Elliot really is a big boy! Such a cute pic
That's a lot of snow Seity! Do you usually get snow in March? I remember in 2005 we had snow on the 21st March, but that's the latest I remember having it, and it was only an inch or two. (my nephew was born that day, I haven't got a crazy memory for when it snows

M has got a snotty nose so I'm not sure if it's just a cold, or if the teeth are causing the snotty nose

I think it's a cold. She's happier now and sleeping better though. We just got a video monitor for her room so we can see her - it's amazing how much they move in their sleep! So cute.
Off to see my friend today, she's officially a week overdue now and FED UP! It's slightly worse than normal for her, because she kept going into early labour at 33-35 weeks and even had drugs to stop labour a couple of times. So we were all convinced that LO would come early, or at least on time! I've made her a cake to cheer her up.
5 weeks today until I go back to work

I booked M's settling in sessions at the nursery and we're going to do a few practice runs soon to see how long it tales to get ready and drive there etc. The drive shouldn't be too bad, but parking is a nightmare at the hospital, and the waiting list for a parking permit is 18 months!!! So I'll have to find parking on the street and walk 5-10 mins.