march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Good luck! Hope you all have an excellent time and the flight goes well x
Good luck HC.
jul - Great pics. Poor LO having a cold on his birthday.
MM - Prayers for your friend and her LO.
lynn - Hope EJ's just confused by the time change and gets back to himself soon.
kel - I like the pull apart cake. It turned out fabulous. I will not share the pics of your LO covered in cake with my OH though, he would need to take a shower if he saw it.
cocoa - I BF in the evening and the morning and when he wakes hungry at night. Friday he needed to eat twice at night, but the last two days, he only woke once because of his teething and a little numbing gel was all he needed to get back to sleep. He still takes 2-3 4-5 oz bottles of milk/formula (we're not full cow's milk just yet) during the day on top of BF'ing. The kid eats a lot for such a light weight. He loves his booby and when I'm home on the weekend is always trying to lift my shirt and snack on some booby juice. :rofl:

Big news here... Gabriel is now a toddler! He walked from the TV to the coffee table this afternoon. He only started letting go of things and trying to take 1-2 steps on Saturday.
hey ladies :flower:
seity yay!!!!!
A few things from us. teethies number 3,4 and 5 have come through!! its ridiculous how fast they r coming in now. Jesse took 2 steps on saturday!!!! yayayayayay. proper walking wont be for ages yet i dont think but it still counts!
MM- so sorry to hear about you friend. I have a friend in the hospital at the moment , she was induced sunday night and is still only 2cm ! poor thing. shes 38weeks but she had pre-eclampsia with her first and he was induced at 37weeks and her second died from preeclampsia when she was 35 weeks :cry: poor thing, ill never forget getting that phone call. she handled it well (well she had to because her wedding was 2 weeks later). but shes ok now. but this baby is just so stubborn. theyve just broken her waters but im pretty sure she will end up needing a section poor thing.
also jesses competition closes in 2 days so pleaaaasseeee vote for him !!!! it only takes a second. just press the big 'vote now' button enter ur email and then confirm the email you get . it may go to your junk folder
Seity - Go Gabriel!! Not long until he'll be running circles around you!

Tiger - we've still only got 2 teeth. Yay for taking steps! M took her first proper steps yesterday. When she did it before she 'threw' herself forward, but yesterday she stood up, let go of what she was holding and took a step.
oooopps , we put the boys down for naps yesterday about 3.30pm and decided to take naps ourselves and none of us woke till 9pm and then the boys were still sleeping i completely forgot they were in day nappies and we just went back to sleep and everyone finally woke at 6am , EJ soaking wet and dirty, Nate had held onto it all night and had a massive wee on the toilet, EJ has 6 teeth and seems to be cutting 7/8/9/10 all at once atm and theres molars moving to boot which is not helping him out at all, but he seems in better mood after his mamoth sleep i think we all needed it to kick the jetlag. right now the boys are tucking into a cooked breakfast of scrambled eggs and beans on toast since DH has a late shift today he decided to cook for them.
in other news, i decided i want to study beauty therapy whilest i was in NZ and so im now looking for a course to start in September and looking forward to doing it and having something i can do part-time to help bring in some cash as if DH changes career path like we plan him to this year we will be taking a 40% salary cut in his wages for the short term while he undergos some re-qualification so it would help if i was working at least partime during that period to help with things
hello ladies, im so rubbish at updating on here!
sounds like everyones LOs are doing so well with all these teeth and first steps!! :D
it was P's birthday last thursday, wheres my baby gone! she also took 2 steps last monday but hasnt done anything since! she stands unaided for ages then leaps to grab for something instead of moving her feet! :haha:

just wanted to share a few pics of my birthday girl! :cloud9:

we have to meet with a surgeon on monday to see about getting a date for her to go under for her bowl problems, im dreading it :cry: she screams as soon as they go near her and gets herself in such a state:nope:


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MM - so sorry to hear about your friends baby :( hope it all works out xxx
Cocoa - great news about M's first steps!

Loving all the party pics girls, keep them coming! Romans party isnt until the 10th of April so you'll have a bit of a wait for those!
Are you still getting a bouncy castle Dee? M's party is the weekend before her birthday as I'm starting work the week after, and I didn't want to be stressed and knackered the weekend before I went back.

08 - I love her tutu! I'm sure the surgery will be fine, make sure you take some to hold your hand! It's hard when they're this young as you can't explain what's happening :-(
yep, hired a bouncy castle and a face-painter for the occasion! I know its a bit all-out but its my last babys 1st birthday so I wanted to make a big deal of it - we did the same for Livs anyway!

08 def take some support- my 4yr old had her tonsils out last month and it was bloody hard going, I spent a fair few hours in tears both before, during and after the op. kids can sometimes be really weird coming round from the anaesthetic too - Liv was like a demon child, kicking, screaming, biting and stuff cos she was high from pain meds, confused and over-tired ... it wasnt nice at all and I wish someone had warned us how bad that part would be xxx
HC, a bit late but i hope the flight went well /is going well, i know what a headache the first flight was for us after the stopover things got better and the way back was a breeze
my little March lamb has a cold :( boo hiss and hte weather sucks, i hope the weather improves for his party next weekend ive got lots to do to organize it
its jesses birthday tomorrow :( i feel like crying :cry: where has the year gone ?
i know its gone so fast i cant believe my baby will be 1 in 8 days, dammit im gonna have to have another, when Nate was this age we were trying for EJ so its feeling odd to be preping for EJ's party and not trying for a baby
Am I the only one who's glad the first year is over? I love kids, but apparently I don't like babies. Or I just miss getting more than a 3 hour block of sleep at night really, really badly.
lol im an insomniac so 3 hours in a block is a good night in this house unless im badly overtired ( like after the flights ) or ill then i rarely get more than 2-3 hrs uninterupted sleep anyway child or not child lol and i normally function on 5-6 hrs sleep a night lol
Seity - I'm not glad the year is over per se, but I prefer M as she gets older, I certainly don't yearn for another newborn. I love seeing her growing up and trying/doing more things, I literally can't wait until I can have a conversation with her. But I'm very independent and also hate being depended upon, so the more independent she gets, the more I like it! Lol

M took three steps today, won't be long until she's walking! She also bobs, waves her arms about and claps to music/me singing now, which is a billion times better than laying there and dribbling! :haha:

My friend finally had her baby on Tuesday, 15 days late. She text me last night saying she's so exhausted.... and she hasn't even hit a growth spurt or a sleep regression yet. I don't want to relive those days again
mummydee and cocoa thankyou. i am hoping my partner will make it, he has promised but last apointment he missed as a meeting came up :( im really dreading this one so fingers crossed he gets there!

seity- im also glad the the 1st year is over in a way. i mean i am sad i no longer have my little baba but she was very hard going and i am loving the toddler stage (i think she is too!) :thumbup:
Thanks ladies, I worry I'm some kind of freak sometimes because it seems like all the women I know are baby mad and can't wait to have a baby or be around a baby. My mom is one of them, absolutely loves babies (Good thing as there were 5 of us). :haha:

Cocoa - That's super news on the steps. All our babies are turning into toddlers!
08marchbean - I hope the surgery goes well. I really dread the first time Gabriel needs to see a doctor for something other than a well visit.
Well Flora is not a toddler she can cruise very well but she hasn't stood without holding on and no steps here :nope: Good to hear its happening for everyone though!

I am also enjoying Flora more at this age and Cocoa I agree I can't wait for her to talk I'm sure she'll have plenty to say if she's anything like her dad :haha: But its is sort of sad thinking that they'll never be that tiny little thing again, but exciting to think of the future. One of my good friends wants a baby but makes no bones about the fact that she would rather skip the baby part and just have a kid who can talk and play games. SHe is not having much luck getting pregnant unfortunately.

Cocoa good news about your friend, what did she have?
well its jesses birthday today. 2 minutes ago was exactly one :cry:

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