march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Helloo all, not been on foor a few days Chase's reflux has been really bad and he's not been sleeping day or night, i've never been so tired in all my life. But last night the gaviscon really worked and he slept from 11-4.30 which was fab and i feel great!! He's just had a feed and is fast asleep on me in our bed, hubby has gone to work and it's a long day today 6-6 so i'm glad Chase gave me a good nights sleep!

MissMuffet i know what you mean about going out/driving on your own with LO, i've not been out on my own yet with Chase, how sad! but i'm scared. I know i just need to get out and do it, i may go today, need a christening present for Sunday.

Wow congratulations to CocoaOne and mummydee :happydance: well done! so happy your LO's are here xx

jj-rabbit-Mika has reflux...some days are better than others. He is on infant pepcid and we switched to Dr. Brown's bottles (meant for colic, but great for reflux) and use an AR formula at night when his reflux is worse, which has made a WORLD of difference. Hmm, now that I think about it, I don't remember if you are bf or ff so that might not help you at all... We didn't run into this but I know a lot of ladies on here have had problems because their doctor's don't want to diagnose reflux so be persistent if you have to!

Hi, i took Chase to the docs on Tues and he's got silent reflux, been prescribed gaviscon which is definately helping :thumbup: It's so horrid though isn't it, even with the gaviscon he is still in pain after a feed, he makes these awful noises and pulls his legs up, breaks my heart. But probably the worst thing is the way it affects his swallowing/breathing, sometimes when he is feeding he will cough or cry so i take him off and he is proper gasping for breath, when it's bad it makes him cry for a second, and i'm sure it's cause it scared him, it totally scares me! I'm bf by the way but thanks for the tips x
hey! I've found our new home! :hi:
Zander was due March 3 but was born Feb 26 @ 1:33 AM via scheduled induction on the 25th.
He was 8 lbs 5 oz.
we are more settled now with Elliott settling himself to sleep alot better even after a night feed he doesnt really even whimper to settle and i think i need to take him up for naps about 5 min before i put him in bed so its not so sudden so he settles quicker then too, he slept from 11ish till 5:30 this morning then had a feed and would have slept longer im sure but i had to wake him at half 9 caus my boobs were soooo full of milk, he didnt manage to drain them at his feed either so im going to have to make sure i pump off after his next feed to make sure that my milk production doesnt slow down, id rather have too much and have to freeze some than not enough and have sore nipples caus hes having to feed longer to get as much,
i cant believe how quickly my house turns into a mess though we had it all nice and perfectly clean the night before last then last night it looked like a bomb had hit before we went to bed,
Hi, I've just discovered this new thread. Charlotte was due on March 8, but made her appearance on February 18. Seven weeks ago today! How time flies. She was 7lb 2oz at birth. Can't wait until my two month appointment to see how much weight she has put on. She is such a big eater so I know she has put on a ton of weight. Now if I could only lose my baby weight....

Thanks for starting this new thread, it will be good to compare notes with all of the other moms who have babies the same age.
i cant believe how quickly my house turns into a mess though we had it all nice and perfectly clean the night before last then last night it looked like a bomb had hit before we went to bed,

I can totally relate! it seems like the minute I get the house clean it's even worse than before. :dohh:
Awww, so glad to see we got this new thread. It is strange to go third trimester now. I kind of miss it.

Sam was born on March 11th (due March 2nd). He was a c-section and weighed 8lbs8oz at 21.5inches.

Can't believe he is four weeks today!! Hope everyone is doing well.
yay!!!! congrats girls!!!!
typing one handed st the moment lol... jesse is well, he had a few days of horrendous screaming, turned out to be bad colic (not sure on this as all i have to do is move him n he burps like a champion continously, n his farts are horrible lol!!!) he seems to be much better now tho, thank god, i was getting no more than 2rs sleep! sooo tired n hormonal.
we are comp feeding now, he gets just one feed of formula a day, n thats at night because i dont seem to have enuf milk, n i know everyone says demand feed n u will have enuf, but thats not the case for me, i literall cant produce enuf.
my iron levels are still horribly low, 70!!! may needa transfusion apparently :(
ohh n jesse was 9.5lbs

Tiger, your little man is adorable!!
Wren had her first appointment with the paediatrition today. She is doing soo well, she now weighs 7.8lbs (her brith weight was 6.3lbs) so I am really pleased! She has also grown 4cms.

The doctor prescribed us what i think is Infacol but here is called Flatulex for her gas so I am hoping this will help her a little. We are not having a good day after a rough night as well, I am feeling really tired and can't wait for OH to come home, maybe I can get a little sleep before she gets her evening grump on...which is different from her day grump!

My house is also a tip, we just gave it a good clean the other day too. I feel I can't keep up with the house work and Wren at the moment. I also feel like I permanently smell of sour milk from my leaking boobs as well, soo depressing!

Sorry this post has turned into a bit of a rant....

Gotta crying......
Hi everyone! Flora is a week old today and it has mostly been great. I think I have turned a corner with breastfeeding, which was getting me down a bit yesterday when it was taking her SOO long to latch properly. It was totally frustrating me but I've found a position which works better for us and she seems quite greedy now.

Just have a few questions - I will ask in the BF forum too but since it is recent for us lot just checking with you lot as well.

What do you do if one boob is more successful than the other? She latches far quicker from my right boob and I'm just not sure if she's getting much from the left. The nipple on the left is much sorer as well, which may be part of the problem. So I find myself REALLY struggling with the left when the right is comparatively easy, and end up using the right more. I'm worried that the left won't produce enough, or will it catch up eventually?. Should I start on the right then switch her to the left? Should I pump the left? (midwife said not to start pumping yet..?).

Anyway she's hungry now but any advice from the experts appreciated!
xx Glad to hear you're all doing OK. :flower:
yay!!!! congrats girls!!!!
typing one handed st the moment lol... jesse is well, he had a few days of horrendous screaming, turned out to be bad colic (not sure on this as all i have to do is move him n he burps like a champion continously, n his farts are horrible lol!!!) he seems to be much better now tho, thank god, i was getting no more than 2rs sleep! sooo tired n hormonal.
we are comp feeding now, he gets just one feed of formula a day, n thats at night because i dont seem to have enuf milk, n i know everyone says demand feed n u will have enuf, but thats not the case for me, i literall cant produce enuf.
my iron levels are still horribly low, 70!!! may needa transfusion apparently :(
ohh n jesse was 9.5lbs

Tiger, your little man is adorable!!

thanks :flower:
i think hes gorjuz but i could be a little biassed lol
although he can be a monster at night :dohh: or when i try n put him down lol

oh wow i weighed myself today n ive lost 16kg in 3weeks!!!!!! im now lighter than i was before i fell weird....anyone know why that might be? i was never a big person. bmi was always around 22 :shrug:
yay!!!! congrats girls!!!!
typing one handed st the moment lol... jesse is well, he had a few days of horrendous screaming, turned out to be bad colic (not sure on this as all i have to do is move him n he burps like a champion continously, n his farts are horrible lol!!!) he seems to be much better now tho, thank god, i was getting no more than 2rs sleep! sooo tired n hormonal.
we are comp feeding now, he gets just one feed of formula a day, n thats at night because i dont seem to have enuf milk, n i know everyone says demand feed n u will have enuf, but thats not the case for me, i literall cant produce enuf.
my iron levels are still horribly low, 70!!! may needa transfusion apparently :(
ohh n jesse was 9.5lbs

Tiger, your little man is adorable!!

thanks :flower:
i think hes gorjuz but i could be a little biassed lol
although he can be a monster at night :dohh: or when i try n put him down lol

oh wow i weighed myself today n ive lost 16kg in 3weeks!!!!!! im now lighter than i was before i fell weird....anyone know why that might be? i was never a big person. bmi was always around 22 :shrug:

Apparently breastfeeding is meant to take the weight right off? :) It might be that, even though you're pumping it will still do the same thing. I haven't noticed any hard out weightloss on me to be honest...hoping it will happen though :rofl: I was naughty with the junkfood during preg. Oh hell, I still am really :lol: Hard habit to kick...I'm having vitamins for bubs so he gets good stuff out of my boobie milk though haha.
breastfeeding burns huge amounts of calories so the weight can just drop off i found it did post ds1 currently im about my prepreg weight but hoping to see the numbers on my scales slowly get smaller,

we went to the park today with both the boys it was lovely to get out in the sun, ive put some pics up on facebook
breastfeeding burns huge amounts of calories so the weight can just drop off i found it did post ds1 currently im about my prepreg weight but hoping to see the numbers on my scales slowly get smaller,

we went to the park today with both the boys it was lovely to get out in the sun, ive put some pics up on facebook

How quickly did you start to notice a difference hun? Out of curiosity. I've seen nothing yet, but my tummy is smaller which is a nice surprise x

The pics are lovely hun :) Looks like Nate loves his little brother heaps!
i've lost 15kg, but not healthy coz i only eat a yoghurt and soup a day i cant eat i just have no appetite! :( i'll post a pic of my post-baby self later on :)
i've lost 15kg, but not healthy coz i only eat a yoghurt and soup a day i cant eat i just have no appetite! :( i'll post a pic of my post-baby self later on :)

:o 15kg, whoa! Since giving birth or from before you gave birth hun? Just make sure you have some healthy things for Ella's health, they eat exactly what we eat apparently, in terms of nutritional value and vitamins etc :shrug: Thankfully I have some of my blackmores capsules left (they were the preg and breastfeeding ones) so I'm being a bit lazy with my nutrition but relying on the vitamins etc in them. Heaven forbid I have to start eating my veggies after I finish them though :( Hope your appetite returns soon sweets, you must be feeling so worn out!

Here's my post partum tummy, taken 3 days ago so don't think it will have changed tooo much. Shrunk back down well, but then I was pretty damn small at full term..

So - 2 weeks PP side, front & then one of me the day I went in to labour at 41+1..



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RWhite- You look amazing hun!!! You look really good!!!! :D I lost the weight since i have given brth, coz of all the crap going on in my head i totally don't have an appetite so ofcourse my eating is suffering. One of the pills i'm on is really helping though- it's an instant working pill so i take it in the morning, night and when i need it and they help so much i feel somewhat normal except they make me so so super tired!! the other pill that i have to take isn't so instant it takes a few weeks to work, so can't wait for that to work then hopefully I can get myself back on track properly and get on with things. I hate to say i'm better because of drugs- but, it's what i have succumbed to :blush:.

M/W coming this afternoon to weigh Ella she was a chunky monkey at 9lb4oz last friday so will be interesting to see what she is today a week on.

We havn't got a routine as such, just everything on demand but that sorta makes up its own routine on its own give or take an hour or so. I'm expressing more than i'm feeding straight off the breast as it is faster for her to drink and full her belly- night feeds i will feed her 120ml of ebm and if she wants more i'll breast feed her till she falls asleep. during the day i will mostly breastfeed, just depends- if i go out i'll take a bottle with me. I'm giving her 120ml of formula at night. She doesn't seem confused by the different feeding methods its all good and she is gaining weight, even though i'm struggling to eat to right now so i'm losing weight fast but she's looking more like a budda every day!!

I think i have thrush on my nipples- they are itchy and red. not sore, just itchy. i have thrush cream for Ella's bum (poor girl). But then wouldn't that give her thrush on her tounge if she is breastfeeding? M/W coming later i'll ask her about it.

Have got one more session at the osteopath/ baby chiapractor (spelling?) for Ella next week. Definatly seeing some improvement though :)


Heading out the door to the hospital- wanted to take more but was in too much pain, just wanted to go!! 39w4d

Post-baby tummy 3weeks and 3 days on

gettin there :thumbup:
Hi all!

Still haven't got round to writing down my birth story (even though it's a short one!)
We are both good though, just finding our feet with a new addition. BFing is going ok I think, hard to tell as my milk hasn't come in yet so I've got no idea what she's getting- although she never cries much with hunger so we presume she's satisfied with what she's getting. Latch is ok but not perfect - starting to hurt a bit but I'm using cream and will hopefully sortwhen milk comes in.

I'm bloody shattered at the mo! She only seems to sleep when she's being held, fine during the day, but I spend all night awake as I can't fall asleep holding her. OH took her for a couple of hours tonight do I could get a kip in before she needed feeding again- he's been a better Dad and support to me than I ever thought possible :cloud9: Not sure what to do about sleeping- want to make sure we can put her in her Moses basket for sleeps eventually but she seems to small/young to leave her to cry and self-soothe etc. Might try swaddling her tomorrow.

Hope everyone (and all the babies!) are well. Will try and do my birth story and add pics ASAP x :hugs:

ETA: Dee and baby are both well but she was kept in to keep an eye on infection/antibiotics. She should be home soon so sure she'll update you all x
you guys look really good
ill post mine, 41 weeks 2 days (2 days before i had him)[/I
and today 3weeks PP
Ella has gone from 9lb4oz to 9lb15 and a half oz in 1 week. go little chub!! just under 10 pounds!! :shock:

I'm gonna be brave and go to the warehouse on my own and leave Ella with her daddy. i have a thing about separation, i dont want to leave her. i'm half paniking thinking about it- this is one of those times i'm meant to take one of those stupid pills- b4 i do something that will set me off into a panic. they make me too tired tho. i probably won't end up going out. But it's to get Rosy (RWhite) an outfit for her wee boy. So i will do it for you Rosy :thumbup:

Oh and yes i do have thrush on my nipples. And Ella has it in her mouth and on her bum. And I'm just getting over it down below too. Man its everywhere! started coz of the augmentim (spelling?) an antibiotic i was on because of the manuel placenta removal. Poor bubba is really uncomfortable right now :(

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