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*** May Babies ***

ahh see i dont have to worry about OH missing out on anything i want to eat cos he cant eat half of it lol altho it means he wouldnt take me to get something lol

man im really wanting a subway now but dont want to drive for 15 minutes, find a parking space, walk into the town area just to get one...my craving isnt that bad lol maybe il get one tomorrow when i need to pop into jeremy kyle ville (sporry that very bitchy of me!! but its true! lol)
and after all that i got a cheese salad. i remembered i had some bread. ha. so open topped cheesy salady goodness. and crisps and a flapjack :S meal deal. gotta love it for £3 :D

got a sandwich and then changed my mind and had to go back into the kitchen. i'm a dufus :D

abz xx
In fact, I want to go home :hissy: I feel like crying for no apparent reason, other than I've had literally the entire morning to dwell on how much I hate this place :lol:
I really could just keep eating today! OH seems in a bad mood as I asked him about finances for after the baby arrives and he was like well i will have to sit down and work it out! I said well yes, that would be the best thing to do so at least we know how much money we have left at the end of each month to spend on us as I have no idea atm!

I really want some crisps maybe i will grab some first and then get my sandwich in a little bit. x x x
yeah i gave in... all this talk of food. Am now three quarters of the way through a huge bag of cheese and onion pillows (the best crisps ever!). I should be ashamed but instead i'm just enjoying them :) Then i'll get onto lunch :haha:
lol i had a cheese and marmite sandwich and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.... i feel i need something else tho
ha. well. after being starving and picking all morning i eat that salad and bread and now am stuffed, ha. but the crisps are caaaaaalliiing. also now want a diet coke. but didn't want one when he was here, and now have no dosh left :(

abz xx
Oh my God... all of this talk of food has made me hungry!!

We have a wonferful sandwich shop around the corner that makes more or less anything in any combination so I am heading off there shortly!!

And I have some picked onion monster munch hidden in my desk drawer which is my latest craze!!

On the midwife/growth chart point, my mw advised me that ideally you should be given the chart at your 20 week scan to be inserted into your notes. It is then completed at each following mw appt although some mw's don't start completing it until 28 wks.

I wasn't given a chart at my 20 week scan and the mw didn't have any spare at my 25 wk appt but she said she will start one at my 28 wk appt which is on 2 March.

I then have appts every two weeks :happydance:

Right off to get lots of lunch :)

PS Jolou... I love raving rabbids... :blush:
i have managed to wangle some orange squash from someone in the office. so that will do nicely :)

i really need some work to do and am struggling to find it :)
i totally forgot to tell you all about my foolishness the other night.

i was talking to OH about how once this baby is born everything would become secondary to it, including each other.

i suddenly realised that it wouldn't be just us any more, and we wouldn't be number one to each other and bawled my eyes out because i love having a doting OH, ha. of course i was still happy that this was the case, but couldn't stop crying. i got a big cuddle out of it though. ha. what a noogleberry!!

abz xx
I'm the same abz! My Mum keeps telling me I'll be gutted once I have to share Vinny's attention- he knows though and keeps telling me I'll always be his #1! Aww! :lol:
Had an amusing moment earlier- I'm wearing black empire line dress which goes to a couple of inches above my knees, heels and a neck scarf thing, and my hair looks half decent because my fringe is long enough to be a side fringe now, and I curled it last night and slept in it (the best way IMO! it looks too 'done otherwise :lol:). Anyway, a customer tried to chat me up and kept asking for my number when I walked past and ended up coming over to my desk to harrass me :wacko: You should of seen how fast he left when I said 'You know I'm 6 months pregnant..?'

Eek, end of my afternoon web browsing- the boss is observing the girl sitting in front of me while she interviews so he's sat at the edge of my desk any minute now :dohh:
ahh katie im rather jealous that u were getting chatted up! im lucky to even get a "you look nice joanne" from mark let alone anything from someone else lol altho mark attracted the male attention the other weekend when he was out with his mate lol
ohh and on the attention thing, i dread to think how mark will be, he is such an attention seeker now its unbelievable, dread to think what he will be like with sophie and a baby lol
ha. see i'd thought about it. but it was always in mind of what a shock thomas would get. i wasn't prepared for it myself. i felt so so selfish, ha. but the cuddle was nice :)
Well im back from my appointment and my midwife told me I had a huge baby and that she is really really long! It made me laugh but I said will she still be small like a baby! The midwife was like of course, she wont come out toddler size! hmm baby brain!

She said everything else was fine and to try a bump band for pelvic pain, apparently people get it because they arent putting there hands under there bumps and holding them anymore!

I also just got off the phone from my mum and found out my nan has MRSA ... should I avoid contact with her?

Anyways im off to get a cup of tea and a biscuit!
H&F yep. Avoid infectious people of any kind like the plague. Hope your nan gets well soon. :flower:
thats what i thought but my mum has just been to see her ... do i need to avoid her too?
i would be very careful coming into contact with anyone with mrsa or people who have been in contact with them honey. nasty as it is it's better to be safe.

when on earth did anyone hold their bumps up? i never did...
Hope your Nan gets well soon.. I think if it was me, I'd stay away (although it must be hard :() and make my Mum throw her clothes and shoes in the wash and get a shower and wash her hair before I saw her! Just to be safe!
LOL at the 'will she be small like a baby' comment! What was your FH measuring- I'm nosy! And did you get your Subway?
Only an hour and 20 minutes to go :wohoo:
I think my midwife was talking about in the old days! I was very confused, she said if it got worse I couold maybe go for physio ... I felt like saying well thanks alot!

She also told me to keep an eye on movements from now on ... 10 movements in 12 hours but she was saying they cant be all in one go you need 10 seperate times ... I have problems remebering what happened an hour ago let alone how many kicks I have felt!

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