Dawn, hope everything is OK! Glad the spotting has stopped at least

Definitely request another scan if you're worried at all, I would!
Lily, we had a swinging small crib in our room for both girls which they stayed in til about 3 months old at which point we moved them to their own rooms as, similar to Dawn's DS, they were hitting their arms on the sides and waking themselves up. I know they recommend 6 months before you move them and i'd never say anyone should do anything they're not comfortable with with their own child but personally I don't regret it and would do it again with this baby. We just used an Angelcare monitor which was great and very reassuring
Curly, i've seen people attach regular cots (with one side removed) to the bed with cable ties similar to how your mentioning as an alternative to the actual sidecar cots/cribs that are sold. I think as long as the mattress and cot edge is totally flush with the bed with no gaps it should be fine
MrsMcP, glad your scan went well
AMP, how cute is your DD! Love when they pick up adult word/phrases it's so funny
I'm actually a little bit dreading dealing with a double stroller but with our age gap I think it's the best option. There'll be 18 months between DD2 and the baby but DD2 is in a cast for hip dysplasia til December/January so chances are she won't be walking confidently when the new baby arrives. I have an Ergo which I like carrying her in but more for quick trips or if I know i'm going to be somewhere where the stroller would be more of a nuisance than anything. I get a bit flustered babywearing for too long and having to tote around baby and bag and 3 year old hanging on my arm lol, but I know some ladies online who don't even own a stroller and just babywear full time which is great if that suits you and your lifestyle

We have a sling library locally and if I was ever replacing the Ergo i'd absolutely go there and try some different ones out as there is so much choice out there and it's a big purchase so handy to get it right first time

Also, my 12 week scan is tomorrow eeek! Will update about it on the thread tomorrow evening probably as have a friend visiting in the afternoon.