2nd time - hope you manage to keep things quiet!
Kitty - congrats on the digi
Sweetmama - welcome! I'm sure Bloodbinds will add you to the list on the first page when she sees your post
Ladies, I'm so excited - I've got an early scan booked for Tuesday
Not getting my hopes up that I'll see a whole lot, but it'll just be good to get a more accurate date. There's a 4 day discrepancy between what I think and what my MW thinks
I know it won't mean a lot at the end of the day, but when it's the early days like this, 4 days feels like a whole lot
£25 for an early scan isn't bad! Even with the fuel to get there (about 45 mins away) it's better than the £99 that BabyBond want
On a slightly less positive note, it seems like MS has hit me with a vengeance and is making up for the fact that I had practically none of it with Roo
The joys, the joys!
Hope everyone is having a good day