March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

Kalon we were using girl promoting positions, supplements for him and I, a girl predicting calendar (form a site I can't remember where), hot baths for him.... Funny as I have three boys with my previous DH, and now three with my current also has a girl from his previous marriage that we unfortunately are not in contact with (not DH decision, the ex purposely kept her from him regardless the court order, so he gave her space and now its abandonment :sad1:). I am pretty sure I just have a vagina that hates me :haha:
I'm completely terrified I will have another girl. Okay, maybe not terrified but I really do prefer a boy. My daughter is a lot to handle at times. Can't imagine having two.

BUT saying that, I will still adore and be completely in love with our newest member if it is a girl.
Kalon we were using girl promoting positions, supplements for him and I, a girl predicting calendar (form a site I can't remember where), hot baths for him.... Funny as I have three boys with my previous DH, and now three with my current also has a girl from his previous marriage that we unfortunately are not in contact with (not DH decision, the ex purposely kept her from him regardless the court order, so he gave her space and now its abandonment :sad1:). I am pretty sure I just have a vagina that hates me :haha:

Ahhh I thought that your current DH was the father of all of your boys. I'm sorry about his ex, that's really crappy. I think that my FIL has a similar situation with his daughter from his previous marriage but he doesn't really talk about it. :(
If vaginal pH level is the issue then if you and your DH decide to try for another baby you might go ahead and give RepHresh a try. It sticks to the walls of your vagina for 3 days per applicator full and during that time reduces the pH level of every substance (including semen) that it touches to 4.5 which is a perfect environment for X chromosome sperm and tends to kill off the Y chromosome swimmers. Do not use Replens, it starts out at a pH of like 2.5 but it reacts to your vaginal pH in a way that often raises it to about a 7.
No more for us..... Dh was snipped last week. WE ARE DONE!!!!! :flower:

Well in that case you'll have 6 strapping young lads to have beautiful and emotional mother-son dances with at their weddings and surely at least one of them should give you at least one granddaughter that you can spoil to pieces, right? :winkwink:
I still have over a week to find out! We have our scan next week and we're hoping they'll be ok to put it in an envelope for us so we can find out the weekend after. DH likes the idea of going to a special place to find out- I'd be happy to find out during the scan but since he's been on the fence about finding out at all, whatever he wants to do, I'll do! We could have already known for weeks if we had found out with the Harmony scan, but I also wouldn't want to find out before DH over the phone. We're both happy with either sex though completely equally- this is our first.
My cousin was swaying for a girl and even though she followed everything perfectly, she still ended up with a boy. I guess at the end of the day, we all get what we are meant to have. I am just happy to be pregnant because I have struggled to be here ( took me over 3 years for my second child)
stuck, same here lol! I think the only new things i've bought for this baby have been on sale or using discount codes, everything else so far is hand me downs from his/her sisters and a few other things i've picked up. I got a cotbed locally for £30 since DD2 will still be using hers, just need to get a new mattress for it :thumbup:
Welcome bellarae90 and congrats on your baby boy :blue:
Congrats on team pink bombshell :flower: Sorry it wasn't what DH was hoping for but i'm sure he'll come around in time.
Lily, hope you have a lovely relaxing time in Madrid :)

I've just updated the teams list for those I hadn't yet :thumbup: When I get a bit more time i'll see if anyone who hasn't posted in a while has updated elsewhere on BnB. Sad news about Fiora though, I was just thinking about her recently and wondering how she was doing :(
Thanks Buttercup! Weekend can't come fast enough but 2 parents evenings to get through before that. So tired this wk!

Bella, we've decided on Oscar Sebastian for our boy :)

Hope everyone is doing well.
Loooove the name Sebastian, it's just such a cool name.

And I know Buttercup, I was really sad to hear about Fiora too. I know her BF wasn't supportive and he was being awful to her but she was still really disappointed. I think the thing that makes it the worst to me is that he was probably really happy about it, the douche. :cry:

Mama Fox I hope that you have a great time in Madrid. :D
Little Lily - that's sweet! :flower: Definitely different! (At least around here!) I have a little boy named Oscar in one of my classes, but this is the first time I've had a kiddo with that name :)

Kalon, do you keep in touch with Fiora?? Hope she's okay!
Got my referral to the mental health midwives today, plus a referral for the children's centre, and extra support before and after babber. I feel such a failure, I could deal with my half of it, but the extra support and the safeguarding statements I've had to read make me feel like an inadequate mother already.

Sad news on Fiora too, I had wondered how she was. Looks like lots of good stuff going on for others though. I have my 20 week scan tomorrow, so will have more pictures!
You're not a failure at all Mama Duck! No shame at all in a little extra support. Hugs and good luck at your scan tomorrow. looking forward to pics.

Thanks Bella, Oscar is fairly common in the UK but not too out there.

Ladies, how do i switch to the blue monkeys pic for my signature.
I must be one of the last for to find out the gender ... I'm not till the 6th of November :(
Here are the banners and links to put in your signatures if anyone wants to use one of the team banners. Just copy the code for the banner you want inside of the box that says "PHP Code" and paste it in your signature. :D







Mama Tiger unfortunately I haven't heard from her since she announced her loss so I don't know how she's currently doing. :(

Mama Duck you aren't a failure, sometimes we just need a little extra support. :hugs: <3
Also good luck at your scan tomorrow, I can't wait to see pictures! Are you planning to stay team :yellow: or did you change your mind and decide that you want to find out?
I had a 20 week scan appointment set up with one clinic for the 30th, but I had an appointment today at the midwife center I want to continue care at and they actually fit me in for a scan today!

We are happily Team Blue!
Congrats on your :blue: bump, Mama Penguin! Boys are so wonderful, I'm so glad that mine was my first. :happydance:
Left wondering, I won't know the gender of my babe until November 7th so we can wait together! I was told girl at 12 weeks, then boy at 14 weeks (which I completely believed there for a few weeks) and then I was told girl at 16 weeks so who knows lol

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