bombshell: cute name!

I'm thinking of a J name if we have girl number 3. Juliet or Judith are my favourites but no idea on middle names!
Fezzle: lovely scan pic and can't wait to find out whether you're blue or pink, are you going to do anything special for when you find out?

bigbelly, hope things settle down for you soon! Sounds like your upcoming holiday could be just what you need

Sarah, I have PCOS but it doesn't seem to have affected me fertility-wise, I just get the superficial symptoms (hair, skin etc!) and irregular cycles.
AMP, hope your 3 hour test went OK? I know what you mean about fasting, I love my breakfast so it's like torture not to have it during pregnancy

Curly, in my last pregnancy I used one of those curved pillows which was OK but I didn't find it any better or worse than just a normal bed pillow. I didn't have a massive amount of discomfort at night though, I get all my pregnancy symptoms in the day instead lol!
NDH, so neat you're seeing movements already! I don't think I did with my previous 2 til past 30 weeks, but I do have a fair bit of extra padding

Bet the girls are loving the chicks, my oldest's nursery had eggs in an incubator (they get returned to the farm when they hatch) and the kids all loved it, Nancy is always asking me if we can get chickens for the garden now

stuck that mobile is awesome! Love that you've chosen dinosaurs for your girly aswell