march lambs 2010 come on ladies

ANDI- i hate winter and the cold with a passion !! I much prefer sweating my bum off lol rather than freezing it off. luckily where i am now , the coldest it gets during the day is 17 degrees lol . and yet the locals all walk around in slippers and jumpers saying its freezing :haha:
Yea i hate it too Kris :nope: Although I really love rain. Not when I need to go anywhere though, but when we are warm inside and its raining outside- it's choice :thumbup:
Today started out raining and quickly changed to snow and it's been snowing all day. They're saying 12-14 inches total snow accumulation possible. Whee!
Ronan loves snow. He dives headfirst into it and tries to eat it by the handful. :rolleyes:

tiger - If you want to PM me your #, or I can PM you mine so we can figure out catching up? I'll have internet access but I'm not sure how often I'll actually get around to checking in!
ugh... I can't stand the snow. Zander isn't sure what to do with it. we USUALLY only get it like one day out of the year... it's been crazy so far, we had a white christmas, and then 2 days so far this year. :saywhat:
Wait, I take that back.... we had a whole WEEK where the entire state shut down cause of a "blizzard" (in southern terms it was a blizzard... a whole 4 inches) hahaha. :rofl: no joke though, we were trapped for a week cause we don't know how to drive in the snow! :P

So I say again... I hate the snow!
Elliot really is a big boy! Such a cute pic

That's a lot of snow Seity! Do you usually get snow in March? I remember in 2005 we had snow on the 21st March, but that's the latest I remember having it, and it was only an inch or two. (my nephew was born that day, I haven't got a crazy memory for when it snows :haha:)

M has got a snotty nose so I'm not sure if it's just a cold, or if the teeth are causing the snotty nose :shrug: I think it's a cold. She's happier now and sleeping better though. We just got a video monitor for her room so we can see her - it's amazing how much they move in their sleep! So cute.

Off to see my friend today, she's officially a week overdue now and FED UP! It's slightly worse than normal for her, because she kept going into early labour at 33-35 weeks and even had drugs to stop labour a couple of times. So we were all convinced that LO would come early, or at least on time! I've made her a cake to cheer her up.

5 weeks today until I go back to work :cry: I booked M's settling in sessions at the nursery and we're going to do a few practice runs soon to see how long it tales to get ready and drive there etc. The drive shouldn't be too bad, but parking is a nightmare at the hospital, and the waiting list for a parking permit is 18 months!!! So I'll have to find parking on the street and walk 5-10 mins.
Cocoa- I hope M doesnt get a nasty cold :( Ella's had the sniffles but they got better before they got worse.

Sorry I forget things easily- whats at the hospital? the nursery or where you are working?
Both. The nursery is in the building next to my office, and is just for hospital staff. So it's worked out quite well really, it means I can be in the office 2 minutes after dropping her off, rather than dropping her off at nursery and then having to waste time travelling to work.

Once I've been there a while I'm hoping they'll let me work 8-4 so we'll be home by 5. But at first I'm having to work 9-5 so we won't get home until 6. I'm going to have to do loads of batch cooking and freezing so I can just heat something up when we get in, definitely won't have time to cook anything.

M scaled the whole staircase yesterday (with me or OH behind her). I wish the Y spindle bit would turn up from amazon so I can see if it'll fit a stairgate at the bottom of the stairs!
I know it's old hat for most of you, but M has just started practicing standing alone loads! She pushes off and then balances on her own for a few seconds before grabbing something. She looks so pleased with herself whenever she does it. Adorable! Trying to catch it on video but she won't play ball. :haha:
Cocoa that sounds like a nice arrangement. Way to go M! I'm sure she'll cooperate for you at some point.
We usually have snow in March - Feb/March are the coldest, snowiest months here. We've even had snow in June before (but just a dusting)
MM - Great pic! It's so cool to see them together and see how different they are.

Gabriel was supposed to have his 1 year appointment today, but the foot of snow has most things closed until at least noon while the roads get cleared, so he got rescheduled for Wednesday. I'd guess he's about 16.5 lbs and 27.5 inches.
Wow ... all you snow haters would love living here - NOT!!! :rofl: We still have around is ridiculous this year. Last year the high was 10 around this time. They expect a much colder spring, about 5 degrees below average for the next 3 months. :cry: I don't mind the fact that it gets that cold here but the fact that winter takes forever to end and much worse it takes about until June until everything is in full bloom, then we get a couple of month of summer and that is it usually. The winter itself is very dry and most of the time we have brilliant sunshine. Last year we had snow at the beginning of June!!! It did not stay but still...crazy! Must have been crazy moving here.
Well you are all reminding me why I want to move back to Australia! DH and I talked about it yesterday for a while.. its a pretty huge thing for us and DH is understandably nervous about it. But we've been slogging it out in London for too long, we don't have that much family support and obviously I want to live in my home country again as I haven't lived there for 12 years. We will hopfeully go around April/May/June 2012 so really that's only a year away. It makes me think I'd better start organising. The plan of a second child complictes things a bit. Do we wait until we get there to TTC? Do we start here and maybe go while I'm pregnant? DO I want to get a job there first? Too much to think about no wonder we always putt off talking about it.

Cocoa love the new avatar! x
We haven't seen Emskins for a while but I think it was Wren's birthday around nowish.
Thanks GL, I decided it was time for a change, the other one had been up for about 9 months :dohh: I keep missing my posts and thinking 'oooh new poster, who's that?' lol

I think Oz offers a much better lifestyle for families, especially compared to London. An I wouldn't worry too much about TTC no.2 - things will work out how they're supposed to work out!

Well I went to see my friend, she was due to have her sweep tomorrow but they phoned her today to cancel - they want her to go for a growth scan instead. Apparently she's been measuring 2-3cm small for a few weeks now, but she had a scan to check her waters 5 weeks ago and everything was fine, I think they're just being cautious because of the early scares, but understandably she's worried and annoyed that she's not getting a sweep. I definitely don't miss those last few weeks of pregnancy!
So I put together the video of Gabriel eating the ice cream cake and edited it down to 5.5 minutes:

FYI - That's his grandma on the computer via Skype.
hi everyone, remember me??!

sorry I have been away so long yet again - I'm really struggling for time and only get a few mins at the computer at any point so its easier for me to update FB than read loads of replies and stuff on here. I've also purposefully stayed away a bit as Roman is very late in doing everything and although I know you shouldnt compare babies, its easier said than done, and it can be very frustrating reading what all these babies the same age can do and he cant do any of it, its hard enough going to visit friends with babies the same age, sorry going off on one now :(

anyway just wanted to wish all the march lambs (and the lazy march lambs that arrived in april!) very happy 1st birthdays, I cant believe its been a year already.

Dee & Roman (11 months yesterday) xx
mummydee- jesse still isnt doing a lot of stuff either and i get frustrated with it too. he still cant stand without holding on to anything. i think its a confidence thing . and hes VERY behind with eating (not that you could tell by his weight lol) but i know how u r feeling so massive hugs :hugs:
thanks tiger - Roman has never rolled over or crawled - he gets about by shuffling on his bottom - he can stand with support and has stood on his own for a couple of seconds before falling over.... I'm not surprised as his older sister was the same! then she started cruising at 13 months but didnt walk unaided til 16 months.

Roman is a bit behind on his eating too - he only really eats pureed or finger foods, he hates lumpy food as he still doesnt have any teeth, and he cant get on with a sippy cup and only wants a bottle.
Dee - M still isn't really interested in a sippy cup, she'll take a few sips once in a blue moon but I have to properly persuade her to do it! She has taken a bottle recently, I started to give her cows milk for her lunch/afternoon feed so she's prepared for nursery. I didn't want to introduce a bottle, but it's the only thing that works at the moment.

My friends little boy was the same - didn't properly crawl until he was 14 months, walked at 18 and would only eat toast, yogurt and stage 1 baby good until he was 2 - but he's the cutest, laid back 3 year old. He's just really chillaxed, and on target with everything now.

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