Hellloooo all, i have been keeping up with everyone but i've just found no time to post, so busy at the moment and been changing my hours and working half my day off due to child care not happening. So sorry for being such a slacker!!
Firstly happy belated birthday to Gabriel!!! Love the video.
Erised - ahh we're off to Chester Zoo on Sat, weather permitting, if its raining think we'll do Blue Planet.
MM -i've been keeping up to date with you on FB hope your ok with all these quakes hun, so scary.
GL - Just go with what feels right so far as ttc for no 2 it will all work out. OOh i bet your super excited at the thought of moving back home. It must be so hard with no family support. I really love having my mum up the road from me now its very handy

CocoaOne - not sure if i've said it or not but congratulations on your job hun! Thats really good the hospital have a nursery, so handy for you and you can check up on M on your lunch i presume.
Julchen - Ahh i hope Sam is okay

its awful when they are upset and you don't know why isn't it.
Mummydee - ahh like others have said they really all do develop at different speeds and when there older it won't evern matter at what age they walked etc
Hmm trying to think of anything new for us, Chase isn't walking but he's just started standing on his own without using anything to pull himself up, he'll stand for quite a while then lower himself back down. Ahh one thing he does which is really cute is when he's getting ready for bed once both his arms are out of his top he pulls it over his head himself and he looks so chuffed with himself

Food - i worry it's a bit of an issue, he will eat finger foods but not a great deal so everymeal time as well as finger foods he has a jar or puree or the equivalent we have made for him. I worry as he won't take anything with lumps from a spoon, yet he will feed himself toast, a sandwich and other bits. I don't feel i can take away his pureed food as i panic he will be hungry and since he lost weight when he was ill i'm trying to fatten him up a bit.
Sleeping - naught so naughty but he's still in with us. We've tried to go back to the cot but neither of us are strong enough to cope with the crying, well screaming! He's developed a "i'm being murdered scream" and it's awful, just can't bear it. My sil said her son was in with them until 18 months when she was able to explain to him about going into his own bedroom and he was fine so hopefully this will be the same for us with Chase.
So Chase is 1 on Saturday, i just can't believe it. I suppose we all feel the same. I don't think i've ever known a year to go by so quick. We're going to take him to Chester Zoo and i think he'll have a little party with his cousins too. He'se just started showing an interest in the animals at the park so hopefully he will enjoy the zoo as much as us, lol.
Right think i've rambled on enough. Going to try my hardest not to slack so much x