March rainbows 2018

How is everyone doing? I have noticed my nipples have gotten very sore yesterday and today. They were tender before, but now they are definitely sore. I am considering this a good sign.

I have also noticed that I feel off in the evening. I keep getting a mild cramping/pressure feeling and mild queasiness. Only in the evening though. Weird. Maybe it's heading toward morning sickness at night for me! Still feeling positive. Will be 6 weeks tomorrow (or today or Sunday depending on which tracker I choose to believe)!
I'm good thanks. Feeling very very sick and lost my appetite but feel surprisingly calm. My boobs are also starting to get a little tender.

I also feel more off in the evenings or when I first wake up. I've noticed the cramps are always worse in the evenings. Wonder why that is?I really do envy those ladies that breeze through with no symptoms.
My friend had absolutely no symptoms in first tri felt very lucky, but then second tri really got her so I don't think many of us get through without getting hit at some point!
My friends on here and in the real world all seem pretty symptom free at the moment, which makes me a bit envious sometimes but then I see them worrying about lack of symptoms and then I feel lucky and a bit bad for being envious. So guess it's just one of those things, however you feel you will always think the grass is greener on the other side.
I'd love to join, I'm hopefully having my rainbow in March <3 I gave birth to twin boys over 5 months ago whom passed away due to being early.

This is my 9th pregnancy with only one living child I hope this is our second rainbow <3
Welcome xmissxzoiex congrats on your pregnancy, I'm so sorry about your losses. Praying this is your rainbow. How have you been feeling so far?
Totally fine, I don't feel pregnant at all, if it wasn't for the positive tests and the bloods I wouldn't know I was pregnant. It was the same with all of my pregnancies apart from the twins, I was so so sick with them just a few days after my positive!.

My hcg has gone from 687 to 1312 in less than 48 hours so hoping this is a sticky one <3
Glad your not suffering. I do kinda wish I wasn't being sick so much, it kinda puts a downer on things but I'm still so happy to be pregnant that I don't want to complain.
That's great numbers though! This is going to sound bad but im was meant to go for mine today and I chickened out. Feel bad but I couldn't do it.
Why did you feel you couldn't go for it?, was it the needle? because I've found professional phlebotomists to be absolutely fantastic compared to midwives and even some of the best doctors are rubbish at taking blood!.
No it's not the needle. I have a blood clotting disorder so I'm on two injections a day. Needles don't bother me much anymore. It totally cured my needle phobia. I'm just scared of the results. I know it's important to have it because I've had a molar pregnancy but I'm just really scared that I'm gonna go and all this is gonna come crashing down around me again. It's stupid I know but I stood outside and I couldn't go in.
Its not stupid at all <3 that something only a angel mummy could understand I think!. :hugs: Are you going to try and get it done again soon?. X
Yea Im going to try again Monday, DH is going to come with me. I've never done that before, don't know what came over me. Usually I'm desperate for bloods to see how things are progressing. Will you be getting early scans xmissxzoiex? X
I've already had one scan last week, I thought I was a few weeks ahead of where I am, Doctor suspected ectopic, that's the reason for the emergency blood tests. By the looks of the blood tests I am about 2 weeks behind where my LMP puts me, I have a repeat scan on Wednesday and can have one every week though the first trimester if I choose. Fingers crossed we see something in my womb next week. X
Good luck! Crossing my fingers for you.

I'm choosing not to have weekly scans this time, it doesn't help my anxiety so I have booked my first one for 8 weeks. DH isn't happy but In my last two pregnancies they couldn't find a heart beat until 8 weeks and I was told both times I'd likely miscarry so I'm keen to avoid that, although it is fortnightly scans until birth then.
I'd go insane without my weekly scans LOL, luckily I have a great consultant who I can just ring up and she will see me pretty much immediately, She even came to visit me when I was in hospital with my twins.

The next 19 weeks until viability are going to be very long, I find the scans break it up a bit.
I'm lucky my consultant is very good too. We pay to use a private fertility clinic so I can ring them anytime and he will see me, usually the next day, sometimes the same day. NHS isn't so good here though. Not really the hospitals fault as they are severely underfunded but it makes for dreadful care.
Goodluck Miss Zoie! It's great that they are able to give you weekly scans.
Maryanne it sounds like you have a wonderful clinic as well.

To be honest I'm a little jealous. No one will even speak to me here until 10 weeks.
Could you get a private scan karoolia? I'm not sure how it works over there but even if your not under a fertility clinic you can go to a scan clinic and get one. Our local one does scans from around £30. We have used them for reassurance between scans at the clinic and hospital because scans in the fertility clinic are pretty expensive. We also have an early pregnancy unit at our local hospital, I think the majority of hospitals in the uk do. I just won't use our local one as it's dreadful. The NHS take over my care once I book in with the midwife at 10 weeks.
Welcome trying4first1. Congrats on your bfp!! Just read you have a clotting disorder, me too. I'm on fragmin injections twice a day at the moment. Wasn't diagnosed till I fell pregnant with my daughter, was missed for years but it explains my losses. Are you managing with yours ok? It's been tough for me to get used to.

Hi Maryanne
Thank you and to you!
The injections I am finding can be painful. Some days easier than others.
I have a huge black bruise on one side as I hit a blood vessel last week. It just won't disappear. Was so painful. So hoping that doesn't happen anytime soon
I'm on clexane (heparin) 20mg once a day as my clotting disorder is very borderline. I think it's my killer cells that are more the issue.
So far the steroids are ok but I've only been on them for two weeks just over. I know there is still time for the 'moon face' and other horrible side effects.
Started getting nausea last night. Had it all day today but feels worse this eve. It's manageable at the moment but I know it will get worse. I'm finding it reassuring though.
How have you been?
I am 6+3 today. Haven't put up a ticker yet or updated my siggy.
Yes I'm good thanks trying4first. Feel pretty ok today which has worried me but trying not to stress over it. The bruises are horrible, I've had some dreadful ones, and my skin is getting tough from years of injections but it's all for a good cause. I'm lucky that they don't hurt me anymore.

Hope everyone else is well today?

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