as this is my first month with clomid/iui i don't know exactly how many days past the iui that af would show. so i guess my question is to those how have done this before how long after the iui did af show up? and this is a little tmi, but for anyone else on clomid did your nipples go crazy? mine have been hard and sore for almost 2 weeks now which is very unusual for me.

Af should show for you around the time it usually comes and yes my nipps have been tender almost every month in the tww. Last month my boobs were very tender so it's normal. The cramping can be attributed to it as well, but as you know all of these are good signs too. Don't want to give false hope, but the cramping could be implantation. Fxd for you!
Jessesgirl....I did clomid on 2 diff times....Made my ta ta's so sore and the swelled. If my nipps rubbed against anything it sent them into a tissy so its very normail. As no doubt said...a/f should show as normal. It made my cycle a nice 29 day cycle every month. Dont give up hope! these could all be good new signs as well!!
No doubt...how r you feeling?
antlifegrand.....sorry the witch got you hun!

asm: nothing to report! I am 2dpiui so just wait wait wait! I have picked up some great books on my kindle and thats really helping keep my mind off things!
Jessesgirl....I did clomid on 2 diff times....Made my ta ta's so sore and the swelled. If my nipps rubbed against anything it sent them into a tissy so its very normail. As no doubt said...a/f should show as normal. It made my cycle a nice 29 day cycle every month. Dont give up hope! these could all be good new signs as well!!
No doubt...how r you feeling?
antlifegrand.....sorry the witch got you hun!

asm: nothing to report! I am 2dpiui so just wait wait wait! I have picked up some great books on my kindle and thats really helping keep my mind off things!

I'm doing alright. I woke up yesterday with a serious temp spike at 99.32 and I was quesy all day and hot all day. It was on 3dpo/iui, so it's too soon for all of that, but I guess it's possible. But I had a bit of a stressful night the night before so if could be attributed to that I guess. My boobies feel like they are starting to get tender.

You talking about your boobs getting tender made me think about last cycle when my boobs were really sore and I tried to play with my youngest dog. She's only 1 and is still VERY hyper and active. I thought tossing the ball to her would be fun for her so I leaden over to pick it up and she jumped up into my boob....GAME OVER. I almost cried...lol.
It is amazing what hormones can do to our bodies!! I am so ready for this to be over and to be able to move on to the 1st tri section! My game plan is just to try and keep my mind busy so I dont go and get crazy brain and start thinking everything is a sign!
I told a friend this would all be a lot easier if we had a big sign that let us know if it worked or not....ya know...like peeing green or something:haha:
I wish it was that simple...lol. I wish they could just take the sperm, put it in the egg and implant it right where it needs to be in uterus. A quick in and out procedure where they say CONTRATULATIONS!!!!! before we leave the office...lol. As soon as someone figures this out, let me know.
yes, that would be amazing... can only imagine what it would cost!!! but it would be so worth it.

glad to see eveyone it keeping their minds busy if we didn't I think we would all go insane in this 2ww.
Bloodwork came back BFN today. I meet with the doctor tomorrow to discuss our next step. Hoping the rest of you in your tww get positive results!
Bloodwork came back BFN today. I meet with the doctor tomorrow to discuss our next step. Hoping the rest of you in your tww get positive results!
:hugs: so sorry to here that~You have to let us know what the doc says tomorrow!!
I will let you know what's next for me...I'm assuming injectables but we'll see. Looks like you're just about onto your second week babywishes. Fingers crossed for you!!
How is everyone holding up in the tww...or wherever everyone is in their cycle...lol?
Hi Ladies! How are you all? How are you feeling No doubt?? Still keeping that up beat vibe?? I have been good! A lot of reading to keep my mind busy! I had a sharp cramp last night and cramping off and on all day today. No to worried about that because cramping is common for me. IUI was exactly 1 week today so guess I am going into my 2nd week of the 2ww and doing really well with it! We traded my car in tonight for a new Mini van! IF we have a new LO it will be great and if not its still awesome! I have always wanted one!!
Hey babywishes! Sounds like you're hanging in pretty well with your tww. Sending positive bfp vibes your way! Nice prepping with the minivan :)

Afm I am starting clomid tomorrow and Follistim next week. Hoping this does the trick or I need to find a fertility money tree..lol!!
I'm doing good. Had a bit of a rough day yesterday, but I've been working overtime and I guess it just made me tired, but I got plenty of sleep yesterday, so I'm back to normal. Glad your tww is going well Babywishes.

GL to you and L4hope and everyone else with your BFP!
Progesterone level at 7dpiui is at 124.8, doc says i have ovulated for sure. :happydance: :happydance: :thumbup:
i noticed i still get some occasional little pains in my belly,,,,, is that normal ? :shrug:
Progesterone level at 7dpiui is at 124.8, doc says i have ovulated for sure. :happydance: :happydance: :thumbup:
i noticed i still get some occasional little pains in my belly,,,,, is that normal ? :shrug:

Congrats! Where are the pains in your belly...ovaries, uterus, stomach?
the little pains are about 2cm (next to) from my belly button, i have been feeling exceptionally tired the last 3 days, but it could also be from the progesterone.... (i hope not !!! )

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