mouse- both times mine were low around 32 weeks. with nathon it was 8 at 32 weeks, and mason it was 7 at 32 weeks. when its earlier in the pregnancy it can mean a lot of things are going wrong. at the end of pregnancy it usually means placenta problems
it naturally drops some after you are overdue (or close to it) and im not sure by how much, it usually means the placenta isnt doing its job as efficient as it was when it drops so low at the end. maybe that is why your Dr is so concerned. placenta and fluid are babies life support right now. when fluid drops it can signal the placenta to begin pulling away, which is what happened with nathon. also, if placenta is already pulling away, it can make fluid levels drop. so they directly can effect each other. they didnt catch nathons placenta pulling away til i was in labor. he was still gaining weight and hb was good. he still could have died any time if placenta would have pulled away completely. they have approx 15 mins to get baby out if that happens. if it were me, i would do whatever my Dr wanted me to do, but since i have already had a scare with nathons placenta abruption it probably effects my feelings on it differently