march lambs 2010 come on ladies

... I'm just going through the first few pages, and just saw a new ticker!!
Missy. who had her little girl on the 17th of March is 16 weeks pregnant again =)
Guess non of us will be the first, wonder if she is or if anyone else was first

Also, I don't recommend you go back to look through them... all our toddlers were so tiny once *cries*

Me again! another ticker! ... holl1109 is 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Her little one was born erm, less than a year ago. 24th of March if I do my maths correctly
littleblonde who once was here is 27weeks pregnant :) her little girl just turned one
Wow, that's past the half way point.
Have to admit I'm a little bit jealous... got to convince DH!
lol sooooooooooooooooooooo not broody right now lol having another couldnt be less what i wanted atm lol my 2 are enough of a handful
they are mad!! each to their own, but no thanks :)

Lynn - hope you have a great party at the weekend and the weather is kind to you!

Nice to hear from the working mummas, I admire you all so much, I dont know how you do it!

Cocoa - let us know how you get on at the docs with M. I havent given Roman peanut butter yet.

No news here other than I lost another 3.5lbs at fat club today! hurrah! Roman has been a bit constipated and grumpy the last couple of days, still no sign of any flaming teeth though!
CocoaOne - poor M, like mummyde i've not tried Chase with peanuts yet. What did the Dr say?

julchen - i know what you mean hun i don't get on here as often as i would like, and when i'm in work i end up having 15mins for my lunch so i can finish earlier so i don't even get time then, unless i'm skiving :haha:

Ahh glad he's over his fever its so horrible when they are poorly.

Wow, that's past the half way point.
Have to admit I'm a little bit jealous... got to convince DH!

Yeah i'm a bit jeaolous too, my friend is due in June and i'm sooo excited. Think we'll probably wait until this time next year, mainly due to money, boooo.

mummydee - well done on the weight loss :thumbup: Agh when Chase is constipated it makes him super grumpy, hope he moves one soon hun.

Hmm so i've been up since 6:40a.m. on my day off, think i'll have to explain to Chase what "day off" means :haha: he usually sleeps in too so i was shocked he woke so early. Yet i bet tomorrow when he has to get up i have to wake him, i hate having to wake him i feel soooo cruel.

Lovely day here today, can't wait for summer.

Just bought a gorg nautical bag, its not too big yet its big enough for Chase's bits.

Does anyone elses babies pull thier pants off? Chase is alway wriggling out of his jeans, i've just looked over and he's just this minute wriggled out of them again. Don't mind though as i love his lil skinny legs, they are so cute :cloud9:
DH said we can start trying again when Eleanor is 18 months, which is fine with me. Part of me wants to try earlier, part of me wants to wait. I'm quite worried about Eleanor not being my sole point of attention any more, I don't want her to have to share. Know it's only normal to feel like that though, and eventually we do want a second and third! We're sort of on a time schedule as well, DH is nearly 29 which I know is young enough, but as his dad died when he was only early / mid twenties he does not want to be an 'old dad' like his dad was (in all fairness, his dad was around 40 when he had DH). Sooo... as we want at least 2 more kids with 2 years in between, we need to hurry up! ;)

At the same time though, I'd like to try and lose some weight before falling pregnant again. We'll just see how things plan out. Eleanor took 14 months to conceive, who knows how long the second one will take once I stop the pill.
mummydee - I agree, they are mad. One child is more than enough for us and we certainly wouldn't want our babies close together if we were inclined to have more. Maybe I'll change my mind when I'm 40 and G is a little bit older.
cocoa - Poor M. Gabriel loves peanut butter. I'd be sad if he had an allergy because it's such an easy source of protein.
jj - Gabriel is always taking his pants off too. It doesn't help that he's so skinny, that we have to safety pin most of them or he'd just crawl right out without trying.
hopefully those of you that want to TTC in the next while wont have any issues, apparently sometimes its easier as your body knows what to do!

we have been talking and I think DH is going to go for the snip this year- its not 100% yet cos there is always the "what if" thing, but we have both agreed that for now and the longly forseeable future we definitely dont wany any more munchkins running around - my 2 are hard enough!

oh great Roman has just spewed up a load of clear stuff (think he is teething) on my floor - thank god for laminate....!
well ive managed to kick some more housework so less to do now before saturday aside from our room ( which i feel wont get done ) then all of the upstairs is ready for Saturday, i have to do laundry tonight though once i have the kids in bed and im cooking DH's and my dinner then i'll put the nappies on to rinse i think then they can wash during the evening and i can have them drying overnight and put a load on a delay start for tomorrow, gotta drag the vaccum cleaner back downstairs though and vaccum up after the boys finish dinner as they have made another mess on the floor my poor vaccum cleaner the things it has to put up with lol. EJ has just gotten in a hiff with me and is refusing to eat his beans and peas combo they are having for dinner ( im such a lazy cook but they did have meat and more veges at lunch so its ok if they have a lazy dinner )
im bored lol i need someone to come keep me company while i do what i have to do, i miss having friends stay for a week or so to keep me company
hi ladies :flower:
i am as ill as anything !!! i just suddenly got sick yesterday morning out of the blue and last night was horrific :nope: (its 730am here). tried going to bed at 9 as was shattered and my nose was completely blocked and no amount of blowing would help, i even inhaled a menthol inhaler and i put jesses ventilator thing on and it didnt work. by 11 i went to sit on the lounge to have some tea to try and help it and my nose cleared up while i was standing but then blocked up once i say down. grrrr. then jesse woke and then i put him back to sleep and went back to bed, the last time i looked at the clock before i fell asleep was 4:37am and jesse woke at 630am :nope: im shattered :cry:
btw jesse woke up early the other morning without making a noise and when he finally did i walked in to him standing in his cot, he had taken his pants and nappy off and 'painted' poo all over his cot :sick:
also we r trying to conceive but with no luck so far, im on cycle day 39 no period in sight but negative a few days ago. arggghhh
I finally got an appointment at the Dr for today at lunchtime so I'll update later with what they say. I'm gutted, because as Seity said, it's an easy source of protein - especially as she can't have eggs and only has two teeth so struggles with meat. I gave her a yogurt on Tuesday and she had a runny nappy within 20 mins and a rash on her chin/chest yesterday. God knows what I'll do if she's allergic to dairy, eggs and nuts :dohh: I remember from work that there is a serious lack of allergy clinics around here, so no idea how long it will take to get referred, maybe the dr will just give the same advice he gave when I went to see him about the eggs ('just don't give them to her' :dohh:)

In other awful news - I haven't been paid from work :cry: I've technically been back at work (old job) for a month now, I'm off because I've got 6 weeks of annual leave to take which was tagged on to the end of my maternity leave. So I was expecting a full months wage, and only received a tax rebate of £108. Apparently I'm still down as on ML on payroll's system, and they need to receive some forms from HR or my manager before they can work out how much to pay me. Tried contacting HR and manager and they are both on annual leave until next week. Very helpful!

Dee - well done for your loss! The weight is creeping back up now I'm only feeding M twice a day.

JJ - M tries to undo her nappy if I don't keep it covered. My nephew (20m) has just started taking everything off during his naps... Dreading that!

Tiger - as above ^ dreading it! Why aren't kids bothered by pop?! Gross.
Have you tried charting your temperature? Might help you see when you ovulate so you can target when you DTD, especially if you're having long cycles- you could be ovulating as late as day 28!
tiger, hope you feel better soon and good luck with ttc

Nate takes his nappy off when he want it changed lol not amusing to find hes taking it off in bed but its all on the way to potty training so i guess i just have to deal with it and teach him to ask mummy to take his nappy off.
EJ has started standing for a few seconds solo unsupported he will happily crusie around the house though if he has stuff to hang onto yesterday while i was cleaning the bathroom and the boys were playing in their room he was walking back and forth down the side of Nates bed holding it
Hi all I have been reading but never seem to have the energy to write! We have been super busy with my parents arriving from Oz, its a bit cramped in our place but they are great with Flora and are helping with her as well.

Tiger, hope you feel better. Gross about the poo!
Good luck TTC, and congrats to any pregnancies. Way too soon for me yet.

Cocoa how did the GP go? Crap news about your pay, I hiope its gets sprted out pronto.

Erised, my DH is a 40 year old dad but he doesn't really feel old at all. He definitely wasn't ready for kids at 29 :nope: Its great that your OH wants to be a young dad. Good luck TTC no 2 whenever you start trying

Dee - yay for weight loss! I have put weight back on too since going back to work.

So I'm only breastfeeding a little bit now, in the morning and maybe once in the day when I'm not at work, and I am going to stop expressing at work. I just want to get to 12 months and then I will think about weaning, as she seems pretty happy to be having bottles now. I am trying to give her milk in a cup but she isn't taking to it too well yet. I will just persevere with it.

I think the top teeth a very nearly ready to come out, I can see the bulge of her tooth shape and I reckon they should cut within a week or two. Cocoa does M have her top teeth yet? Seity does Gabriel?
Dr was pants, as expected. He basically said that he hasn't got a clue, so is referring us to a paediatrician. He disnt even offer any advice about what to do, I had to ask if it was ok to give here piriton if she gets rashy again, and I'm sure he could have given me a prescription for it, but he didn't. So god knows how long the referral will take. We'll just to avoid lots of foods in the mean time.

No top teeth yet. I keep thinking they're coming because she's biting a lot, but no sign on the gums yet. And re: the cup thing, some days M will only drink out of her straw cup, and other days she has to drink out of my glass. Weird children!
GL - No top teeth or sign of any yet here.
tiger - That's awful. I hope you feel better soon. I often sleep sitting up on the couch when I'm stuffed up, so I can breathe.
cocoa - That's terrible about the pay. I'd be furious.

Apparently, I lost my mind and nobody bothered to tell me. I found a laptop at work today that I was supposed to configure months ago and I didn't even know I had it. :dohh: I blame a year without sleep, but honestly I didn't realize I was that far gone.
Seity, maybe the person just left it on your desk and didn't tell you....

Everyone had a good weekend?

I'm currently sat waiting at the emergency dentist. Had toothache for 3 days now and just assumed it was my wisdom tooth giving me trouble again. But the pain and swelling has got worse and the multitude of drugs I'm taking have stopped working. OH thinks it's an abcess :cry: Never had trouble with my teeth before. Hopefully it'll get sorted quickly, I'm like a grumpy bear.
Cocoa gutted bout the teeth I have bad issues with mine it's awful ,
Well it's been a busy weekend here with Elliotts bd yesterday and out today at another bd Party I'm tired plus my back is giving me trouble so in a bit of pain to boot hope everyone had an alright wknd
Poor cocoa I hope you get it sorted. I have been really lucky with my teeth, touch wood.
Happy birthday EJ! I hope you all had a lovely time.

We've had a reasonably chilled weekend, we went to the garden centre and picked up some seeds so we're starting our veggie patch and herb garden soon and I'm hoping we get a good crop this year.

I think I can just feel Floras top left tooth starting to cut. She has been a little bit irate this afternoon, in between being extremely adorable. She has a new set of sounds and is doing this high pitched talking thing its so cute, I took a vid in the garden this afternoon I'll try to upload it soon. She is fascinated in the garden and I#m so happy to finally be able to get out there!

I've got an appointment on Weds for contraception, I'm about to run out of the mini pill, but I'm not sure whether to carry on with it as I'm only feeding once a day now (not really out of choice) and I don't know how long that'll last for. If I go back on the normal pill then I can't feed her... so I dunno what to do really.
GL - maybe don't take anything and NTNP? :shrug: :winkwink:

Lyn - hope your back is better today

Dentist gave me some antibiotics (def an abcess, not sure if it's in/under the tooth or in the gum though). Need to phone my dentist today to book an appointment so they can decide what to do

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