I'm just popping on quickly, still in work but i've had enough for today, Chase had a bad night and i'm shattered
Happy belated birthday Jesse, looks like he had fun!
Cocoa that sounds good that work are wanting to be a flexible as possible, my boss is great and it makes a big difference!
Vegas Charlotte sounds like she is doing great

its crazy how big and grown up they seem in a year isn't it.
Lynn have fun at EJ's party on Saturday.
Well since Chase turned 1 he seems to have come on so much, he is standing up on his own with so much confidence and he's so close to taking his first steps. His newest words are dog, nanna, no and he attempts to say grandma.
He loved the Zoo although he got overtired and due to roadworks and motorways being shut it took us just shy of 3 hours to get home, what shold have been 40 minutes

Chase got very upset until he fell asleep, i felt so mean that he was so upset on his birthday.
I have a food question, how much proper food is everyones babies eating? I know this was brought up not so long ago, i'm just worried Chase should be just eating proper food now and he's not he still wants pureed food. Also last night he was feeding off me on and off for hours and eveytime he pulled off me to go to sleep he would cry and eventually i figured maybe he was hungry, he was starving so at 4:50 a.m. we got up and he had a yoghurt so i'm even more so thinking the purees aren't filling him up now? But how do i get him to eat a big quantity or "normal food" he will eat bits but he literally has a bit then starts throwing it around and playing with it.