march lambs 2010 come on ladies

well i went to get Nate up from his nap to find him fast asleep with his bum in the air its sooooooooo cute im sure EJ will adopt the same sleeping posistion when he has figured out how to roll over
I'm impressed, you ladies get a lot of sleep. (even those of you complaining about your LO's sleep schedule)
Gabriel didn't sleep till 10:30 last night and then woke at 3,4,5, and 6 and wouldn't go back to sleep after that. I think it's because its so humid right now.
At least I never have to worry about the 4 month sleep regression because I've only ever had one good night's sleep.

lynn - congrats on the sale and not having to show the house.
Seity - you win on the crap sleep stakes!
M isn't usually too bad at night, it's just her naps that drive me crazy. Worked well today though - should be tired about 7:30-8ish

BBQ ok, the twins were there, so so tiny! Slept the whole time so no cuddles b
ahhh a nice evening with DH a bottle of rose' and a bubble bath, just got to get the boys in bed first
Have some :flower: :flower: for surviving on no sleep. He's still teeny though - as his belly gets bigger, I'm sure he'll sleep longer for you
Lynn - congrats on the sale and have a lovely night with your hubby.

Seiity - ah that night doesn't sound much fun... I really hope it improves soon for you.

Cocoa, glad you had a nice dy and napping is improving.

Vegas - fingers crosse, I'm sure she'll be fine. Try not to worry and stuff the housework!

News from me I have transferred Flora into her big cot from the moses basket. Still in our room, I figure I'd giver a week to get used to the cot and then move her to her room next weekend. Anyway the cot is a hven of toys for her so hopefully she can entertain herself a bit better in it. When I put her to bed she was drowsy but awake, and seemed to go off no problem. So all good so far! :thumbup: although she was a bit cranky pants during the day today.
oh Seity I really feel for you hon

Roman has dropped off in the moses basket downstairs at about 830pm but he needs a dream feed before I go to bed or he'll be awake at 4am again!
Ah I've re-started the dreamfeed to see if it will help M sleep a bit longer. Just expressed and only got 1.5oz though. It'll have to do!

For the past few nights, M has woken up 50 mins after bedtime, OH goes up to re-plug her and try to resettle her, but it always turns out that she's hungry. Quick feed and she's asleep again. She's never clusterfed in the evenings before, do you think that's what it is? She had a long feed straight before bed, so she shouldn't be hungry. Especially as she's now feeding every 2 hours in the day. Hmmmmm..... maybe another bloody growth spurt :shrug:
For the first time ever i am up to express off some milk at 4am. flora has woken a couple of times, first time I tried re-settling her to sleep because it was only 11:30 and recently she's been going longer than that. Second time abut 1 or 2 i think, I tried settling her to buy myself a minute to wake up a bit, but sat up and everything expecting to feed. 5 mins later i thought bugger this i'm lying down again if shes not ready. next thing i know its 4am and my boobs are so full it hurts. i hand expressed into a muslin but it barely touced the sides so here i am taking a couple ounces off each side just so i can sleep again!

i feel bad that i didn't feed her straight away the 2nd time, but if she went back to sleep she couln't have been that hungry, right? I didn't intend to deprive her!!

Cocoa - hmm maybe it is another growth spurt or just a cluster feeding phase. Very annoying! I don't what it could be but I hope it stops soon.
She would have stayed awake if she was hungry Hun.

Another awful night here. Bed at 8, woke at 9 for a feed, stirred at 11 when I went to bed but only took 1oz of dreamfeed, woke at 2, 4 and 5 and has been awake since.

It's times like this that I wish I was ok with CC or CIO. Sounds so tempting to spend a night or two sorting her sleep out and then have it sorted for good!

And I can't help but be moody with her because I'm so shattered. I just punished her by making her do tummy time! :haha: Still no rolling, but she can do 10 minutes without whinging now.
Hey all, we had a few days away camping again, went somewhere diffferent though, going to have a catch up in a mo, seems like i've missed loads.

Well camping was both great and awful. Chase has become mega clingy with me and also decided he absolutely HATES being in the pram or car, its so stressful. One our last day we'd gone to the City Centre which was about an hours drive away, Chase had been awake all day in the sling as he just cried if we put him in the pram, he fell asleep on the park and ride bus on me and i managed to get him in the car without him waking, thought he would sleep until we got back to the camp site with him being awake all day but no, after 10 mins he woke up screaming, we had to keep pulling over to settle him and in the end i got in the back with him but he would still scream, i had to work so hard to keep him entertained and we'd had such a lovely day and this just put a damper on it as we both got so stressed. He was pretty much like this all the time we were away, as soon as he went in the pram or car he cried :wacko: We decided to come home early on he day he'd had no sleep so he would sleep coming home, we left about 6.45 and we only had to stop once in 3 hours so it wasn't too bad.

But he still hates his car seat, we decided to go for a walk in town yesterday and he was screaming in his pram again, yet as soon as i picked him up he stopped, yet if hubby picked him up it would carry on as he wanted me to hold him. This went on for ages, hubby said we had to try and leave him crying for a bit as he needs to be able to go in the car seat, which i agree as we can't do anything and we dread having to go anywhere, so we tried tried to leave him crying a bit, it was awful and i bet people thought we were awful, but it didn't work so we had to carry him :dohh: we went for a coffee and he fell asleep on me after a feed and i managed to get him in his seat without waking him, then we went to see my dad, well that was just horrendous. He screamed like i've never heard him before, it was so scary and upsetting, even though i was holding him he just wouldn't calm down and we ended up just having to leave, then the car journey was just as bad screaming nearly all the way home, it's only a 10 min journey but it felt so much longer and it seemed every light was on red. Got him home and lay him on our bed, he fed then slept for 2 hours and when he woke he was fine????

I'm going to speak to the HV on Thursday about his clingyness, even though he can see me sometimes its not enough, he wants me to hold him, and sometimes i'll be playing with him, then i'll pass him to hubby and he'll play with him but Chase will start whinging so he'll pass him back to me and straight away he'll stop and start smiling, its horrid for hubby and he constantly feels like Chase just wants me which isn't nice at all :cry: i feel so awful for him. We might be going to see hubbys parents later, a 30 min drive and i'm dreading it!

Oops just realised how long my post is, i'll stop rambling now and catch up with everyone elses posts xx
aww JJ i hope chase grows out of it, we are moving EJ into the next size up carseat now as hes outgrown his infant seat so im selling the travel system.

EJ has started having nightmares hes been waking me up with his whimpering and sobing but hes definatly still asleep i feel so terrible when hes so upset in his sleep and i cant do anything caus if i pick him up i'll wake him and we will both spend forever trying to get back to sleep which will do nobody any good.

i have loads of paperwork to tie up with the move now, changing my phone ( contract ends begining of August, i have to change everything over to the new address and let everyone know the new address and phone number
JJ - I've read that parent preference is really common around this age (Vegas and I were talking about it a few posts ago) Chase will grow out of it, just have to grin and bear it for a while. Must be horrible for your OH though :-(
DM2 i hadn't thought about Chase losing his toothless smile, ahh its sad isn't it. Glad his tooth is finally coming througth hun, teething is awful isn't it. Chase seems to have a few coming through, you can feel them at the back and front at the bottom and see white on his top front ones too.

GL glad you had a good night out hun, isnt it so nice getting a bit dressed up and knowing you won't get sicked on.

Thats great Flora slept well in her cot! Hope it lasts hun. Ahh i hate it when there asleep and you have to get up and express, so frustrating, if she was hungry she wouldn't have fallen back to sleep i'm sure.

Kel hope Connor is okay hun, meningitis is so scary isn't it.

Seity like CocoaOne says as his belly gets bigger you will probably find, hopefully, that he will sleep longer for you.

MM glad your happy with the negative hun, it will be nice for it to happen when you decided.

Lynn thats fab about the sale, you must be relieved, i hated viewings when we were selling. Hope your all feeling better now :hugs:

CocoaOne when your tired you can't help but bit a bit moody with them can you, ha ha you punish her with tummy time i love it. I hate CC too but we might have to try it if the pram/car situation doesn't improve as i o need to resolve it.
JJ - I've read that parent preference is really common around this age (Vegas and I were talking about it a few posts ago) Chase will grow out of it, just have to grin and bear it for a while. Must be horrible for your OH though :-(

Thanks hun, jus been reading it, hopefully it won't last too long.
JJ - I remember Livvie going thru that phase and it only lasted about 6 weeks so hope Chase is over it soon!

Roman has been so difficult to feed the last couple of days - he will take the first 3/4oz in one hit and then I struggle to get him to take the last 3/4 and it takes me over half an hour to feed him, usually with a break in between! Yesterday he only took 25oz in the day so I have him a dream feed at 11, he stirred at 4am but I put the dummy in and he went back off til 7am so I cant grumble. Just wish he didnt d*ck about so much at feed times!
Hi all :hi: just popping on in, bout to read up on everything that i've missed b4 i go to bed. Had my wines last night and wasn't feeling too flash today :dohh:
JJ: Sorry to hear that Chase has been clingy and upset lately. As Cocoa mentioned we are going through the same thing. It is most embarrassing when they won't be friendly with relatives and good friends. You know how sweet they can be so why won't they do it for others.

Seity: Sorry you are still not getting any sleep. All babies are different. Maybe Gabriel just loves you so much that he just wants to visit with you at night. You've got to put a happy spin on it. :winkwink:

Sorry to all of the moms who are having problems with feeding and sleeping ATM. It will get better soon :hugs:.

Well, we didn't get our night out after all. The air conditioner broke at about 4pm and the temp rose to 83 in the house almost immediately. Called the babysitter to tell her we would have to cancel. Thankfully we found someone to come out and fix the AC (a miracle on a Saturday evening), but it was too late to get the babysitter back and go out. We will try again next weekend. I just knew something would happen. Oh well, just happy to have the AC working again (Charlotte was really upset with the heat).
Cocoa would you like the crap sleep-stakes award back.
Gabriel slept 9-midnight (which is right when I was going to bed), fed from 12-1, slept until 3, I offered him both breasts for 30 min each, then a 2 oz formula, by 4:30 he still was awake and I'd only had 2 hours sleep, so I woke my husband and passed him the baby. Told him to try another 2 oz of formula. I know he tried soothing him for quite a while first, then went to the other end of the house because I couldn't fall asleep until I couldn't hear Gabriel fussing anymore. I think he finally fell asleep around 6 for my OH and then he woke at 8 for the day.

JJ - I hope Chase grows out of that soon. It must be so frustrating. I really hope we don't go through that because Gabriel is home all day with my husband, so I expect I'd be the one he'd probably shun.

Vegas - Sorry to hear your night out was cancelled. We don't have AC, so it's been really hot and humid in the house. I can imagine it seems a million times worse when you're used to having AC.

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