Sorry it's taken so long to pop back on. Busy end of the week and still getting used to the updated site.
Thank you Marvstee your warm welcome means a great deal. I was holding my breath each time any other twin mumma was posting. My 3 (nearly 4) year old is a surviving twin. The roller coaster of emotions is hard to explain to anyone that hasn't been through it, even now
Rachel we've never found out gender until delivery with any of ours. We just really love the surprise of it all. Very few things left in this world are like that. I do think it would be really neat to have a gender reveal sort of thing and purchase clothing items and what not geared towards pink or blue, but I'm okay living vicariously through others in that way.
And yes, unisex items are hard finds!
Ahhh crow, that's brilliant! Glad LO was doing great
Oooh hard call CC, good luck holding out!
Flueky I hope works slows down for you soon. Hopefully LO isn't too shy at your scan so that you're able to get a good peek then. I've not ever had a 3d/4d scan they look amazing though.
Nafreteli is your scan tomorrow hun? So exciting!!