March Monkeys 2016: 21 boys and 15 girls born

We had our 20 week scan today- it was amazing seeing him or her moving all around so much! Of course that meant sometimes it was hard to get a good picture, but all looked good. We have the sex ticked on a card in an envelope so plan to find out on our own this weekend!


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thanks ladies,

i feel like a money doom and gloom old winge bag wilson at the minute.
Iv been bleeding for the past week and ended up back in hospital yesterday as i lost what we thought was my plug aswell as blood!
The doctors scanned me and said all looked good, he was wriggling round like a good un and had a right scratch of his right leg with his left foot which was entertaining.... then yawned about 6 times one after another!
Another exam later and my cervix is still closed and looks good, no contractions, another swab was done and i will hopefully get the results by monday. I have mw appt fri and an appointment with a consultant on monday after my 20 week scan so fingers crossed i get an answer or if it cant be explained at least it slows down and the uncomfortable feeling goes. Iv had to put my eldest daughters horse on full livery as im struggling to get to the stables on time and help which is costing a fortune and with xmas round the corner its a struggle but wel all get there!
iv bought a few gifts for xmas and trying to get organised but am due to go to gran canaria next thursday for a week so at the minute im just crossing my fingers all will be ok, we get to go and we all relax!
rant over lol
h xx
Oh big belly, it all sounds very stressful for you but also sounds like you are taking it all in your stride. Hope docs give you the all clear for your holiday and you can relax.

Great scan Fezzle! :)
Big belly I'm sending you a big cyber hug . I'm sure its all quite scary and stressful for you . Especially when they are not giving you any answers :( the main most important fact is that your lo is just fine in there :) and sounds like getting up to all sorts of mischief !
I hope the bleeding buggers off soon and you. Have a stress free next half pregnancy . I also know you will have a PAIN FREE LABOUR as a reward ;)

Fezzle amazing scan pics :) how will you wait till next weekend !!!!!! 9 more sleeps for me :) eeeek
I was just wondering If any of you ladies have PCOS and/or have taken metformin??
Yes I had it with dd so they decided to make me take the one hour test early this time. I have the 3 hr scheduled for tomorrow. I know I will be crabby as hell not being able to eat from 12am until after 11am! Dont they know how terrible that is for a pregnant woman! I just know I will be starving first thing in the morning:growlmad:

bigbelly, sorry to hear little man has been giving you a scare with the episodes of bleeding. Fc for no more! :hugs: My bump feels a bit tender sometimes too, especially in the mornings.
Stuck, your nursery is coming on lovely :) I really like the muslins. I must say the big muslins I had with DD2 was such a useful baby item. I used them to swaddle her early on then as a sunshade, light blanket, surface for her to lie on etc :thumbup:
AMP, sorry to hear that! Like Lily said it's straight to the 3 hour here so fingers crossed you pass that one. Did you had GD with your daughter?
Happy anniversary Sarah, hope you enjoyed your meal out :flower:
Sarahlou- I have PCOS and took metformin when I was TTC and up to 12 weeks.

Bigbelly- good luck with the bleeding. Sorry things have been so stressful but glad all is good when they check!
Lovely scans fezzle! Hope you get to make the most of your special moment finding out what you're having :)

Big belly, what a stressful time you're having of it, at least everything is still ok, hope it continues that way and you get some answers at some point!

Anyone else developed backache all of a sudden, worse when trying to sleep? Debating a pregnancy support pillow, but it seems such a lot of money for a short time. Anyone bought one (of any kind), and if so what did you think? It just seems like endless expense at the moment, and I'm trying to save for mat leave!
I did with my last....I had a pg pillow and I found it restricting for movements. I like to be able to move and when I can't (cat on one side of me and dh too close to me on other side), I wake up and get is a daily struggle right now. What I did do, not any less money, but we put on a memory foam toper on the bed and I found that to help greatly. Then I just used a couch trow pillow to put between my legs (with a pillow sheet on it to keep in clean) and I found that to work WAY better than those body pillow.

Man....:blush: since I have been sick....sneezing way more and coughing.....I am thinking I am going to have to go to the larger urinary pads.....I am seriously peeing myself all the time. I didn't think it was all that bad, forgot to put on another liner, and had to make the embarrassing walk to the bedroom to change...:dohh: I am so glad I was at home....but these panty liners may just not cut it while I am sick....(hanging my head in shame)
Sorry I've not been commenting in ages. I've been reading just finding it so hard to post on bnb in my phone.

Sorry to everyone who has been having troubles :(

I saw peep move from the outside for the first time last night! I've been feeling loads of kicks for weeks and have been able to feel them from the outside for a couple weeks but the first visible movement was really cool.

I've not had a scan (we've decided to only have one around 35/36 weeks to check placenta location) or heard the heartbeat yet so its so good to have been able to have lots of movement for reassurance.
Busy crocheting lots for baby.

Oh and also I'm a mama hen IRL now too - or rather I *have* a mama hen. One of our hens went broody about 6 weeks ago and I bought her some fertile eggs and they hatched last weekend :). We've got 4 baby chicks now which get lots of cuddles from my girls, and we even got to watch one of them hatch in the house which was the coolest thing ever.
I didn't buy a pregnancy pillow as I thought they were so expensive for a short period. What I did instead was fold our spare double duvet over lengthways x 3, it was great and did the job of offering support..... may be worth a try if you have one spare lying around x
Lovely scans fezzle! Hope you get to make the most of your special moment finding out what you're having :)

Big belly, what a stressful time you're having of it, at least everything is still ok, hope it continues that way and you get some answers at some point!

Anyone else developed backache all of a sudden, worse when trying to sleep? Debating a pregnancy support pillow, but it seems such a lot of money for a short time. Anyone bought one (of any kind), and if so what did you think? It just seems like endless expense at the moment, and I'm trying to save for mat leave!

Pillow is worth it. Used one for dad and using one now
I can't remember the name of the pregnancy pillow I have, but it's shaped like a 9. I thought it would be ok because you can use it for nursing and having the baby sit/lie in it after birth, but I'm not finding it comfortable for sleeping at all. Basically I don't want a pillow that goes under my head or neck- just one that is on each side. I know they say to sleep on your left, but I have to change it up or my left shoulder/hip starts hurting. What works best for me is just a normal pillow on each side of me.
Lovely scans fezzle! Hope you get to make the most of your special moment finding out what you're having :)

Big belly, what a stressful time you're having of it, at least everything is still ok, hope it continues that way and you get some answers at some point!

Anyone else developed backache all of a sudden, worse when trying to sleep? Debating a pregnancy support pillow, but it seems such a lot of money for a short time. Anyone bought one (of any kind), and if so what did you think? It just seems like endless expense at the moment, and I'm trying to save for mat leave!

ABSOLUTELY worth it!!!! Mine is a lifesaver! I had a bad back before pregnancy, got one with my last pregnancy, and never stopped using it! I highly recommend mine, and any friends of mine that have gotten it haven't been disappointed either. I have the Leachco Snoogle Loop pillow. I can't even sleep without it anymore - SO comfortable! And I know that back pain has gotten worse - I feel mine when I crawl into bed now & my pillow REALLY helps! GL!
We have no spare duvets, or spare pillows (not real grown ups), so would have to buy those if we wanted them anyway. I'm lusting after this but can't decide if I can justify the cost. I am in a fair bit of pain now, and it's getting no better each night. I am happy with having something replace my pillow as my current one isn't doing the job right now anyway.
That pillow looks amazing :)

We have no spare duvets, or spare pillows (not real grown ups), so would have to buy those if we wanted them anyway. I'm lusting after this but can't decide if I can justify the cost. I am in a fair bit of pain now, and it's getting no better each night. I am happy with having something replace my pillow as my current one isn't doing the job right now anyway.
I want that pillow!

I have a plain body pillow that I cuddle with at night so I've been trying to make that work but it's getting about to to invest in an actual pregnancy one. I've been getting the rls at night when I try to fall asleep and it's making me crazy!

Anyone else?

Made the crib mobile today, I'm so proud of it that I wanted to share. Even DH was impressed with how well it turned out. Next stop is getting the fabric for crib sheets! Maybe tomorrow but my sewing load is already out of control. Lol

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