*** May Babies ***

Welcome back Cactusgirl after your mad week!! I can genuinely say that I have not been over to 3rd tri in your absence!! :blush:

I was looking at fundal height measurements yesterday (only cos I have my 25 wk appt with the midwife next week and I was curious) and found this


What interested me the most was how high your uterus is by 38 weeks :wacko:

So glad it is Friday and I have 20 mins left in the office!! :happydance:

thanks Pussy Galore!

Hmmmmm that picture in the link you posted with the hand right up the flue was a sight to behold!! Thank goodness I was not measured like that?!?!? :haha:

''In summary, the fundal height is an antiquated and sometimes obsolete method of judging the appropriate growth of the baby during a pregnancy'' this was an interesting quote though!!

lol! Guess I'm not going to worry too much about my fundal height measurements then!! :)

Have a lovely weekend Katie!!
It has been raining hard all day and night and today when I went to work I got out of my car and slipped! I managed to throw out my hands and land on them so I wouldn't hit my stomach. Thank God I did not land on my stomach, my hands took all the pressure and they hurt for a little bit. I am pretty sure baby is ok as I am not bleeding or cramping and I have been feeling him kick. I am so glad I am fine, but I am super bummed about my new purse. I got a gorgeous purse for christmas and barely started using it last week, while when I threw my hands out to catch myself my purse feel into a mud puddle, the purse is cloth and is now completely ruined. I really liked that purse:nope:
babyhope - poor you!!! I bet that was scary. xxxx
Hi Ladies,

I have gone to post on here about 6 times today but have been in such a crappy mood I just could not do it. I have felt really grumpy and generally just BLAH-BLAH-BLAH all day but have felt a bit better after work was over. I think I am just tired and feeling a bit worn down.

Anyway, since I got home I have decorated the cupcakes I made this morning and had so much icing left I have just baked another half batch to use it up. They look so cute I had to take a picture to show you all but can't figure out how to post nice big pictures on here :rolleyes: I am donating them to the cake stall at the 2nd-hand baby/toddler sale I am helping out with tomorrow. Hopefully I will get some cool stuff for a bargain price :thumbup:

Babyhope - what a horrible shock it must have been falling like that. I am so glad that you and LO are ok, it is a shame the purse was not so lucky :sad1:

CG - I am glad you had a productive week. I felt tired from just reading your post!

Abz I am so pleased that all is ok with you and LO and hope that your OH's back gets better soon. As for spending all day :sleep: I am sooooooo jealous!

Katie - sorry your day at work was crappy, I hope the weekend and your early valentines plans make up for it!

Logansmama - great news about Logan having a good night, FX it continues :thumbup:

Jolou - Have a lovely weekend away :)

Babeeangel & Moongirl - With my due date there is a 50-50 chance I could tip over into June. As soon as I hit 37 weeks I will be bouncing on my birthball, eating curry and pineapple, taking long walks etc to try and encourage LO to make me an official May Mummy :mrgreen: However, like Jo says I feel like I have found my BnB home and can't see myself leaving the may mummies regardless of my LO's birthday.

Speaking of birth - I finally pulled my finger out and got in touch with one of the local doula's here and am waiting for her to send a bunch of info through for me to read before we meet up to see how we get along. Hopefully it will be a good match.

I am sorry if I have missed any news - it is not my intention to miss anyone out, its just this thread moves so quickly some days I struggle to keep up :winkwink:

Well, good night everyone and sweet dream. I shall post tomorrow night to let you know if I bagged any super-bargains :hugs:
good morning everyone :)

so glad you are ok babyhope. that must have been so scary!!

glad you feel a wee bit better frufru. and i bet you get some amazing bargains :D :D

i've been getting uncomfortable lower tummy crampish type things. my midwife was squishing me and asking me if i was tender where i was really tender yesterday. so hope it's that. i think i may have strained my lower tummy muscles. but i'm so paranoid about these cramps that i get in the night now. this sucks. i really want to enjoy being pregnant instead of worrying all the time :(

still. gluggity gluggity glug. lots and lots of water.

abz xx
Yesterday was a sleepy day for me too. We had school's birthday week and day ended with school ceremony which I skipped. I was so sleepy that guess I'd fallen asleep there. Don't know where all that sleep came fom :wacko:
At the moment I'm on a schooling. Have sat here for 2.5 hours and have 1.5 hours more to be here :dohh:
FruFru - hope you are feeling a bit more cheery today. I have my doula all booked and I was reading a birthing story on here yesterday (trying to increase my tolerance level to them!!) where someone in the my area had a doula of the same name. I pmd her on here and it was the same doula and she was sooooo praising of her it just reaffirms I have made the right choice!! Where are you based??

Babyhope - hope you are feeling better after your fall.

Abz - hope your cramps go soon

I had a fall last night too - I was on the sofa and when I got up my ankle went from under me (think it was asleep) and I fell forward, luckily onto my knees. It was such a shock and it hurt my ankle and knees abit, had a bit of a cry but felt more pathetic than anything!! LO was moving like anything later on though so presuming he is fine. My dogs were fussing over me licking my face etc bless them!!

99 days to go!!!
Cactusgirl- Hope you are feeling better after your fall too! We are such a mess, but at least the LO are ok:thumbup: Yay! 99 Days to go!
ooh cactusgirl. happy double digits :)

sorry you fell :( hope you are feeling better.

i need to stop moaning and worrying. i'm so sorry for all my long posts. just have nowhere else to get it all out!!

bump seems to be enjoying kicking downwards tonight. love to feel her but it feels so odd when she does that :S still getting cramps but am drinking water like you wouldn't believe and am trying not to use my tummy muscles so hopefully that will help :)

do you all have a nice weekend planned?

abz xx
abz - dont worry about worrying :D we all do and thats what this fab thread is for! I'm so glad we all have the same worries and fears, without this thread I'd feel like a paranoid hyperchondriac (cant spell) :wacko::happydance:

cactusgirl congrats on 99 days :) :flower:

ok, I'm probably being really thick but whats a doula?
Grr... Just need to blow off some steam... Dh and I ran into his ex girlfriend that I can't stand (I not-so-affectionately refer to her as the dump-skank because she randomly sends DH text messages) while we were out grocery shopping and the little bitch said to me "I didn't realize that you were REALLY pregnant." Implying that I'm huge. Im kickng myself for not being able to come up with a backhanded comment to throw right back at her. Bless dh's heart, he mentioned that he'd never seen her with a double chin before tonight... Lol. So few people in the world irritate me simply with their existence, and I'd like to believe that I'm generally not a cady girl, but god it would feel so good to rip a bald spot in the back of her head.

OOHHHH that was a good one!!! LOL...did hubby tell her that to her face because that would have been awesome! She deserves it for being rude!

Unfortunately he didn't say it to her face. It did give me some reassurance about his thoughts of her though. I still won because I have him and she doesn't :)
Evening Ladies,

My-my it has been quiet on here today!

CG - I am in East Anglia. There seem to be quite a few registered doula's around here but I have yet to meet anyone who has used one. Everyone I mention them to doesn't even seem to know what they are. I am glad you are ok after your fall :hugs:

Today has been a busy busy day - I woke this morning and did some housework then went into the city and had my haircut - my layers are about and inch and half shorter than I wanted which is not ideal but it will grow back eventually. That will teach me to go to someone other than my usual lady :rolleyes:

After the haircut I rushed off to help out at the 2nd hand baby/toddler sale which was really successful and we raised c5K for charity :mrgreen:

I got an amazing amount of stuff and all in fantastic condition:
- Winney the Pooh Moses basket with 4 sheets and stand
- 4 moses basket sheets and baby blanket
- Cot mobile, 2 new anti-colic bottles, 5 weaning spoons, lampshade for nursery, breast pads, small tupperware for babyfood, new tommee tippee juice cup, new baby hairbrush and comb
- Brand new nursing bra (rrp£29) and 3 breastfeeding tops
- 2 beautiful brand new photo albums
- 5 washable nappies and 2 packs of biodegradable disposables
- 2 grobags
- >100 pieces of clothing (vests, babygro, trousers, dresses, skirts, shoes, socks, tightsand jumpers) in various sizes

I can honestly say we don't need anymore clothes for 0-3 and have lots of 3-6 too so I don't think we need to start worrying about buying anymore until after Christmas :thumbup: Oh and the price of all of the above - a mere £30 and 6 hours of my time :shock:

While I was there I met the lady that runs the local hynobirthing courses - ironically on my to-do list this weekend was "send email to hynobirthing lady about next available course" :haha: Well no need as I was able to arrange everything in person and my first class is 24th Feb :mrgreen:

It is just aswell we are going to Ikea in 2 weeks time - I need some furniture to keep all these clothes in!

Tomorrow I am going to have a quiet resting day - while I have picked up some great bargains my hip is complaining about having stood up for hours on end today. I am sure it is nothing a bit of sleep, stretching and rest can't remedy.

Well - enough from me, it is nearly bedtime now. I hope you are all having great weekends :hugs:
frufru - excellent job raising money for charity and well done on getting all those bargains! :happydance::happydance:
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been able to catch up with you all I've been so busy helping OH prepare for his real estate licensing exam during every available waking hour (and quite a few that were previously reserved for sleep) :rofl:

Glad everyone is relatively well & will do a proper update later. :)
wow i havent come on here in a while and there's so much 2 catch up on! we went 2 ikea and bought erin a toddler bed. it is pink and she loves it. she slept there last night and didnt wake til the morning and she stayed in it when i put her 2 bed 2. dylan used 2 escape from his bed when he moved from cot to bed. i'm hoping i have trained erin better! lol! spent all of yesterday washing and tidying up. have a bad headache 2day but of course no rest as have 2 be up with the kids tho DH is in bed as usual. how come he's always the one who gets the lie-ins? he never gets up so i can have a lie-in! grrrr!!!!!!!
wow i havent come on here in a while and there's so much 2 catch up on! we went 2 ikea and bought erin a toddler bed. it is pink and she loves it. she slept there last night and didnt wake til the morning and she stayed in it when i put her 2 bed 2. dylan used 2 escape from his bed when he moved from cot to bed. i'm hoping i have trained erin better! lol! spent all of yesterday washing and tidying up. have a bad headache 2day but of course no rest as have 2 be up with the kids tho DH is in bed as usual. how come he's always the one who gets the lie-ins? he never gets up so i can have a lie-in! grrrr!!!!!!!

Well done on Erin stayig in bed, when i put ds in his bed hes 2 if screamed the place down, between me and oh we stayed with him for about an hour for 4 nights, in the end i stopped cause didnt want us to still be doing it when baby comes, after that if used to come to his door and stand at the gate he called for me and his dad, realised we were here but not going just cause he called then went to bed. Been like that for about 3 or 4 weeks i think, but the last 4 nights he has stayed in his bed way lol. I love ikea im hoping to go again soon when the kids are in school and have a proper look around. I also know what you mean about your dh staying in bed, my oh gets the same sleep as i do yet always in bed till around 10, although some days i do go up and get him out of bed lol, he does wine about it but not dr long though. Its another boring day here today, going to try and get this house tidy and get the washing and uniforms sorted out, no need to go out today thankfully, i hate going out. Hope everyone is well and has a good day.
shady - im glad your son seems 2 b getting the hang of staying in bed even if it is a slow process. my son was more difficult 2 train as we hadn't enforced a routine and so i tried 2 b a bit more routine with erin. sleepwise both kids have been a nightmare, neither slept thru til after a yr and erin was still being breastfed then and wanted 2 b fed constantly. by that stage i was back in full time work so i had 2 try controlled crying and refused 2 breastfeed her after bedtime! it worked but was a painful process!!! i hope this baby is a better sleeper but i'm not expecting it! DH never got up with either of the kids at night and i'm not expecting that 2 change either :dohh:
Frufru - wow, that is a lot of things. You are going to use washable diapers? That's something :thumbup: I'm too lazy for these. My dad called me yesterday that he found my old crib. He's gonna fix it and clean it so that it'll be ready for our baby. We're thinking of going to Ikea also but we're doing that when I'm on mat leave and look like pregnant.
maybebaby3 - sorry for you because you have to wake up earlier. Usually neither of us sleeps longer but today they made me a suprise. Let me sleep until I wok up and then there was breakfest. Kids had made pancakes :cloud9:
OHs sister will come here today so we can compare our bumps :winkwink:
maybebaby3 - I'm with you on the DH/bed issue. Grrrr [-( we both work full time and in the week I get up at 6 everyday but come the weekend he just sleeps in and I get told off for moaning/nagging if I say anything. men! :wacko: great news on the cot bed. I really want to go to Ikea, we need new bedroom furniture
good morning :)

most of my furniture seems to come from ikea. it's a little mortifying walking around ikea and recognising everything from my house. ha. but i love it :)

have seen the cot we want to get in there i think. we just need to go and get it!! got the curtains and lampshade etc for baby's room from there too :)

frufru. i was wondering last night how you got on at your baby event. i didn't think you'd do that well though!! that's incredible :D :D well done you :D :D

abz xx

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