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March IUI Thread!

A shift in hormones sometimes wipes me out too, but like you said, let's hope there's more behind you feeling tired...fxd!

As far as the pains, that doesn't really sound like anything ttc related just cause of the location, but sometimes when my ovaries hurt the pain radiates out to my hips. So it could be, but if they're minor and not that often I wouldn't worry about it.
I have heard a few ladies on her that said there prog levels were that high when they got there BFP! So thats awesome! I no nothing about cramping because I always seem to have little twinges and cramps.
The weirdest thing yesterday happened though. We were in the car and DH was driving. One my right side in my lower tummy if felt like a ball rolled up inside me...not sure if that makes since. kind the feeling when you have yoga pants or too tight jeans on and your sitting and you feel the top roll down only this was rolling up?! It was so weird I grabed my tummy and said WTH?!?! Hubby about damn near ran of the road I said it so loud! LOL! Still not sure what that was about! thought maybe a gassy bubble but no gas ever came!! We shall see! I am fighting the urge to test on sunday. Its my brothers 35 b-day that day! I know it would be way to soon but dang it I am starting to cave!!
Don't do it babywishes...lol. What if you're pg but it's too early and the test is negative...then your going to be sad and disappointed. I always wanna know as bad as the next person, but the let down of negative test hurts. But if you do cave, I wanna know...lol. Good luck either way!
hehe! I am so trying to be good! Maybe I will just do an OPK to calm my need to pee on something!! :blush: LOL! I am not supposed to start until next Thurs so it really would be way way to early!! Still say we should pee green if we are!:haha:
hehe! I am so trying to be good! Maybe I will just do an OPK to calm my need to pee on something!! :blush: LOL! I am not supposed to start until next Thurs so it really would be way way to early!! Still say we should pee green if we are!:haha:

I wish...that would take away the "wait do you see a line". I know they have digi preggo tests now, but that takes away the fun...lol.
digi's are great after you get to see those line!! I want to see lines get from lite to dark and then take a digi and see pregnant!! I am still cramping only today its in both sides! ugh how I wish I could tell :)
babybwishes I have been cramping on and off the whole 2ww too. isn't it awful. thinking one moment that you might be out for the month, but knowing it could be a good thing too. it is crazy!

I am 13dpiui and have somehow managed not to poas even once up to now. Part of me has been dying to, just to see if this is our month, and part of me is way scared to get a BFN. either way i have resisted, and my Dr said 2 weeks then go for blood work. so tomorrow would be the day, but we are waiting until saturday (15dpiui) so we don't have to rush off to work after. fingers still crossed, other than cramps which have been on and off the whole wait no sign of AF.

no doubt when is your 2ww over?
My tww is over on Tuesday...and yes it is frustrating thinking maybe, maybe not. I'm just trying to mark my symptoms and then forget about them so they don't keep haunting me all day and all of the tww...lol...not working.
well I finally poas this morning and got a BFN.

I still have to go for the blood test tomorrow. my Dr requests it no matter what, but I guess i know what that will say now.
Sorry jessesgirl...but maybe tomorrow will prove to be a different story.
Sorry for your bfn Jesse girl. You never know for sure though until you get your bloodwork..
Blood work is the best way to know! I never got a + with my DD so dont give up just yet:hugs:. My tww isnt up until thurs:wacko: but I keep talking to myself and saying there is no reason it shouldnt have worked and then I tell my self well it prob didnt work so get ready for next month! ](*,)I think I am becoming bipolar:loopy:!! I am still getting the crazy cramps but to the plus side the running to potty from the metformin hasnt been to bad this week at all! Hopefully I am finally getting use to it! My bb's are not sore so it makes my doubt things but the last time I didnt notice anything because I wasnt looking for anything but the last time we lots LO too so what if I am and then same thing!? :haha:hehehe....see bipolar!! I have my best friends son's 1st communion tomorrow so that will take my mind off things....I think I have doing about a book a day to keep my mind off things!:dohh:
Blood work is the best way to know! I never got a + with my DD so dont give up just yet:hugs:. My tww isnt up until thurs:wacko: but I keep talking to myself and saying there is no reason it shouldnt have worked and then I tell my self well it prob didnt work so get ready for next month! ](*,)I think I am becoming bipolar:loopy:!! I am still getting the crazy cramps but to the plus side the running to potty from the metformin hasnt been to bad this week at all! Hopefully I am finally getting use to it! My bb's are not sore so it makes my doubt things but the last time I didnt notice anything because I wasnt looking for anything but the last time we lots LO too so what if I am and then same thing!? :haha:hehehe....see bipolar!! I have my best friends son's 1st communion tomorrow so that will take my mind off things....I think I have doing about a book a day to keep my mind off things!:dohh:

It's ok...we're all bipolar...lol. I've been bipolar all day. I asked myself "is drinking more, but not peeing more the same as drinking the same amount and peeing more?" I know, it sounds weird and makes no sense, but it makes sense to me...somehow, lol. So it's not just you. I just try to chart my symptoms on ff and not think about it for the rest of the day or tww. It doesn't always work...like today, but for the most part, at least for this cycle, it's working. But try not to think about what happened last time and think positively. Not every pregnancy is the same as last time, even for the same woman. You never know....
how is everyone? I still have a few days but starting to feel down...think the witch is on her way!
No doubt...did you do blood work yet?
No blood work, AF came in the middle of the night last night. We are actually taking a break until summer. This past month was way less stressful than other months and I want a bit more of that. Plus I'm going to drop 26lbs in the next couple of months and get healthier mentally, physically and emotionally. I honestly thought I was going to be an emotional wreck today like I am every month, but surprisingly enough, I feel great. I keep waiting to break down, but I don't think it's going to happen. Everytime the hubby's mentioned a break, I was always thinking "what if we miss it", but I honestly feel really good about the decision we made, so I know it's right. We are still going to try, but just not with the meds and the iui and maybe not the opks. We still have some preseed and I don't believe in waste...especially cause that stuff wasn't cheap, lol...so we will still use that. Who knows, maybe we'll be like those people who spend a million dollars on fertility treatments and then get preggo on a natural cycle...lol, cause that's life's amusement.

On the up side, I actually made it through my entire cycle without testing...the first one ever so I was really happy about that, and I think it really did help with the feeling down.

So I won't be checking in as much, but I will still be cyber stalking all of you ladies. Good luck with your bfps!
Babywishes, don't feel down yet...there's still hope for you this month.

No doubt, as I said on the other thread..we will be here when you get back. Take care and maybe you'll come back with good news from your natural cycles!! Oh and just curious, what did you mean you still have preseed?

Afm, just had my cd9 scan. My lining is 5.3 I had one follicle on the right at 17 and three smaller on the left at 13,12,and 10. Of course I have to wait for bloodwork on my estrogen. Tentatively I will be doing two more nights of Follistim and u/s Friday. If my darn lining thickens up and other follicles don't get too big I will trigger and have IUI on Sunday or Monday. I'm really hoping it will be Monday. I'm in a wedding this weekend in my hometown(2 1/2 hours away) and really wanted to stay the night and visit family/friends. I hate how much this controls my life. Sorry to vent I'm just frustrated, the timing always falls when it's most inconvenient and now that we're starting injectables we are cancelling our summer trips so we can afford the meds. Can I just get a bfp this month?!
Preseed is a fertility friendly lubricant that has been shown to increase the possibility of conception. We thought we'd try it. It supposed to match your cm during your fertile period...the ewcm. I wanted to try it cause even though I get ewcm, I feel like I'm still a little creamy...if that makes sense...sorry if it's tmi ladies. But anywho, its not cheap and I'm not going to waste it, so we'll use it til its gone.
Preseed is a fertility friendly lubricant that has been shown to increase the possibility of conception. We thought we'd try it. It supposed to match your cm during your fertile period...the ewcm. I wanted to try it cause even though I get ewcm, I feel like I'm still a little creamy...if that makes sense...sorry if it's tmi ladies. But anywho, its not cheap and I'm not going to waste it, so we'll use it til its gone.

Thanks! TMI just comes with the territory here! Lol!!
Hey gals just checking in... No doubt sorry about the BFN. It sounds like you are keeping your chin up though which is great. I was not this way at all. Had a full melt down. Poor hubby had no idea what to do.

L4hope I have my fingers crossed that all the timing works out for you it can really talk over your whole life

Babybwishes I hope AF has stayed away for you!

AFM I am CD6 today and this will be our 2nd IUI. I am a little worried though because we are doing 50mg of clomid again from day 3-7 and that is the same as last month which only resulted in 1 follicle. My Dr doesn't seem worried. He said more clomid doesn't necessarily mean more follicles and since I had 1 and o'd naturally we will stick with it *sigh* I don't quite understand i feel like i should take more and see if it results kn more follies! Oh well I feel confident he knows what he is doing. I am also a little worried about timing. My work is sending me to Vancouver for meetings may 10 and this is too close to the timing we did our last IUI. We have an U/S next week and I am hoping to get some time to talk the Dr. Sometimes I feel so rushed in and out when it is "just a screening appt".

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