march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Dee- please don't feel bad. Zander still doesn't do as well as some of these other babies as far as eating goes- yes, he's tall and is at a good weight but he still eats a lot of pureed foods cause he's very strange about texture. I'm worried he won't eat real people food! I tend to whine more about it in my journal though. He drinks from a sippy, but only juice and water. he still takes milk from a bottle.

Don't feel like we would judge you, cause trust me it's not like that! I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say we know all babies learn and grow at a different rate... proof of that is in here.

thanks girls - I dont worry about being judged as such, just more that I will worry that I am doing something wrong/not paying him enough attention/not helping him enough etc etc! we have laminate flooring though and apparently with the physical movement thing, babies with laminate do tend to be slower and more cautious, probably cos its so damn slippery!!!
mummydee - jesse is the other way around ! lol he can eat lumpy foods but is not so good on fingers foods. he can eat toast and cruskits, but i cant go giving him a whole bannana or a square of melon or anything, he chokes .
also i have friend whos baby is 17months and he cant stand up yet, well he can he just doesnt want to lol. hes not walking or anything either.
please dont feel like ur not paying him enough attention or anything.
Sam has been being completely off last night and today. He woke up screaming last night, I had a hard time getting him to calm down. Once he was calm and tried putting him down he would freak out again. Overarched his back, flailing (sp?) his arms and screaming. I then calmed him down again and had him fall asleep in my arm, when I tried to put him down - same thing again. We tried this several times and I waited up to 30 minutes before putting him down, checked his diaper, temperature, gave him some tylenol....etc eventually he slept with us. Needless to say he was exhausted this morning when I dropped him off at the dayhome. I called them twice to check on him and all he has slept today is 45mins. It is the same like last night...Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?? Claudia, my dayhome lady was wondering if maybe he has an ear infection, she found it typical with her 4 kids that they would scream when put down, but he has not been pulling his ears?? He barely ate either...I might have to send OH to the doctor with him if tonight is the same. Must not miss work the next two days. Grrrrrr....You guys have an idea what else we could try?

mummydee, not to be rude and ignore your post, I am with the other girls! Don't feel bad!! I truly believe they all have their own development pace but around the age of three most of them catch up. Sam for example does not say any "words" yet other than dada...he neither stands unaided or walks. It is tough though like you said not to compare with other babies...Try to ignore it!
Hellloooo all, i have been keeping up with everyone but i've just found no time to post, so busy at the moment and been changing my hours and working half my day off due to child care not happening. So sorry for being such a slacker!!

Firstly happy belated birthday to Gabriel!!! Love the video.

Erised - ahh we're off to Chester Zoo on Sat, weather permitting, if its raining think we'll do Blue Planet.

MM -i've been keeping up to date with you on FB hope your ok with all these quakes hun, so scary.

GL - Just go with what feels right so far as ttc for no 2 it will all work out. OOh i bet your super excited at the thought of moving back home. It must be so hard with no family support. I really love having my mum up the road from me now its very handy :haha:.

CocoaOne - not sure if i've said it or not but congratulations on your job hun! Thats really good the hospital have a nursery, so handy for you and you can check up on M on your lunch i presume.

Julchen - Ahh i hope Sam is okay :hugs: its awful when they are upset and you don't know why isn't it.

Mummydee - ahh like others have said they really all do develop at different speeds and when there older it won't evern matter at what age they walked etc :hugs:

Hmm trying to think of anything new for us, Chase isn't walking but he's just started standing on his own without using anything to pull himself up, he'll stand for quite a while then lower himself back down. Ahh one thing he does which is really cute is when he's getting ready for bed once both his arms are out of his top he pulls it over his head himself and he looks so chuffed with himself :cloud9:
Food - i worry it's a bit of an issue, he will eat finger foods but not a great deal so everymeal time as well as finger foods he has a jar or puree or the equivalent we have made for him. I worry as he won't take anything with lumps from a spoon, yet he will feed himself toast, a sandwich and other bits. I don't feel i can take away his pureed food as i panic he will be hungry and since he lost weight when he was ill i'm trying to fatten him up a bit.
Sleeping - naught so naughty but he's still in with us. We've tried to go back to the cot but neither of us are strong enough to cope with the crying, well screaming! He's developed a "i'm being murdered scream" and it's awful, just can't bear it. My sil said her son was in with them until 18 months when she was able to explain to him about going into his own bedroom and he was fine so hopefully this will be the same for us with Chase.
So Chase is 1 on Saturday, i just can't believe it. I suppose we all feel the same. I don't think i've ever known a year to go by so quick. We're going to take him to Chester Zoo and i think he'll have a little party with his cousins too. He'se just started showing an interest in the animals at the park so hopefully he will enjoy the zoo as much as us, lol.
Right think i've rambled on enough. Going to try my hardest not to slack so much x

hi Mummydee :hugs: don't feel bad about roman hun, he will get there. xx

JJ- Thanks hun, we ok, still getting earthquakes we had one just an hour ago. Just an aftershock 3.7, but still enough to make ya jump!

Have been really busy trying to get Ella's birthday party. its on Saturday eeek!!
im home safe and sound now traveled the whole way with a family with a 16 month old who had been living in Christchurch and lost their home and everything they owned basicly so were moving out to the UK to re-start their lives out here.
saw so much devestation and tragedy while in Christchurch but the Kiwi Spirit showed through in the determination and the generosity of people everyone got stuck in and helped whereever they could to make things happen and fix things up it was very inspiring to see.

so happy to be home though im off to take a nap in my nice bed
well, Zander's eyes are totally fine- no crossing or near/far sightedness... turns out he has a wide bridge on his nose, so if he turns the right way, it hides the whites of his eyes giving the appearance of a cross eye.

What's funny now is seeing him try to walk with dilated pupils :P
Welcome back lynn, sounds like a great trip despite the tragedy over there.
PH - Great news about Zander's eyes.
mummydee - Babies really are so different, esp during the first few years because they all pick up things differently. BTW a bum shuffle = crawling, same as army crawling or hands and knees. If they can get where they want, than it counts.
jj- Do you suppose he's got some molars coming in? I hear that can make their ears hurt/cause ear infections, which might hurt when he changes from vertical to horizontal.

Gabriel won't eat fruit pieces and is picky about which lumpy foods he'll eat. I think it's very normal at this stage for them to still prefer smoother foods and finger foods. He eats nearly nonstop though, so it's surprising he's still a light weight. He also refuses to hold his own bottle or sippy cup. He'll drink from either, but I have to hold them for him.

We just got back from his 1 year appointment. He got his MMR, chickenpox, and Hep A & Hep B vaccinations, so we're good on those until his booster shots at 15 months.
He's now 17 lbs and 28.7 inches. Still following the .3rd percentile line for weight, but his length is now at the 16th percentile, so up from around the 7th. His HC is also up around the 26th, whereas it was around the 5th. Both really good signs he's growing just fine and just has his mom and dad's crazy high metabolism, plus he never stops moving.
So glad to hear my son isn't the only one's that's picky about texture! LOL.

Lynn- welcome home! do you have any pics?

Seity- Glad to hear he's growing! He'll be a skinny one that's for sure. LOL. nothing wrong with that though- he might be an awesome track star :)
thanks girls!

Lynn glad u are home safe and sound hunni

Seity - Gabriel is a titch HOW CUTE! I am so used to having big chunky babies, it must be nice on the arms to have a lighter one! He is totally gorgeous, he is doing so well!

PH - great news about Zanders eyes :)

JJ- Chase is doing so well,hope the weather stays nice and you have a great time at the zoo! happy birthday to him for saturday!

MM - bet you cant wait for Ella's party! hope it all goes well and she has an amazing time! PICS please!!

Julchen - hope you have got to the bottom of what was up with Sam!

Not much to report here really - Roman can now open the safety lock on the tv unit (oh joy!) and I need eyes in the back of my head, for bum-shuffling he is liked greased lightening! am thinking of sticking a duster to his bum to he can clean my floor as he goes!

Oooh and proud mummy moment - the curly one has been moved onto reading comprehension books ready for learning to read properly at school ... she is only just 4 and still in nursery so this is quite a big step as they dont usually start this til reception class. she can already read quite a few words I have taught her at home, she cant wait til she can read on her own.... like mother like daughter!
Seity- Gabriel's adorable. I love the love/hate relationship he had with the ice cream cake!
PH- Great news about Zander's eyes!
Mummydee- I agree with the others, they all develop differently. Connor is brilliant with food, and will eat anything, but he is not walking yet.
Lynn- So glad you had a nice trip and made it back safely!

Today is Connor's 1st Birthday! I took off today and tomorrow from work to spend an extended birthday weekend with him. Today we are going to the Aquarium, tomorrow we are going to the Zoo, and Saturday is his birthday party!
Happy Birthday Connor!!! I am sure you will have a great long birthday weekend! Enjoy!
MM - ahh hope Ella has a lovely party hun.

Mummydee - Haha i love the idea of sticking a duster to his bum :haha: Wow thats fab about Livvie, what a clever girl.

Kel - Happy Birthday Connor :cake: Ahh thats great you have been able to take some extra days off to spend with him.

Well we have an upset teethinlg little Chase, i just hope he's not feeling rubbish for his birthday. He keeps burning up, has a snotty nose and is very whiny and grumpy, though he does have spates of being fine (usually after some calpol). Its his side ones that are coming through, at first he was chewing his fingers onto his gums on his right side and now he's chewing his left too so maybe its both sides?
this is ridiculous that their birthdays have come so quick! jesses is next saturday and i can guarantee im going to cry :'(
well we have had the top 2 teeth cut thru the last layer of skin in the last few days and i can tell you, it has been absolute hell!!! he has just been screaming non stop and very clingy. he wont let anyone but me hold him (which is odd for him as hes a really daddys boy) :haha: jonno hasnt even been able to put him to bed, i have to do it so needless to say, my house is a pigsty! i dont think i have washed up in days! :haha: and to make it worse, jesse has been skipping his morning nap. he only sleeps from 11am - 1/1.30 in the afternoon . i think im going insane lol
well ladies im an idiot. i was opening something with a knife n slipped and stabbed my hand just under the finger really bad . the nerves came out of the cut and everything :/ blood everywhere , rushed to hospital and the knife hit the bone so know i have stitches in my hand and LOTS of painkillers as it hurts bad!!! i cant feel that finger so have to go in tomorrow and they will see if i can feel anything and if they arent happy i have to have surger :( im an idiot
Happy Birthday Connor!!! have a great day little man xx

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