*** May Babies ***

Logansmama - forgot to say congrats on team Blue! Sorry to hear your son's not well, poor baby. I know it so hard to see them suffer when we'd rather it was us instead! Hope he's on the mend soon. Ditto on the weird dreams...mine are so vivid, I wake up believing them for a second and it's horrible.

Hello Modo, nice to have you over :wave:

Clogsy - try not to worry about your results...easier said than done I know. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Pixie - any chance of a spa day for you? I highly recommend it. I'm going to go again before May with some other mummy friends who are all up for it...can't wait! Hope you're doing ok.

Well the good news is I had a sick-free day yesterday :happydance: First time since I was 6 weeks! Can't tell you how nice it was to feel sort of normal again. Not so great today, felt so icky and tired I fell asleep this afternoon for 2 hours. Nothing could keep my eyes open :sleep: Heard we're supposed to get new bursts of energy in 2nd Tri? Anyone had this yet?
Oh I get it now, what do you think of mine, I think girl


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Hi all!!
Frufru - yes, I felt the same about telling people after keeping it secret for so long, thinks thats why I was shaking when forced to tell work! Now I am so worried that people will only want to talk to me about the pregnancy or they will only expect me to talk about it! Good luck with your scan and with coming out!!
Mojo401 - hello!! I am only just starting to recover from the ms - it has now gone from all day to once a day for a couple of hours. As for trhe energy - I am more tired now than I was in first tri!!! Roll on the 'blooming'!!!!
Has anyone got an obvious bump? I just look liike I have eaten too much and put on a few pounds!!!! xxx
I don't know... I feel like I have an obvious bump. I think to people that KNOW me I do... but strangers are still not SURE enough to say anything yet. They aren't positive if I have just got a big beer gut or am preggo, and wouldn't want to ask and be wrong. But if you know me, you would know this is not just weight gain....
Good evening everyone.

I hope you have all had a good day. I spent the day window shopping and drinking tea (decaf of course ;)) with one of my friends. The friend I was out with is one of the few people I have told so I have had a delightful day chewing her ear off about my little rock lobster, pregnancy and babies in general :mrgreen:

My bump is a bit unreliable - some days its there and others it is not? Therefore I don't know if it is bloat, that my womb keeps bobbing in and out of my pelvis or a little of both :wacko: Whichever it is I reckon am bound to have a proper bump in the next month or so, but for now I just look like I have been at the pies :winkwink:

Mork and Widger - I am glad I am not the only one a little reluctant to tell the big wide world about my new role as a baby grower!

I know it is a bit premature to be talking about my 20 week scan and finding out gender when I have not even had my dating scan yet :rolleyes: However, I am really intrigued to find out which team the rock lobster is on as OH and I had both started referring to RL as "he/him" about a month ago. OH has said he would really like us to have a private 4D scan so once we have had the dating scan and know that the little lobster is happy and snug we will try to get that booked in for Jan/Feb.

I am sorry to hear about Logan being poorly Logansmama - and to hear about your nightmares. I have not really had what I would call a nightmare since I have been pregnant but I did have a really weird dream the other night that I was giving birth and when the baby came out it was a squirrel :dohh:

Cor I am really waffling on tonight - I shall sign off for now and leave you all in peace at least for a little while.

Sleep tight ladies :hugs:
Frufru - loving that you are having weird dreams too - I gave birth to a goat in one of my early ones!!! lol!! x
mork i have quite a bump people who know when they see me there like wow you've got a bump already but i'm pleased i do lol
frufru i also keep calling mine he and ppl say do u already know and its like no but i get carried away and say he lol.
and as for the vivid dream i'm dream with you on that its weird cos u have dreams and you know they are ridiculous but know its as if it could really happen
So - I am happy to announce that my DS seems to be feeling better now. He still has a cold, but is acting normal. Fingers crossed that he continues to improve. Thanks for the well wishes.

Did you read my other thread? I'm pretty sure I sprained my ankle. I swear. I'm such a clutz.

Other than that, all is good. Hope you are all having a nice evening...
Morning ladies!
Have just caught up on the unread posts from over the weekend!
Glad your son is on the mend Logan's Mama!
Had a manic weekend and haven't stopped, am feeling the force of it now though. We cleared our loft space on Saturday ready for the new insulation and boarding! Now we have no spare rooms we thought it would be practical to have it all sorted so we can store things up there without a palava!
Have started decoration Lexie's room and it's looking great, am really trying hard to get it done for her 1st birthday in 3 weeks, DH and I were laughing last night that this time last year we were adding the must have finishing touches to it ready for her arrival! Now she's all grown up....... and walking!!!!
As for bumps, mine is huge! Will post a piccie later. The checkout lady at the supermarket asked me how many weeks i'd got to go, when i told her 'too many' she said oh are you due at Christmas? She blushed when i told her 'no, May!'. I will say it is a very odd shape and does have a flat part in the middle, not sure if this is where the babies are lying either side of it.
Have my Midwife appt tomorrow and have lots to ask her about, i seem to have so many symptoms of different things, i feel like a hypercondriact!

Hope everyone else is doing well and have a good day everyone xx
Hi everyone. Did you all have a good weekend? I haven't been on in a while and haven't had time to catch up on everyone's posts yet, but will have a read later when i've got more time. Hello to all the ladies who have just moved over from the 1st trimester though!

My weekend was spent decorating the baby's room! It's so lovely, I can't stop going in there and just looking around! We've put up the crib and the changing station/dresser and i've started to fill it with baby clothes and bits which I have been buying over the last few weeks. I am also pleased that I will be able to fit a gliding nursing chair in there. It's such a tiny room that I didn't think I would be able to, but we juggled the furniture around to make room! I will try to add a pic in a minute. Not tried adding one before though, so bear with me! I know it's still quite early to be decorating, but I just wanted to get it out the way now before I get too big to go up ladders!

How is everyone else getting along? My heartburn was OK yesterday, but the sciatica is getting worse!:shrug:


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Waaay hey! The pics worked! Forgot to say that it's not completely finished yet. The curtains have still got to be put up. The pole arrived this morning so DH will be busy tonight!!
Pixie81 the room looks fab - just the kind of design I am thinking of.

Modo - great to have you over and good scans pics!!

Well I have just posted a thread that I think I have started to feel movement. It started yesterday and have been feeling it today. It feels like something is scratching inside of me - sometimes repetitively in the same place. It does not feel 'nice' as such.
I have always had a bit of a fear about this so trying not to think too hard that there is a living thing inside of me with arms, legs and things moving about!!
Just trying to get my head around the movements to begin with!!

I had to go for another blood test today after fasting as my mum has diabetes. But whilst I was there they asked me if I had had the letter about coming back in on Wednesday regarding the results from my Thalassemia blood test. My mum is a carrier so wondering if it has come back that I am too. They want my DH to come in so presuming they want to test him. It is a worry as if DH is a carrier also then that does have serious consequences but I am trying to remain positive until the meeting on Wednesday as it is very unlikely I think that he is a carrier as it is normally people from certain ethinic origins (my mum is Chinese) and DH is white.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

pixie babas room is gorge n im feeling your pain with siatica, wat is the point of it!!!!!!!!!! i have the second bedroom as my dressing room n i am graciosly giving it over to my bean (even tho OH has small bedroom as hs dressing room n an office! but lets not get me started on that haha!) i have cleared out the babies half of the double wardrobe n put all his little boxes in there just wating to find out wat it is then i will fininsh rest of room off, i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!! x x x x
Im due may 9th ... off to tell OH's parents about the pregnancy tonight very scared! x x x
Pixie.. the nursery looks fab!!!

We actually started ours yesterday too.. although we had intended on waiting until the Christmas break when we had some actual time on our hands!! We bought a cot and then hubby decided he wanted to decorate too!

So he stripped the walls, lined them and then papered one wall...which looks great... but he is a typical man and I now suspect that he will happily leave the room half finished for weeks!

Still we have family up at the wknd so perhaps he will surprise me!!

Ironically it's the only time I have enjoyed decorating! :)
pixie the room looks great.

Well i officially moved over to second tri today after a bit of time away as I was in a car accident and it feels so nice to finally be over here!!! Hope everyone is doing fabby and enjoying there second tri's x

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