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*** May Babies ***

Ok well I will see what she says today ... I feel I have grown alot the last couple of weeks so maybe she will have caught up with where she should be! Considering she was measuring big to start with its very confusing!!!

Katie thats what I have on my midwife chart but I think she just sees me when she fancys! I will let ya know later when they ask me to book my next appointment for. Three weeks seems a long time between appointments especially when I just want to hear that heartbeat again!

i just have the printed growth charts in the notes book, nothing personalised. I thought that they'd add the measurements from the 20 week scan but they didn't :( I'm going to MW on monday though so will add this to my big list of questions :haha: and report back to you all!!

I'm not sure when appointments start to go to every 2 weeks, i have a feeling i might have read somewhere it's after 30 weeks??

abz - that's rubbish you felt sick again, any better now hun?
katie - you take it easy at work today.... not long til mat leave :)
hope&faith - good luck with the bloods/injections... hope they dont hurt!!
PG - the thought of having another so quickly seems terrifying to me, ha! but maybe it's the change in hormones or something once you give birth?? or maybe it only happens to some people? one of my friends has had several kids each within a year of each other!

i'm feeling a lot better today, managed to get a fairly decent sleep last night and so far the ribs aren't too bad... guess i should get some work done while i'm able :)

have a good day all!
hey hon :)

no sickness so far. so woo. hopefully my branflakes headed it off at the pass. but i am STARVING!! a bag of crisps and half a banana haven't staved it off until lunch time. so looks like the yoghurt is next, ha. and then somehow i've got to survive from lunch until i get to leave at 6...

abz xx
how come you have to work such long shifts abz? i'd say go out at lunch time and stock up on more goodies :) talking of which, my desk is bare of food so need to head down to the kitchen and see what i can find.... :)
ha. i work 10 hour shifts... they are awful. i'm so tired by 3pm. ha. my hips and pelvis are really sore so i need to avoid walking out to get something given that when i tried yesterday i broke myself for the afternoon, ha. the sandwich man will be here in under an hour hopefully. so i can stock up on a few things from him. am eating a yoghurt now. have bran flakes still so could have them at a push. also have some ambrosia custard but that's so high in calories i'm trying to avoid it :)

abz xx
that sucks! still at least you have a sandwich man so don't need to walk to the shops.

talking of custard you've put me in the mood for rice pudding! don't know why, i haven't had it in years haha!! will try and make do with my apple for a while and maybe see if i have a tin in for lunch time :)
mmm sandwiches! Well when I popped into our local town yesterday I found a new subway has opened!!!! Yay! So I think I may head off early for my midwife appointment and grab a subway on route! yummy! But im still going to have to wait for about 2 1/2 hours.
morning! i have been terrible this week and not looked here for a few days! half term is keeping me busy, had my best mate round yesterday who i hadnt seen for 2 months and she laughed and said i now look like a proper pregnant lady lol not sure if thats good or bad since i still have about 10 weeks left lol then my sis and mum have also been round..so tired! lol

my aches and pains are subsiding slightly, altho im struggling to go upstairs by the end of the day cos of my back :(

il catch up properly at some point today when i get a bit longer than 5 minutes to myself without sophie jumping at me with something or other lol
Mmm, Subway! I want a meatball sub! :cloud9:
I've got a chicken and sweetcorn sandwich and bbq sauce crisps and a can of coke for my lunch.. health food! Is it bad that I'm annoyed I've got no chocolate?! :lol:
We don't have a sandwich man here.. probably for the best, I'm bad enough with McDonalds! There's a Subway about 5 minutes away but I heard a nasty rumour it's closed down!!
Food talk again :rofl:

Well, I had a bowl of museli today - check me out :haha:

I have my next midwife appointment at 28 weeks, then see my GP at 32 weeks and then it is every 2 weeks for me.
ok think im caught up..

hope and faith sorry about your dog, we had to put our family dog down about a month before sophie was due, hardest thing we ever had to do but it was for the best, the poor thing would only have suffered (they found he also had a tumor and it was making him so ill).

as for bras i think im going to have to go to non-wired ones or something soonish.... ergh, im starting to get a lovely red mark when i take my bra off and by the end of the day i just want my boobs free but they sooo heavy i dont want to take my bra off lol

sorry your feeling sick again abz! and yay for OH being back at work? how is his back doing then?

marta u make me feel so bad for not doing hardly anything to keep fit bar a few things on the wii....i think i need to get this last winter month gone so i actually feel like doing something ;)

pussy galore i had nooooo feelings of wanting to try again after having sophie lol i felt broody after about a yr or so but not enough to want to even contemplate trying for another lol maybe im not normal lol

as for personalise growth charts i have them in my book but my MW has never done them or plotted the marks on the chart, ive had a wee look myself at them and all measurements seems spot on but i dont know what im lookin at really lol

and omg ur talking food again! argh i was thinking of taking sophie out somewhere for food but to be honest i cant be bothered putting any decent clothes on or doing my hair or make up lol

i have set her up on the wii playing raving rabbids so im getting some peace with a brew and biccies.

katie make sure u take it easy for the rest of the day al that running around :) altho it is fairly good practice for when baby is around :)
Well I had coco pops for breakfast but my diet today seems to have gone down hill since then as I am now desperate for a subway, my only problem is its next door to a greggs so I dont know which to go for! Greggs is cheaper but subway is just so yummy!
ohh and my next MW app is on monday, il be 29 + 4 or 5 days (i always get my days mixed up) so technically its my 30 week app, i had my bloods done again teh same time as my GT test which was at 28 weeks. i think my belly has realllly grown!
Subway every time.. although maybe Greggs on the way home for a cookie! :lol:
Oh and Jo.. I'd KILL someone for a cup of tea and rich tea biscuits.. or maybe shortbread, mm! I'm sure at least 80% of my posts are about food...
oh god subway!! i would LOVE a subway sandwich. but it would take me in my current state at least 15 minutes to get there. and in that case i may not ruddy well get back!! ha. love them though :D mmmmm. veggie delight :D
steak and cheese sub for me pleasssse :)
Yeah I have now decided to go subway for a sandwich and then greggs for a cake! Im just trying to convince OH he wants to take me up there now rather than him missing out and me having to wait until half 1!
the sandwich man is here. the sandwich man is here :D brb :D

abz xx

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