march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Tiger - OUCH!! Poor you! Accidents happen hun you're not an idiot. Hope it heals up quick,.
Kel - Happy birthday to Connor!
PH - great news about Zander's eyes, you must be relieved.
Mummydee-nice to see you again. Roman sounds like a sweetie show us a pic we haven't seen on in ages. I love the dusting image too :rofl:
Lynn - welcome home I hope the flights were OK. Devastating for those families that lost everything. I have been so shocked by the news from Japan today, what is it with mother nature lately - maybe she's pissed off at us humans and wreaking revenge. So scary.
Seity - Gabriel sounds like he's on fine form, good things come in small packages :haha:

UK mums I'm curious are we supposed to take our LOs for a 1 year check-up? If so I'd better book it in soon. When are the next jabs as well? I'm so disorganised. Flora hasn't even had her BCG yet which I think I should get done soon.

Well its in-laws this weekend as well as a dinner at a friends tomorrow night. So its dinners and lunches all round. Flora is with DH now picking up his sister and I have been cleaning the house. I am having a break from cleaning now but have a pile of paperwork to sort out. :dohh: it never seems to stop.
GL - I'm not sure if it's the same where you are (I think all trusts do it differently) but the Dr's surgery writes to us with an appointment for the jabs, and the HV writes about the review (but we had ours done at booby group because my HV helps run it)

Julchen - happy birthday Sam!

JJ - happy birthday to Chase for tomorrow. Hope you have a fab day at the zoo.

Lyn - I bet you're pleased to be home so you can get back to normality

PH - glad to hear that all is ok with Zander's eyes.

Seity - he'll be glad of that metabolism as he gets older, you won't when you're having to feed him as a teenager though :haha:

Dee - well done to Olivia! Just goes to show that you obviously do spend enough time with the kids...

Kel - good luck with the party tomorrow! Hope you've had a good couple of days x

Tiger - oh my god! Poor you! I hope it heals really quickly :flower:

Not much to report here. Had to get some cream from the Dr as M had a rash on her chest, it might be the cows mill causing it (I'm hoping not though). It's gone down loads now, so going to give her cows milk tomorrow to see if it flares back up.
Thanks Cocoa - Yeah I thought they were supposed to contact me but they're a bit useless at my GP so I think I'm going to chase it up.

Good luck with the rash! Do you give her cows milk cold or warm?
I just warm it slightly in the microwave to take the chill off it (10-15 seconds) otherwise she pulls a bit of a funny face at it!
JJ- I hope Chase feels better for his birthday!!
Julchen- Happy Birthday Sam!!!

Connor usually does 3-5 steps at a time and I wanted to get some recorded. Well he went further then he ever did before!
as requested by GL- a couple of quick pics of Roman!

and one of both of them

Kel thats a great video, he is SO clever!
Happy Birthday Sam!
mummydee - Roman is a real cutie!
Hi! :hi:

happy birthday to Sam and chase!

Kel- loving the video! What a clever wee boy!

MD- The pics are gorgeous :cloud9:

How is everyone? i've been super busy so havnt really had the chance to get on.Ella's party was yesterday (birthday on weds) and it was perfect! So stoked by how it came out! There was about 35 people there at one time- half toddlers half adults, but we had 2 rooms- one with a ball pit which was a hit with the kids!and there managed to be enough room for everyone- i was abit worried about that lol. They had so much fun! I was so worried we wouldnt have enough food! But we ended up having heaps!

Was so worried the cake wouldnt turn out. But I am stoked with it

She also was spoilt! got lots of presents and they are awesome- stuff that she actually needs! like heaps of pyjamas, shoes, sippy cups, tights, and a little bit of money from her aunty and grandad. so we can go on Wednesday (her actual birthday) and buy her more clothes- she needs more singlets and tops and stuff she is growing too fast!

I'm thrilled at how many friends came, considering CHCH has been through a rough time with the eathquakes!

When i was leaving I got a huge lump in my throat.:( It's all over and now my baby is turning one! When the heck did that happen!?!? I'm so excited at the same time though!

I hope you are all good!

MM - That all sounds great. It must be nice to have good friends and family close by to celebrate with you. That cake turned out fantastic.

Happy birthday Chase!
MM - The cake does look amazing. I am also glad you had a great birthday for Ella.

We had Sam's party today on my birthday...we also had about 35 people there and it was pretty chaotic. Rented an Elmo suit , so the kids had some fun. Sam was a big grump, he had been down with cold the past few days, also teething and light fever. Since he seemed good this morning we decided not to cancel. But the amount of people was too much for him. Once everyone was gone and he finally wanted to eat his cake. Here is some pictures..also the birthday card he made me.


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MM - party looked like such fun - and the food and cake/s were awesome - well done! Are you doing anything on Wednesday?

Jul - Such a shame that he was a bit overwhelmed, but how cool was it having Elmo?! And cake was fab too - at least he enjoyed it in the end!

Quick Q for those still BF - how many feeds is LO still having?
Cocoa- We are taking Ella shopping for clothes on Weds morning, then we have coffee group at some stage . My mum and sister will be coming over, plus MIL and 2 of my friends/Ella's auntys. I might make some cupcakes. And we are having indian for tea.

One of my friends took off to Blenhiem (the top of the south island) after the earthquake and she is staying to birth there. She had her baby a couple days ago and it's not looking good :nope: She was 11lb8oz and far too big and got majorly stuck and was deprived of oxygen for 10 minutes, needed to be revived and got flown to Wellington icu as she is having seizures. She is currently in a semi-coma. :cry: We are putting together a wee package for her to send to her. poor thing is ages away from home. I really hope the wee baby pulls through. Even if she does she might have lasting damages as she was without oxygen for so long. :(
aww andi send my best wishes to your friend i hope her baby pulls through and is ok.

we have been settling in here again and i have 2 wks to plan EJ's party now and get my house ready we have a piano to get rid of so we have some more room and i have to borrow some chairs off somewhere for the party and pray for nice weather, the cherry blossoms in the neighbors garden are out today and they are really beautiful i hope they last till his party. need to mow the lawn and Ej has a doctors appointment later to figure out what is causing his continual crankyness its really out of character for him but hes been a brat since we got home and we have been trying to make sure he adjust back the time difference as easily as possible but hes just not himself.
MM - your poor friend and LO :-( Do they know why the baby was so big? I hope she pulls through with no major problems

Lyn - hope the Dr can give you some answers. It's horrible when they aren't themselves but you don't know why. Or maybe an eat infection or something?

Well my friend is going in to be induced today. She lost her plug this morning and has had period pain and backache since her sweep on Saturday, so I'm hoping that she'll spontaneously start labour before she goes in at 9pm. At least baby will definitely be here by Wednesday!
MM - that's awful. Why didn't they realise the baby was too big? Your poor friend :hugs:
Jul - looks like you had a good party. After seeing everyone pics I'm getting paranoid that I wont have time to sort out a nice party for Flora. I better start getting organised.
Lynn - Flora wasn't herself for a good while after our trip to Oz it kind of knocked her for six. She is on top form now.
Cocoa - When I'm not at work Flora is having milk 3 or 4 times a day - always morning and before bed. Sometimes at about 10am just before her nap to get her sleepy because she's fighting sleep (But I don't actually think she needs this one, its only ever one side), and then one about 1:30-2ish. When I'm at work I'm giving the childminder 2 smallish bottles for the day but I might ask if they think she could handle just having milk in the afternoon, just have more of it.

I'm a bit confused about milk now. She woke twice for feeds last night but perhaps she didn't need it and I should have settled her without feeding. But I couldn't be bothered and I kind of enjoyed that little moment - there wont be many more I guess. My milk supply is definitely lower and I'm giving her far more formula now, probably 40% of her daily milk, as its become increasingly hard to BF her. I want to get to 12 months then try out the cows milk, and I guess wean her off the breast by about 14 months or so.:cry:
MM- :hugs: to your poor friend. I go to a Gymboree with a mom who had the same thing happen. Her little girl has cerebral palsy due to lack of oxygen.
Jul- Great party pics! looks like alot of fun!
Lynn- Hope EJ feels better soon.
Cocoa- Connor is down to 2 breastfeeds a day just morning and evening. He drinks cows milk during the day while I'm working.
GL- Connor will probably be weaned by 14 months too :cry: He has been going back and forth about wanting the evening feed, so the only consisent feed now is morning.

We had a great weekend, and Connor had lots of fun at his party. We had about 25-30 people there. Below are a couple pics. As you can see they started pulling apart my cake before I got a picture of the whole thing :cry:


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Kel - pics look fab! I love the one where Connor is holding his arms up!

M is only really having 2-3oz of cow's milk in the day now. Fingers crossed, she doesn't seem to have had a reaction to it since I reintroduced it on Saturday, so hopefully the rash was just a coincidence last week. I definitely think my supply has dropped now though, she takes both side in the morning and evening (used to just take one) and I don't get full at all during the day. I was dreading that happening at work - especially as my right one gets noticeably larger than the left. So embarrassing :blush:
Crazy crazy here! We're off to the airport in a couple hours. Wish me luck for the next 22+ hours after that when I'll be alone with Ronan on a plane! :wacko:

I'm just glad his daddy will be with us on the flight home. I can't wait to get home though and to see all my family again and for them to meet Ronan!

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