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*** May Babies ***

Oh and my fundal height measurement is around 30cm but she felt for the baby and felt how long she was and decided she was very big!
my friend was telling me that later on if you feel less movement you are supposed to lie down and try to count 10 movements in an HOUR. i think my baby is too lazy for that unless it's in the middle of the night :)
Everyone seems to say different things! I just guess if I feel her during the day all should be fine! Fingers crossed!
You know what Hope&Faith, my mum threw her 'kick chart' out of the window when she had my sister. She said that my sis hardly moved at all and it was stressing her out. She's now 19!! :haha:

Wow - I've just seen my little widger kick out a foot or something, then next thing I know there is a whole body movement from the right to left hand side. So funny :yipee:
well i dont think i will have a problem checking harrison moves 10 separate times in a day, he is constantly moving! oh god im dreading him learning to crawl and stuff now lol sophie was bad enough and she didnt move half as much lol im tempted to try measure my own FH but not sure how far up id be measuring lol

and yep probably best to steer clear of your nan for the time being, try googling it maybe.
You know what Hope&Faith, my mum threw her 'kick chart' out of the window when she had my sister. She said that my sis hardly moved at all and it was stressing her out. She's now 19!! :haha:

Wow - I've just seen my little widger kick out a foot or something, then next thing I know there is a whole body movement from the right to left hand side. So funny :yipee:

haha i love seeing my belly do that! its like something out of alien or something lol i sit there for ages watching it
I have a weird stabby pain in the top of my left foot. I've been trying to ignore it and thinking it'd get better, but it's been about 2 weeks now and it's still really sore :shrug: I actually think it's getting worse, I'm starting to limp :lol:
Nope, it's like.. at the top in the middle, kind of half way between my ankle and my toes! It doesn't really hurt when I'm sitting down, only when I walk! Any ideas Dr Jo? :D
I'm officially off to third tri now. I don't even know if to be happy or sad because I really want to have my baby but in the other hand I don't want to give birth.
Anyway, it's Janno' birthday today and the timing with my third tri is really good :winkwink:
enjoy it marta. most of us are already posting over there i think :)

am watching the skiing in the winter olympics and was thinking of you and your skiing, ha.

abz xx
Thanks abz, great to hear you were thinking of me :winkwink:
Actually I was lazy today. Skipped skiing with older students, so did only 6km. And I'm not going running today either cause we're celebrating. Shame on me :blush:
well dr jo was goin to say maybe an ingrown toenail lol but i have no idea, i had what felt like a trapped nerve a few months back, everytime i bent my foot a certain way it would hurt like mad lol.
I also have a lazy baby.. there is no way that I feel ten movements a day unless I count every movement!!! Please don't tell me I have more worrying to do!! :wacko:

See you over in third tri Marta!! :)
I've got heartburn.
And I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
Andddd.. er. I'm in third tri tomorrow, but I don't like the 3rd tri May thread! xx
lol why not, i think we need to start typing our stuff there instead of here soon, fill it up with more food talk :)

eeww heartburn! i just have some of asdas own antiacid tablets seems to work a treat for me
I quite agree! We need to transfer the food talk soon.. there aren't many of us actually left here are there! Abz will be moving over a couple of days after me, and so will PG!
I can't believe you're going to have Harrison here in 10 weeks though Jo! xx
i know its so scary! plus the consultant said last time i seen her wew ill see the 6th april when il go in which is usually a week early but if he is big or something might be earlier....arghhhhhh lol

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