Hi Ladies,
not been on for a few days, hope everyone is as well as they can be.
I packed the baby bag tonight. Hubby is limiting me on bag size this time as i literally took far too much last time. he has ordered a new, smaller bag, when that comes i will pack my bag too.
The nursery is done now, and Isaac has reverted back to baby stage lol, he climbed into the cot, wound the mobile up and pretended to cry for me..... the mind boggles.
In terms of practical stuff, we are done i think. I need to test the steraliser from when we had isaac and i need to steralise the breast pump etc, but that cant really be done till baby arrives.
In terms of my mood / feelings about things, well, i am still up and down. The other night i had a terrible thought about how i may die in childbirth, ok i know that is largely very unrealistic, but in my head i was thinking i needed to leave letters for Isaac, Hubby and baby, just in case!. fortunatly it was a fleeting thought, but concerns me nonetheless that i thought it, pesky anxiety for you.
I decided not to refer for cbt as i feel that i dont really know what it would achieve, this baby is coming whether i like it or not (of course i want him here, he was planned etc, id just rather not go through the fear of how the birth will pan out, but hey hum!), the likelihood of seeing someone pre-baby is slim anyway, and i guess i can access it after baby.... but i 100% feel my anxiety is all about him arriving.
physically, i am uncomfy, pelvic pain bad and very tired. i saw the clock every two hours last night as i couldnt settle.