march lambs 2010 come on ladies

awww poor ella, at least now you know for sure thats what it is, they can do something to treat it? you poor thing hun, you really are going through it all arent you?
i know how u feel about the separation thing too, i havent spent a minute away from jesse since he was born, although, i will be tomorrow night, eeeek. maybe u can take half a pill? will that work? im not really sure, but i do hope you feel better soon
Tiger- yes i just taken half of one. I have been feeling much better. i just had a panic and burst out crying to dan just thinking of going on my own. But i'm gonna do it. i don/'t wanna rely on anti-psychotics to get me through, but i guess if i need to right now then so be it, i dont have to be on them forever, i just dont wanna freak out in the middle of the shop when i get there all on my own, i have done that b4 it wasn't nice!
We have thrush cream for her bum and my nipples and m/w is faxing through a script for some gel for her mouth so we will get that tomorrow. man itchy nipples isn't fun at all! LOL! Also the left one has red speckles on it, like the blood is at the surface, i have to be careful when expressing. this morning i had to throw out all the milk i had just expressed coz i had bled into it. then found out its ok, she is still fine to drink it if its just abit of blood. ewww!!

YOU ARE LOOKING REALLY GOOD FOR 3 WEEKS (oops sorry bout the caps)!!!!
lol im not totally sure id give jesse milk if there was blood in it lol, its probably fine but i would feel weird iykwim lol?
at least the half a tablet is doingsomething, hopefully wont make you tired. and you seem to have a good perspective on things now, cuz thats tru, you wont be on them forever, just until you feel 100% comfortable which hopefully will be soon for you :) my doctor tried telling me i have PND the other day because a) i hardly eat b) hardly sleep c) dont get out of the house d) cry ALOT e) feel a little bored with my life f) feel really dissapointed with my labour n birth n cry when i think about it.... he was trying to give me a script for something but im like, nothanks, all that just sounds like im a mother to a newborn to me... lol
i hope the cream n gel helps for you both though :hugs:
n thanks, my belly seems to be going down alot n im getting heaps of my muscle back i think. your looking really good too.
yep to a point alot of it is just being a mum to a new born. i just finally accepted help coz its not just something thats arrised since having a baby its something thats been going on for years, and has gotten worse. I told my midwife today that i want to stop taking the pills because i feel better she's like "erm... u feel better because u are taking the pills" hmm good point. oh well, I am enoying my girl a little more now so that is the main thing :D
Where are you going tomo night Tiger? You mentioned u won't be with jesse?
hi ladies not been on foe a few days been really busy ella had to go to hospital the otherday for jaundice we got there and checked her over and then said they where more worried about her weight than the jaundice she was 7lb 9oz at birth and then went down to 6lb 12oz then 7lb and at day 15 on tuesday she was 7lb 6oz any way they where going to admit her and put a canular in her hand bless her you should have herd her scream its heart breaking when you know they dont understand whats going on then they spoke to my boss who is our local nct breastfeeding Counselor and she explained about her looseing so much weight to start with (even all of this was in my notes) and then they decided i could go home if all the bloods where ok wich they where so poor ella had the canula for no reason in the end.
also as its half term im hardly getting 5 mins to my self at the mo with all the kids at home lol
miss muffett im glad your feeling better about taking the pills now and that you are able to enjoy ella more xx

i was wondering where every one is from i know its been done in other thread before but i can never remember hope every one is well and a big congratulations to becki and dee xxxx
things are continuing to settle more although dh was on skype to his mother last night and EJ was fussing caus of wind so of course she was offering her advice ( not that i wanted it or asked for it i was coping fine ) im shitting myself about tomorrow caus DH is back at work for the whole day and i'll be on my own, this morning at half 1 i was coming downstairs to get my nipple sheilds and nipple cream after leaving them down here when i went to bed and i caught the edge of the stair 5 from the top to slim and ended up on my arse coming down the stiars and ive brusied my tailbone and the SI joints in the back of my pelvis are all inflamed im surpsied i didnt wake the whole street with my screaming , DH had to rescue me from the stairs ( thankfully he was up doing a system check on the laptop still ) and carry me to the living room and lay the sofa cushions out for me to lay on while the shock wore off and i managed to drag myself back up the stairs to bed and get up to get EJ at 3 when he woke for his feed and fed him lying on my side, im stiffer and sorer than i was with my spd today but i have to just get on with it, i dont want to take too many painkillers caus they make EJ sleepy,
on a good note the mw phoned this morning with my blood test results and my iron levels are back up by 3 points which although still puts me in the anemic catorgory then im much better, i have to call my Health Visitor ( Kinda like a Plunket nurse ) and get her to come out on monday to weigh EJ so the hospital can discharge us i hope hes regained his birthweight by then he only had 200gms to go so not much,
we are getting into a routine though now which is good,

cocoaone, i know i can seem a bit mean letting them cry a little or self settle but it only takes EJ 5 min now to stop whimpering which he starts doing about 10 min after being put down and go to sleep which is great, i am swaddling him with one hand out so he can suck on his fingers though as he refuses a dummy of any kind
wow all you that have posted pics you look fab!!! I'm still a stone heavier, it only bothers me because hardly any of my clothes fit me :cry: i.m sick to death of my maternity jeans, can fasten my pre pregnancy ones but can't move in them. I went out yesterday for the first time on my own and treatd myself to some new tops, which bizzarely (sp?) are my pre pregnancy size, even though i'm a stone heavier :shrug: right moan over i'll av to just excercise, well think about it, never excercised in my life any tips on what i can do?

MM if the tablets are working hun stick with them, like you say your enjoying ella more which is fab :thumbup: poor you and Ella hun :hugs:

CocoaOne i'm with Lynn on leaving LO to settle themselves, obviously if he is major upset i don't leave him. But we tend to put him down and unless he is knackered he usually burbles to himself sometimes with little cries, we quickly get the lamp off and then unless he has wind he falls asleep within minutes.

Glad Ella is ok mummy_em. Chase had to have a canular as he was in neo natal for 4 days after birth with jaundice, its awful isn't it, you feel so helpless.

Ahh my poor lil mans reflux was so bad yesterday, everytime he tried to feed after a few minutes i kept having to take him off as could hear it all coming up and then he would do his gasping for breath, i hate it, hubby says his body won't just let him not breath but it scares me silly :cry:

so what is everyone up to today its lovely. I;ve got loads i want to do but with Chase's reflux its hit and miss as to whether he can lie down, he is fine in his car seat as its more upright but i'm conscious of him spending too long in it as i know there not supposed to, so i may get nothing done. MM i am exactly the same with the house so don't worry hun. I just do a bit at a time as don't av time for a proper all out blitz especially when hubby working 6-6, boo.
jj hun you might need to look into a baby swing that is more upright than laying down to avoid having to use the carseat, EJ likes his carseat too he loves being able to see things and his bouncer lays him back too much so he cant see whats happening around him so he gets upset in it,
jj hun you might need to look into a baby swing that is more upright than laying down to avoid having to use the carseat, EJ likes his carseat too he loves being able to see things and his bouncer lays him back too much so he cant see whats happening around him so he gets upset in it,

ooh thanks i'm going to see if there are any going cheap on e-bay! Chase doesn't like his bouncer either, he will stay in it for a few mins at most before crying.
Hi ladies, we had a great day today, been out of teh house for 6hrs! We had a doctor appointment to ultra sound Wren's hips whihc they do here at 4 weeks and everything looks good, one of her hips is slightly underdeveloped but the dr said she wasn't overly concerned as it was by a tiny amount and 99% of the time it rectifys itself, anyhoo we may have to go back in 4 weeks, our padiatrition will decide if we have to or not.

We then met a woman and her little girl from our antenatal class for coffee, it was really nice to meet up with another mum with a baby the same age, I also BF is starbucks twice..very proud of myself.

I fear I have a new addiction as well, clothes shopping for Wren. We had only bought a few basics as we were team yelloe but today I went crazy in H&M and another clothing store here..OH will be home soon....he is gonna think I am crazy!

Looking forward to the Weekend..anyone have any plans?

Mummy_em, I am from the UK/Canada (spent half my life in each country) but we have been living in Switzerland for a year now....
emskins, i cant go crazy shopping for EJ caus hes a boy so we have all Nates stuff still, oh well dont have money to shop anyway,
hip scans dont get done as practice here but EJ has one due to my hip joint problems ( under developed shallow joints ) just like Nate did and that is in June i got the letter through today for it,
whoops ive forgotten to call the HV im gonna be in trouble when the MW's call next i was supposed to organize the HV to come weigh EJ, i might just take him down to baby clinic on Monday and get him weighed there instead lol or put him on our scales lol
Lynnikins does the midwife not weigh him?

I just finished expressing. Ella slept for 6 hours! Now heres hoping she is going to drift off soon, i can hear her little noises still lol. Going to clean my pump then bed time again. yay its the weekend, that means daddy does the morning feed and change and i get to lie in :dance: oneof the joys of expressing :haha:
the mw did weigh him on wed but they only come for the first 10 days or so here then we get the Health visitor instead unless you have medical problems that need hospital supervison still, the HV is basicly a plunket nurse,
yeah would be nice if DH did the morning routine any day here hes really not a mornings person and hes working tomorrow anyway :( so im by myself for the first time really with the 2 boys
wow look at all the weight loss and the fab PP shots.
I've lost all my pregnancy weight and 6lbs more so am well chuffed. I also got back into my jeans after 1 week PP. Still got loads of weight to lose as I promised I'd really be good after I had Max and get down to a lower bmi.

I'm still expressing and mix feeding. I said I'd do 4 weeks so have another 2 to go

Max has no routine at all. He feeds and sleeps on demand. Am hoping he'll get his own routine soon. Or am I being naive?
Chele Flora has no routine either, except that she seems to cluster feed in the evenings, a good four or five times between 6 and midnight. Not so sure about tonight as she's now well asleep but in a way I hope I get another couple of feeds in before midnight or else she might not sleep too well in the night (she has been doing a good four hours in a row last few nights).

I am exclusively breastfeeding at the moment and its gradually getting easier. I think my left boob is starting to catch up with my right which has been tonnes easier so far. I'm not sure when to start expressing? The midwives said not just yet but everyone esle is talking about it i just wondered when you started?

As for me also reached pre-preg weight and more already, but I was a little bit more than I wanted to be in the first place so I'm happy with that :) everyone who's put photos up looks great!
to get the best otu of expressing and breastfeeding its best to wait till you have a routine of feeding established around 5-6wks,
im exclusivly BF at the moment and will try to avoid expressing for a while longer then when i do start i want to express 2wice a day, once for storing for EJ so i can go out occasionally without him and once to donate as my local hosptial is a milk bank as well and always in need of donations
I started expressing in hospital with the help of the midwives. Max latched on easy enough after 12 hours but I wasn't producing milk. We tried on my other breast and he just wouldn't suckle. He then went too long without a feed and I was getting upset watching him try to feed so we agreed to do formula and then express. After I began expressing I felt 100% happier and more relaxed. My milk eventually came in 4 days later.

I was always open to breastfeeding but I have a big nipple phobia so to express is much more than I ever could have hoped for
i'm stil 10kg off my pre preggie weight, even tho i lost 15kg off my weight since giving birth. i did have heaps of fluid tho
arrrghh im lopsided tonight EJ didnt feed evenly from me so im lopsided darn im going to have to pump a bit before bed from that side else im gonna leak everywhere
Hi girls ;) How is everybody doing?

Lachlan's just gone down for a sleep in his cot, looks so cute in his sleeping bag. Now that I think about it I really should've put him in the bassinet in the bedroom, as I could do with a kip too! :wacko: Too late now, I don't want to risk waking him up if I try and transfer him...

So, I made a post in the postpartum healing forum...I discovered a hemmorhoid yesterday! This far after birth! How the heck :wacko: Kinda confused, as I thought you got them from pushing, so therefore you would have them straight after birth? Not nearly 3 weeks after! It's really painful, achy and bruised feeling and was horribly itchy. I've been advised it should go away within a couple of days provided I don't have any strainy poos in the mean time :rofl: So fingers crossed as it's not pleasant! And I thought I'd done so well in that department too!!

OH and I are amazingly ready to DTD again... It's been difficult keeping off each other (sorry if TMI :blush:) and we're not too keen on the idea of condoms as they just kill the sensation too much (I was on the pill before - it failed and that's how Lachie came on the scene :rofl:), but they will have to do as I don't think you can go on the mini pill before you've had a period, can you? :shrug: I am quite keen to attempt things tonight, but I think I killed the buzz with Tom as I mentioned I'm still bleeding. It went from taper ing off and brownish to bright red again which I read means that I'm doing too much at the moment. Good excuse to be lazy! :haha: Anywhoo...

I saw midwife on Weds (sorry, ages ago now!) and she confirmed that I did have Obstetric Cholestasis thing where your liver pretty much poisons your blood...eep. Puts bubs at small risk of still birth :shock: And makes your hands and feet INCREDIBLY DAMN ITCHY. But luckily all was okay as he came when he did. Only know that I had it now, as the bloods were done the day I had my sweep and 12 hours later I was in labour so they didn't matter so much anymore :rofl:

Bubs was 8lb9oz on Wednesday, so nearly a lb bigger than his birth weight of 7lb11oz :dance: Go baby go!
He also has a pretty established sleeping pattern now of bedtime at 11 or 11.30pm (as it's when I go to bed :haha:), wake between 3 and 4.30am for a feed, then sleep until between 7am and 9.30am. He grizzles when he goes to bed, initially, but it's fixed by giving him the dummy, as he loves to comfort suck :wacko:


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