Keely, I think girls are sometimes a bit too modest lol! Both mine had their legs crossed and it took a bit of coaxing to confirm that they were girls

I've heard of people finding out they're team blue whether they wanted to or not

I have to admit I swear I saw something that looked like testicles when she was showing me baby's face, hands, feet etc but she didn't linger too long so i'm trying to put it out of my mind as realistically it could have been anything

Welcome ebonymama and congrats

Hope this pregnancy goes smoothly for you and the hypertension doesn't cause too many problems.

So sorry that happened to you, my pelvic floor was horrendous after DD2 was born and I was having to carry spare clothes around with me for a while

It seems to be better now but I still need to step up the exercises in that department

Stuck, great job on the curtains and fabric deal

Are you going to line them or put up a blind on the window? DD1's room is pretty dark with just blackout lining on the curtain but DD2's gets more sun so we need blinds aswell as the lining, same in our room.