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*** May Babies ***

I want pancakes nowww!
My Mum's a teacher so she's off on half term this week, she's made butternut squash and red pepper soup apparently- it sounds awful but it's amazing! :lol: I'm excited to get home and eat it!
I have the same problem with my ribs Moongirl- and today they're really aching. Even my bra underwire makes them hurt some days :wacko:
Is anyone having proper dinner tonight, or just pancakes? I'm back onto food since I have eaten 2 pieces of toast at 7am, Wine Gums while I was waiting to see the MW, and a Boost just before! I'm staarving :blush: I want cheese and onion Discos, I might actually bribe someone into getting me some. I'm sure one of the security guards must be due a break :lol:
Mmmmm back on food :yipee:

I had butternut squash risotto yesterday - lovely!

As for dinner, having lasagne tonight AND pancakes.... well, why not :haha:

Am I the only one who doesn't have the HIP grant then? What do I need to do? Wasn't given anything at my midwife appointment?? I could really do with the cash.
:hi: Just popping in from June thread, as my official due date is June 7th but I'm having a May baby with the C-section being booked May 26th!!! Anyone else due May 26th?
Hey Junebug :hi:

Welcome to May babies!! This really is a lovely supportive thread... although we do talk about food a lot!!

That said, of those of us left and not yet in third tri, there is a big chance we will all have June babies.. but we are all staying put for now!!

You should pop over the third tri and add yourself to the May babies thread there too... Muddles is adding everyone and if you look on page one of the thread there should be a list of other May 26 mums!!

We are having omelettes and pancakes for tea :)

And it's home time! :happydance:
Mmmmm back on food :yipee:

I had butternut squash risotto yesterday - lovely!

As for dinner, having lasagne tonight AND pancakes.... well, why not :haha:

Am I the only one who doesn't have the HIP grant then? What do I need to do? Wasn't given anything at my midwife appointment?? I could really do with the cash.

Widger... I would speak to your midwife!!

You simply need her to complete and form which you then also complete and send off. You can collect it anytime after 25 weeks :)
Hey Junebug :hi:

Welcome to May babies!! This really is a lovely supportive thread... although we do talk about food a lot!!

That said, of those of us left and not yet in third tri, there is a big chance we will all have June babies.. but we are all staying put for now!!

You should pop over the third tri and add yourself to the May babies thread there too... Muddles is adding everyone and if you look on page one of the thread there should be a list of other May 26 mums!!

We are having omelettes and pancakes for tea :)

And it's home time! :happydance:

Thanks! Will do!
I'm May 25th so just one day out Junebug :hi:

Thanks PG. It is murder trying to get anything from our midwife. Next appointment is on 4th March so may just wait until then. I've already spent the cash on NCT classes :haha:
i'm not having anything other than pancakes for tea. lots and lots of pancakes :D

OM NOM NOM NOM. can't bloody wait :D

abz xx
phew i am not the only one!! - i haven't even done this either and i saw the MW today who completely forgot to mention it too!!

need to sort this out ASAP!! cash to go baby shopping for last min bits would be very handy indeed! :thumbup:

Mmmmm back on food :yipee:

I had butternut squash risotto yesterday - lovely!

As for dinner, having lasagne tonight AND pancakes.... well, why not :haha:

Am I the only one who doesn't have the HIP grant then? What do I need to do? Wasn't given anything at my midwife appointment?? I could really do with the cash.
Ahh whoever said we'll be having June babies- my chances are teeny, I'm due May 21st and LWH only let you go 10 days over so fingers Xd I'll be May :happydance:
And CJ, I'm not due May 26th, but that's my birthday! xx
I think I'm going to look up how to make pancakes again... last year seems a long time ago with my brain :rofl:
I only had pancakes for tea too abz - some with banana and maple syrup, some with lemon and sugar. oh and a cadburys creme egg for afters hehe :sick: x
abz, Pussy Galore - this energy just comes. If I'm relaxing and just being on the couch I feel so tired, sporting gives me energy. Mad. But I guess my small bump makes it easier to do sport although every time I return home from running I'm thinking that's it, no more running for me :haha: I'm so sorry that I had to give up gym when got BFP. But all this time being away from there makes me even anxious about giving birth. That means I can go to gym again :happydance:
Widger, DWandMJ - congrats on double digits :flower:
Frufru - he was really calm but is beating me up at the moment :winkwink:
katie_xx - I'm the same with ribs. Wearing only my sport bras. Can't figure out what I'm going to do on my graduation :wacko: Can't go without a bra or put sports one.
Junebug_CJ - welcome here :flower:

OH woked me up today half an hour earlier than usuall and said let's go swimming :shrug: That we did, packed our things, took Janno to kindergarten earlier and left Janely home for her to go to school on her own and we went. 7.00am :wacko: But it was so good. Feel like I would like to do that every morning. I swam 8*25m and that was really tirening. I can't keep my eyes opened :haha:

And guys, guess what, I'm still sleeping on my belly :haha:
And guys, guess what, I'm still sleeping on my belly :haha:

I am sooooo jealous - I love sleeping on my front and now I have to sleep on my side and I don't like it much.

My pancakes were lovely and everyone seemed to enjoy them. We had plain ones with maple syrup, banana and blueberry and banana and chocolate chip with greek yoghurt and ice cream on offer too :cloud9: Only pancakes for dinner in this house :haha:
Well pancakes last night were yummy.

Marta - You are making me feel such a slob..... probably because that is what I've turned into :haha: You have made me determined you use my pregnancy grant to set myself up with some yoga or pilates. Right, I'm off to do it now....

Am still confused on prams/pushchairs and what to buy? I fancy the Icandy but need to make mind up quick as they are going up in price!!!! Yikes!!! If they needed to eh? Anyway, I'm just thinking is it going to be practical? I mean the chassis does weigh quite a bit and that is without carrycot and baby inside? Everyone that has babies keeps telling me to forget about all that and just get a maclaren. But for the first few months or so I'd like baby to look at me... or is it for me to look at baby :haha:

Any ideas? What did you all do? Sorry I know.... yet another pram question.
good morning everyone :)

sounds like a good combo amy :D

and marta. if my hubby woke me up earlier than usual to go swimming at the moment he would get a glare and lose the duvet :D

enjoyed pancakes last night. so did bump :) of course, as predicted, she is incredibly quiet this morning. in fact she hasn't woken up yet :( hope she does soon or i'm going to get panicky :(

all this pushchair talk, ha. i'm getting a petite star zia i think. between £100 and £125 and it's the only one (out of about the four my best mate has spent hundreds and hundreds on) that hasn't broken, is incredibly light, fits in the boot, is easy to put up and down and is nippy as hell. so i'm going to go with one of them :)

ooh ooh. i think bump might be waking up :D :D :D oh i hope so. she's usually up with me, so she's hours late, ha.

ice skating repeating on eurosport at work, so glancing at that occasionally :)
Ah prams.. I can't wait for mine to come :cloud9: It's so beautiful :lol:
I don't drive so don't really have the issue of it not fitting in the boot.. and my Mum drives an X5 so no problems there! Trying to persuade Vinny to buy a sensible car rather than the BMW convertible he wants :dohh:
Anyway, it's Wednesday, and almost halfway through the week. I've only got 14 days here after today (I finish March 12th and I have 3 days of annual leave to take!) :happydance: I really need to get up and go and find the key for the decisions cupboard but I don't really feel like!
I had the worst sleep in the world, and now feel like a zombie. Also, my fringe is growing out already and I can't see too well. It's not annoying me too much right now but I'm sure it will be soon! xxx
Morning all,

My LO is also being quiet this morning and I'm feeling uncomfortably large! One of the guys at work even commented on how big my bump is getting!

I am also feeling really tight across the bottom of my bump which is not painful but uncomfortable and not continual.. any ideas?

Glad we are on Wednesday already though!

And pancakes last night were fab!! :)
I've just had a WOW you look massive comment too :( I don'ttt, I'm measuring exactly right! :(

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