*** May Babies ***

I wonder why I almost only feel something when I am laying down on an evening!?! :happydance:

I read once that while you are up and moving around, baby tends to sleep more, because they are being "rocked" in the womb. But once you lay down, the rocking stops and they wake up. This also explains why most newborns sleep better during the day (because in the womb this is when you were up and moving) and then want to be up all night (when you were still and sleeping).
Groan. I had some strawberries and grapes this morning and have brought them all up. I bet if I'd had cake I wouldn't have been sick. Its like it catches you unawares, you think youre back to normal and bam, you get sickness again.

This morning I've been looking into day care nurseries because the book I'm reading said you should get on a waiting list while you're pregnant and now I'm worried sick that I won't have anything arranged in time and we're talking 14 months away! I've never organised anything that far in advanced in my life. And the cost! Its ridiculous. £42 a day! I hope I can go back to work 3 days a week!
Hey Ladies :hi:

I hope you are all ok.

iznil8 - Sorry to hear about your accident - Are you ok?

Pussy galore - I too found the video fascinating. I have already warned OH about the fact that he will be required for shaving duties at some point!

daisyfflur - I know what you mean daisy. I have 5 weeks straight of not being able to eat fruit at all without is prompting MS whatever the time of day. I am improving now but I have to say the apple and grapes I had this morning are not sitting very well :wacko: I think I might have some plain toast and see if that helps. I reckon if I had eaten chips (Fries) for breakfast I would be feeling just fine :rolleyes:

I think I have been feeling some fluttering over the past few nights while laying in bed - I have not been gassy so maybe it is movement?

So the journey up north yesterday went well - it took us about 11hr 15m in the end which is about average. However, 30m of one of our stops was spent with me napping on the back seat which has never happened before :blush: - OH does not drive so all the driving was on me which is usually fine but was a little more tiring yesterday than normal hence the nap!

We will be telling OH family about our wee one while we are here. I have said to OH that he should pick the moment he thinks is right. He was going to say something last night and then totally chickened out :winkwink: Bless him he said he is really nervous and just does not know how to bring it up subtly - I can completely relate to this as I really struggled to find a good way to tell my Mum and just ended blurting it out in the end :dohh:

Well the weather outside is dry at the moment so I think I shall try and pop out for a walk after a late breakfast.

Have a lovely day/evening everyone :hugs:
Thanks Frufru, I feel like i've been battered but the bub is fine which is the important thing. Yet another trip to A & E for me tho, think i'll get a season ticket.:blush:

Good luck telling the in laws, i'm sure they will be over the moon!:happydance:
I am really glad you you and bubs are ok iznil8 :hugs:

The toast idea turned into a mini-cooked breakfast and I have to say it has sorted me right out - why can't the baby have my tastes in food :dohh: All these carbs, high calorie and greasy foods I can eat with no problems versus the fruit and veg which leaves me queasy :growlmad: - I can already notice new cellulite above my knees :rolleyes: Ah well - I am sure breastfeeding and lots of walks once the wee one is here will shift those dimples!
babyhope: My husband said the same thing and the very same thing worried me. :shock:

LogansMama: Thank you, that explains it and I feel like I am not so crazy now. Lol.

daisyfflur: I started to look up nursery's and childminders in my area but few seem to have a website to read information about or prices. I am dreading both having to leave my little one there while I am at Uni and my husband is at work (I hope he will still be on nights so we will not need one much/at all) and the price!
The price of daycare is insane. Unless you have a really well-paying job, its almost not worth it to go back to work if you have to use daycare!

I'm still not sure what we are going to do. I know that here it is about $200+ a week for infant care. They do not offer part time for infants, so even if you only send them 3 days, its the same price.

Right now DH only works nights, so technically, he CAN watch baby in the day, I'm just not sure how well he will handle that. He's had a hard enough time minding our son the last 2 years (from age 2 till now), and although he does great NOW (at age 3 1/2), a newborn is a different story! Its sad, but I really think I trust a stranger more than dh with newborn care! We'll see though.

Ideally, I'd love to do what I did with DS, and be able to stay home till he is over 1, THEN put him in daycare... but I just don't think we can manage it this time. I'm also going to look into just going part time - which I don't know if its possible, but something to look into.
I noticed TODAY that I can no longer see down below easily. It won't be long now till I can't see AT ALL. That means I will be shaving blindly by my next appt in 2 weeks. I refuse to go to doc appts hairy! :) I don't know... it doesn't bother me to go by touch and not sight. Its not that hard.

The Veet sounds like a good idea, but I hate the smell of that stuff!
I know what you mean, after reading this I realized I can't see now! I am by far a lucky one with hardly any hair that grows slow and blond on top that but I thought id give it a try n trimming blindly, ha big mistake LMAO it's all gone now. I hate that! I did so bad I couldnt even make it into a Mohawk landing strip or anything. DP laughed and said he would do the honers from now on LMAO He asked what compelled me to even try it and I said a beautiful but hairy movie lmao
Oh gosh daycare scares the crap outta me. It is very costly around here too. I've got a few ideas on what I can do but till the baby is here I really don't know how it will pan out.
we r not able 2 work part time as teachers here. my mum looks after the kids (dylan is at preschool half day so she has erin all day and dylan from lunch til i get back at 3.30. will prob have 2 put this 1 in nursery when i go back 2 work as mum will be older so don't want 2 put a big burden on her.

i have not really felt movements and am a bit worried. :(
I wish my mom lived closer so she could watch my LO.

Iznil - glad you re okay! Be CAREFUL!

Frufru - good luck with the inlaws! I'm sure they will be happy for you! Let us know how you end up spilling the beans and how they react! I am still shocked (impressed) that some of you haven't told people yet! I've been telling everyone since 5 weeks !! :)
Right now with me and hubby working we are ok financially, we are no where near wealthy or rich, but we don't have to live paycheck to paycheck. A month after the baby is born we will be receiving our B.A's and he has already had some job offers (more pay), I am really hoping this works out because then I can quit my job and we can live pretty much the same, however if it doesn't go as planned I am going to have to think of a plan....I only work part time and I know paying for child care will cost HALF of my check (I did this with my son) but if I quit my job and hubby doesn't get a better position then we probably will be living really really tight. I hope it doesn't come down to that! At the same time I am nervous to leave my job, I've been there 6 years and the pay is pretty good....DECISIONS DECISIONS!!!!
Childcare is so expensive, but i have no choice other than to return to work as on top of all normal bills, dh pays a third of his wages to the CSA for his other 2 children :(
Hiya, hope everyone is ok

Got my first Mat trousers, they are soo nice even thro I have no bump lol. I just dont wanna wake up on morning and not be able to fit in anything

I just wanna say sorry to anyone who read my post on friday night bout the swine flu vac and hope I didnt upset anyone, I am very sorry
Evening Ladies,

So today we found out that OH cousin is expecting and due 1st June so only 1 day after me :thumbup: I am really happy for her and hubby - knowing my dates they must have fallen pretty much on their wedding day/honeymoon on the August bank holiday.

Our wee one is still un-announced to the in-laws - I cannot express how nervous OH is about telling his parents. I think he just does not know how to bring it up - personally I would have used our cousins news and piped up "1st of June - that is the day after our baby is due!"

I agree with you all - childcare is soooo expensive. I will be looking to go part time after my maternity leave and drop down to 2 days a week. OH is going to try to re-arrange his hours so he works 4 days M-F and has the weekends and 1 day M-F off - that would mean that I could go into work on his M-F day off and he would have some alone time with LO. I could then make up the rest of my hours in the evenings or over the weekend. My sister lives close by and her and one of my good friends have both offered to have LO if we need them to which is a big comfort. All in all I figure we will sort something out - money will be tight but we will just have to cut back as much as we can (No more starbucks for me :()

I am still totally enamoured with my scan photo - I could not find it this morning to have yet another look and I demanded that my OH tell me "where have you hidden my baby" which really baffled him :haha:

So far we have not told many people at all. The list so far is
- My Mum (Mum has told her OH too), sister, yoga teacher, 5 of my female friends and 2 managers at work. One of my team-mates asked me straight out on Friday if I was pregnant and I could not actually look her in the face and lie so told her yes I was - she is very discrete and happy to keep it secret until I officially break the news to the wider world.
- Oh has told his manager at work and one of his male friends.
So all-in-all 14 people in our family-friends-work-world know about LO which randomly works out as pretty much 1 for each week of my pregnancy so far. Of course once OH finally plucks up the courage to tell his M+D etc that average will be completely irrelevant.

Ah I am waffling on again - sorry girls :blush: I shall finish up this post for now. I hope you and your LO's are all ok. :hugs::hugs: to you all
Got my first Mat trousers, they are soo nice even thro I have no bump lol. I just dont wanna wake up on morning and not be able to fit in anything

Lucky you, I could not fit in my normal trousers before I got my BFP because of bloating! :haha: I had to buy maternity wear not far in at all and now I have a few small bundles and one big bundle I got from e-bay so that I would have enough. I do not have a massive looking bump but it is clearly there and really front heavy .
I feel like I have been lucky this time around with maternity clothes! I was in them a lot sooner this time, but since I have a stash from last time, that was a big help to start. Then I went on Old Navy right away and bought a bunch of stuff on clearance too - got about 5 shirts and a pair of shorts for $50 - so not bad. I am short on warmer clothes (it doesn't stay cold here for long .... so I hate to waste money on things I will literally only wear a couple times), but I am going to need to pick up a few things at least. I def need a jacket of some type... the one i have now is gonna look ridiculous soon....

I think I'll check the thrift shops maybe.... Good Luck to me finding a warm maternity coat in florida....
Hello girls. Been off a while. So glad scan went well Frufru. All I can say is.... I'm avoiding any videos/photos of childbirth completely... can't think of anything more that would freak me out than watching someone in pain. In fact, I'm going to be in denial until the time I think :haha:
I have a customer meeting on Thursday and my black work trousers were looking a little sorry for themselves so I popped into Next today and scored some new ones for £22. I might get two wears out of them before I go up to a 12 waist but then they will be rediculously baggy on the bum. I can't justify maternity trousers as there is no obvious bump so will just pray the hair band round the waist button holds!

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