*** May Babies ***

Widger... Congrats on V day :happydance:

I haven't weighed myself since my Wedding Day.. :blush:

My mw weighed me at my booking appt but in kgs.. so I just didn't bother converting it and haven't weighed myself since! I am too scared too :dohh:
Anyone read this today...


Wonder what I can use as an excuse now?! :rofl:
Shawnie - congratulations on the birth of your baby daughter. Thoughts and prayers are with you all and I hope she's getting bigger and stronger by the day.

Frufru - I think it was you who mentioned inner thigh/groin pain? Well that's exactly what I have had for the past week and my god is it painful! It feels like I've been riding a horse for a loooong time and I'm now waddling John Wayne-style! Walking up and down stairs and turning over in bed is soooo sore. Anyhow, saw my MW today and she says I do have SPD and need to see the physio. Not exactly sure how much they can do to help but worth a try and apparently they need to monitor it before and after birth. So if any of you ladies are aching or having pain in your pelvic region....get it checked out.

Still haven't managed to catch up on all the recent posts so will do so now...haven't even got around to looking up the 3rd Tri thread!!

We're off for a w/e away to a lovely hotel on the Dorset coast. It's very baby-friendly and there's a creche and indoor/outoor play areas for our 2yr old whilst DH and I get pampered in the spa....bliss!
I definitely disagree, I've been awful since before I even found out.. :lol:
Oh that sounds fab mojo- are you sure I can't go instead?! :lol: Have a lovely time :D
Evening ladies

Good to see you Pixie :wave: It is good to know that you and your LO are doing well :thumbup:

Congratulations on graduating to 3rd tri Jolou :happydance:

Abz - I hope you OH is ok :hugs:

Happy birthday insomnibaby :mrgreen:

PG - I am really pleased that you have seen LO and everything is looking good :thumbup: it is good to hear that your MW is really supportive.

Congratulations on V-day Widger :happydance: Like Moongirl I still have V-day to look forward to next week :mrgreen:

So many milestones at the moment - v-day, double digits, third tri - it is so great to see everyone progressing :mrgreen: Speaking of progressing well had anyone heard from Shawnie about how her LO is doing?

Yup it was me with the hip issues Mojo - it turns out mine was a muscular groin issue which is a lot more manageable now with the help of some gentle yoga stretches :thumbup: I am sorry that you are suffering too and hope that the physio can give you some relief. In the meantime I hope you have a lovely weekend away.

I am still on :cloud9: with my new vacuum :blush: I chose a Henry which is great for my flat as we have a combination of laminate floor, ceramic floor tiles and a couple of rugs/carpet and it does a fab job on all of them :thumbup: It now takes me 15-20mins max to vacuum all the floors in the house where it used to take me an hour and a half to do them all with a broom and dustpan and brush - plus as I get bigger there is no way I can be crawling around on my hands and knees to brush carpets and rugs by hand with a handbrush :wacko:

I am back to feeling very tired this week - Judging by LO's movements, the look of my belly, scales and fit of clothes LO and I are having a growth spurt at the moment and it is leaving me exhausted (not to mention really hungry all the time :rolleyes: I have had a lazy evening tonight and am going to turn in nice and early for extra :sleep:

Right - enough of my waffle for today, have a good night everyone :hugs:
Hello, thought i'd distract myself from the "embarassing bodies" program :)

I really want a Henry, need to convince OH.

Have any of you got the linea nigra yet? I had it with my daughters but dont have on this time..... just curious! x
Amy.. no linea nigra as yet... or stretch marks but I guess they might make an appearance soon!! :cry:
Amy.. no linea nigra as yet... or stretch marks but I guess they might make an appearance soon!! :cry:

I have all my old war wounds (previous pregnancy stretchmarks :cry:), they are silver but I check frantically every night for new red ones :wacko:

I'm creaming, creaming, creaming just in case it helps as I know I am prone to them! fingers crossed you dont get any xx
ive found a few new stretch marks and ive been doing my cream and oils and everything! im prone to them, im hoping if i keep using oils and stuff they will fade quicker lol

i dont have linea nigra as of yet but a faint line of hair has appeared all the way up :S never had that in my previous pregnancy!
Widger- congrats on the V day!!!

A3my- I have a nigra line, it's not very dark but I can see it! I also have stretch marks, I was and still am sooo sad, because I didn't get any with my son, but now I have a bunch of red ones...I hate it, I feel so unattractive :(

Right now I am making cupcakes and a mini cake white with strawberry frosting...can't wait to dig in! I swear since I have gotten pregnant I have turned in to betty crocker....I love eating sweets!
Hi ladies! Have to say - I was one of the FIRST in 3rd tri, and I'm stilll hanging out here! LOL. Its more comfortable over here right here now. I'll move over all the way when more of you join me!

As far as stretch marks go - I haven't noticed any new ones yet. I have some from my first time around - not horrible - but not pretty. Hope I don't get any new ones this time! Course - I didn't notice any last time until the last couple weeks! Guess it'll depend on how big I get... maybe if I don't get any bigger than last time I won't get any new marks? Hmmmmmmm....??? I wonder.

In other news - DS#1 is making me crazy with the bed wetting! Its so frustrating - especially since my washer is not fully working. He was doing sooooo great - but now the last 4 days in a row he has wet the bed. ITs super annoying. And every time it happens now - I have to go to the laundrymat to wash the comforter because it won't work in my machine! UGH. I get so mad - but at the same time - I know he is still little and learning - so I TRY not to get too upset with him! NOT EASY though since he is still in MY BED, so when he wets, it messes up my sleeping arrangements as well as his!

LUCKILY though - his new bed came in today!! HOORAY! Now I just need dh to put it together! I really hope he takes some initiative and just DOES it tomorrow while I'm at work so I don't have to nag him about it! ITs gonna be a big project - that involves not only putting together the bed, but also partially taking apart the crib (so it'll fit through the doorway), moving it out of his room and into mine, and rearranging our bedroom furniture so everything will fit! UGH. Like I said - I hope he just does it so I don't have to think about it! I want DS to be in his room ASAP so he will have plenty of time to get used to it before baby comes!

Did I just bore you all to death? LOL....
Amy I didn't get the linea nigra during either pregnancy but it suddenly appeared right after I had my c-section the second time! The body is a strange beast. :rofl:
Logansmama- Do you think he is cold at night? The only time my son would have accidents were in the winter and he had kicked all the covers off and was freezing. This was a few years back, so glad he hasn't had any accidents in a long time:thumbup:
Grr... Just need to blow off some steam... Dh and I ran into his ex girlfriend that I can't stand (I not-so-affectionately refer to her as the dump-skank because she randomly sends DH text messages) while we were out grocery shopping and the little bitch said to me "I didn't realize that you were REALLY pregnant." Implying that I'm huge. Im kickng myself for not being able to come up with a backhanded comment to throw right back at her. Bless dh's heart, he mentioned that he'd never seen her with a double chin before tonight... Lol. So few people in the world irritate me simply with their existence, and I'd like to believe that I'm generally not a cady girl, but god it would feel so good to rip a bald spot in the back of her head.
LogansMama - we have the opposite problem. If Janno drinks too much before going to sleep he'll go to toilet during night BUT that means me or OH has to wake up and take him. He just says he is scared going alone. And he is sleepy also, sitting there and staggering so who goes with him has to hold him :haha: So, kind of disturbing but less than wetting bed. I have booked myself pregnancy massage when I'll stay on mat.leave. About 37 days til that:happydance:
KayleighJayne - I love reading birthstories also and of course with details. Some of these stories are really frightening but these endings are so sweet:cloud9:
jolou - congrats. Can't wait til can come and chat in there also.
insomnimama - congrats for insomniababy:flower:
Widger -congrats for V-day:flower:

I have nothing else to say so back to work :winkwink:
good morning chaps. well. OH has muscle spasms in his back, trapping his sciatic nerve, which is what i suspected. at least a week off work. *sigh*. unpaid. well statutory, so about £80 for the week i think. something in this world doesn't like us.

also had those horrid pains again last night. first time in a week. horrible crampy things. and then of course bump decides to have a bit of a quiet morning this morning and give me a bit of a fright. but she's nudging me at the moment. i think she's moved really really far down. her kicks aren't as strong as usual but still easily felt. have a mw appointment tomorrow so unless she goes really quiet i'll get her checked out then.

having one hell of a crappy morning. feel so unbelievably sick. am attempting to eat my way through some bran flakes. am wondering whether this pain has something to do with a uti. i got antibiotics after the last time as my kidneys were aching. but i've been so sick i'm not entirely sure how much of the anti-b's have gotten into my system. ah well uring check tomorrow as well i guess. also, i did overdo it quite a bit yesterday helping OH get about and going shopping for food and maternity troos etc. so that may also have something to do with it. will ask mw.

sorry for the rambling. i'm just feeling bloody awful at the mo. congratulations to those who have reached v day and the 100 day mark :)

abz xx
babyhope - sorry about the stretch marks, I bet you still look lovely though and they do fade.
logansmama - sounds like your DH is going to be a busy man! I hope you have a bit more success with your DS soon.
DWandMJ - love your DHs response, sounds like she was making a lame dig
abz - poor you!! I hope your OH gets better soon and more importantly I hope you do too! - as for aches and pains, i think I overdid it yesterday too. I went on an exercise bike at the gym and I've got horrible pains in my lower stomach when i walk. Like you my LO has gone quiet too so I am really trying to stay rational and tell myself he's fine (I'm a panicker!) xxx
Morning all!

Just a quick post!!

Frufru, i'm shattered this week too, and i'd been feeling so much better since first tri! hope it is just a growth spurt and won't keep going for the whole of the 3rd tri! :(

Abz - what a shame you're feeling yucky, and your poor OH a sore back is horrible. Hope you both feel better soon!!

well better get on with some work!
logansmama i feel for you with the bed wetting situation i really do, as much as sophie doesnt wet the bed anymore she is still up a few times in the night at the mo wanting to come into our bed, not fun having to get up each time to get her back to her room.

DWandMJ you blow as much steam as needed :) there is one girl that my OH is only friends with but had a fling with a few yrs back that realllly gets my back up.

Marta a massage sounds like bliss to me! i am rather jealous!

abz sorry your still feeling crappy but at least u have your MW appointment tomorrow and will hopefully see what that pain is. You may have over done it yesterday so just take it a bit easier if poss today! My MW told me off the last time i went as i complained of a bad back, she told me i am to start taking it easy now whilst sophie is at school, easier said than done tho eh! Hope your hubby isnt in too much pain.

Well i need tog et my arse into gear, im off away tomorrow for the weekend in Llangollen in a cottage by a lake with my mum, sister, aunt, 2 cousins, grandad and sophie, its my grandads birthday next week, the first one since nan died last year so we wanted to do something for him to keep his mind of nan not being here, plus we didnt know what to get him so we all chipped in for his part of it, he has no idea till tonight :) ive been to aldi to get a few snacky things for me and sophie and now i need to goto asda and get some haggis and mash for saturday, go to the bank to get some money out then home, get some ironing done (i know i know i shoulda done it yesterday;) ) then make the muffins that the lovely frufru sent me the recipe for :) First tho its cuppa and gilmore girls time, i guess i should do what ironing i need whilst watching it lol

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