*** May Babies ***

I'm actually starting to feel a little normal again........ not so tired all the time. Still tired, but not so much. Am I actually making sense? :haha:
Katie I can't believe that you are starting your new job already - the weeks have just flown by!

I know exactly what you mean widger. I am not as tired as I was in 1st tri when I was sleeping 9 hours a night, napping for 1+ hour in the day and feeling exhausted all the time no matter how much sleep I had. Now I find I do not need as much sleep at night and my energy levels are a bit higher - although if I have had a busy day I do sometimes still need a wee nap :blush:
Hello!!! i am due, may the 13th!!!! this is my first pregnancy, so may be you veteran moms can help me out a little!!!
howdy guys. well!! i bought my first baby items today. i love red and since you can only get red things at christmas i wanted to get them now. i actually ended up getting two. a teeny top with daddy's little star on it (not usually a bit fan of things with daddy and mummy written on them, but thought thomas might like it :D) and then i saw a little fleece red coat with ears on the hood, and i couldn't resist it. it's more for me than anything, to make it seem more real :D

anyways, i'm really excited and i go to the supervisors at work thinking they will go 'oooh' and help me on my way with my excitement and instead they said they wouldn't fit at the right time of year (if anything i bought them too big for the time of year i would need them) that they wouldn't have bought anything yet, i might have a really big baby (next sizes are big in any case and my baby will be under six months by the time it needs a winter coat and this is 6-9 months. hopefully my baby won't be THAT big...) etc etc. well. i made a joke about them raining on my parade and i was going to leave if they were going to be like that and then had to try and stop myself crying all the way back to my desk :( i think today may be a hormonal one... but i was so so excited and now i'm just really down and upset... i told them they should just smile, say that's lovely and then be quiet, in a jokey way of course, but i mean they could have gone along with it. it's more for me than the baby anyways, so even if it doesn't fit, i've gotten joy out of it :( am sad :(

abz xx
Hi Ladies,

How are you all feeling today? Are your arms feeling any better? I am still adament that I will not be having a flu jab, even though I am in a high risk group as I work with children. I still don't think there has been enough research performed on pregnant women, and how can they possibly know if it will cause long term damage to unborn babies? It hasn't been out long enough. We all know what happened with the Thalidomide drug in the 50's/60's. I just don't see how they can know that a similar incident will or will not happen. I just couldn't forgive myself if something happened to the baby becuse of a jab i'd had. I don't want to put a dampener on anyone. We all have our own opinions. I just want to wait and see.

I am in full Christmas mode now. We put our tree up on Sunday. We bought a nice new one which was pretty expensive but well worth it! It's so nice!

I have done most of our Christmas shopping. Just got my DH's aunt and my MIL to buy for. It's also her birthday in a couple of weeks, so its proving difficult knowing what to buy her.

I am also feeling really tried and had to have a lie on the bed last night at 6:30pm! I didn't even eat any dinner. So exhausted.

My bump seems to be growing bigger by the day! This may be TMI...... but we had sex last night and right after my bump went really hard!!! Is this normal?? It's been fine all day today, but worried something might have happened. Might have to get my doppler out in a minute and listen for the heartbeat.

Only 15 days to go till we have our 20 week scan! I can't wait!!! x
Oooohh.... just noticed i've gone up a square on my ticker!! YAY! xxxx
hey folks!

pixie i know what you mean about the sex thing, the last time we had sex my stomch felt odd lol it actually put me off and that was 2 weeks ago, poor OH was thinking my sex drive was back to normal lol

im slowly starting to get into christmas mode and i mean slowwwwly, not sure what it is but its harder for me this yr to get excited and thats not like me! my sister mum and grandad are the same, maybe its because its the first without nan, ive decided to go stay at my mums christmas eve this yr as sophie will be with her dad this yr for christmas day and i just want to be with mum and sis, OHs folks have allll the family coming to stay and i really dont want to be with them all of christmas lol how bad do i sound??!:O Im rather excited about a game we ordered for sophie on the wii tho :) raving rabbids tv party, we played it at my firends house and it was such a laugh! should be funny to see my mum play it ;)

ooo 2 weeks tomorrow i have my 20 week scan! yay
ohhh ive gone up a box too!!!

I with you on this flu vaccine, it's such a hard decision to know what's best although I too am thinking I'll decline. I have wavered over the last few weeks but don't work or travel on public transport so don't come into contact with loads of people, so I guess I'm low risk (apart from being pregnant of course). Really is a dilemma. I completely understand why people have had it too, god forbid we become poorly and put our bubbas' health at risk.

Talking of Thalidomide....my mum was given it when pregnant with my sister but because she was so sick with MS....it didn't stay down! Lucky escape if what!!

Well done you on getting your tree up and doing all your shopping! We're putting up decs this week...we used to have a real tree every year but bought an artificial one last year when my daughter came along!! Toddlers have a tendency to pull all the baubles off and wreck it at any given opportunity!! :rofl:

As for doing the deed, well may I take my hat off to you!! I wish I had some interest in that department but no incling whatsoever. My poor DH!!!:haha: I'm sure your bubba will be fine, your hard bump is probably just muscles tensing.

Yay for 20 week scans....not long now...I'm on the 23rd!
Jolou, Raving Rabbids TV is great! We've got it too. The new one looks good aswell. I bought the new Super Mario Bros one last week which is excellent (I couldn't wait til xmas to get it!). I've bought my DS about 4 Wii games this year and an Xbox 360 game. That's all he's asked for! Running out of ideas of what to get him as a main present. Was going to get him a new DSi as the battery on his DS runs out after half an hour or so. We've decided to buy him one as a present from the baby when it's born though so he doesn't feel too left out.

Is your scan on 16th December?
abz - don't let them bring you down - like you say it is mainly for you and to make it more real. It is cold anytime of year so I am sure you will get use out of the coat at some point!!

katie_xx - cannot believe your job has started already, that time went really quickly! I am sure you will be fine!

mrsnewera - welcome to May babies - I am always asking stoopid questions so ask whatever you need to!!

Well after I posted yesterday about how tired I am I just had to go home as I was feeling so exhausted. I slept till 7pm and had to force myself to wake up or else knew I would not sleep last night. I still managed to go to sleep again about 10:30 and slept straight through. :sleep:

I am bit pissed off with DH at the moment - I tried to talk to him last night about different births etc and he just did not want to know. I know we have decided to have a doula but bloody hell I am STILL going to have to give birth to the LO. It is almost as if now he knows he won't be there it is as if he does not want to know anything about it and I really don't know if I am going to end up resenting him over it. :growlmad: :cry:
It is like he wants me to go through it all, not know anything about it and then he can stroll in the proud father at the end like the stork has delivered it, there was no pain, screaming, blood, poo etc.

Then later on my friend has lent me her doppler so I was trying to find the hb - I am not 100% what I am listening for and obviously you have to be patient. I asked if he wanted to try and listen and he must have had the headphones in for 20 seconds, then said he could not hear anything and did not want to listen to anymore. He then proceeded to want to show me every bloody app in his new i-phone. :growlmad:

He was the one really pushing (excuse the pun) to have a baby in the first place and it is like now I am pregnant he does not want anything to do with the pregnancy and the birth. He won't read up on anything, the only thing he listens with interest to is the week by week development which I read to him once a week when I reach the next stage, which takes all of 30 seconds.

I ask him if he thinks I have a bump and he just calls me 'fatty' or 'big bird' and I know he is doing it affectionately but it bloody can hurt!

The only research he has done is how to teach a child to ride a bike (DH is cycling mad) and it will be years before then. :nope:

Sorry for the rant ladies - just needed to let off a bit of steam there!!
Mojo, that was lucky with your mum and sister! I'm glad i'm not the only one NOT having the flu vaccine. It seems a lot of ladies on here have had it already. I haven't even been called for mine yet but will decline if I do.

My libido has been up and down. I was as horny as hell a few weeks ago and then calmed down for a few weeks... but seems to be peaking again now! :blush: :winkwink: Lol.

Toddlers and xmas trees aren't a good combination are they? I've got 2 here at the moment who are drawn to it like a magnet! Lol.
We have really struggled to think this year as to what tog et madam, she just had a birthday on the 22nd nov and got soo much, she hardly plays with her toys as it is and has a box room, she is happy with her "making stuff" which is paper glue colouring pencils and pens etc, she sits for hours with it, i actually started saving all the old loo roll holders for her to make things with lol but she got sooo much making stuff for bday! we have bought a pram as a main present this year, its a lovely silver cross one and my sis bought her a doll for bday which she plays with atm so fingers crossed she is happy! apart from that its all little things from home bargains haha OH has got me a black wii (i think he is thinking to keep me fit after bubs :p) so i said we can let sophie open it as if its hers, it came with that wii motion sports so il wrap that up i think too, she got a new ds game for bday and has loads on this sd card thing her dad downloaded for her so thats another idea gone lol to be honest with the amount of things my sister tends to buy her i could get away not giving anything lol if i had it my way id buy sooo many barbies but she doesnt play with the ones i got her last year...i wonder where i got her form sometimes haha

good idea on the DSi! we were going to do the same but not sure with what yet, her tastes in things seems to change soo much at the moment.

yea my scan is on the 16th at 9 in the morning! its such an awkard time, sophies school doesnt open till 8:45 and it takes 20ish min to get to the hospital on a good day, im thinking im going to have to take sophie with us and let the teachers know in advanced she will be late by an hour or so, i dont think they will mind too much as its just play time for a while in the morning and its end of term.. i darent cancel the app as i dont wanna wait till after xmas lol
my arm is feeling much better today. still sore but a lot of the redness has gone down. it's still a hard lump though, and still itches a wee bit, but it looks a lot less alarming.
Cactus girl, have you tried talking to your hubby? Mine was like that when we were getting married. I know it's not the same, but I know how upsetting it can be when they seem so disinterested and leave you to do all the work.

Why don't you sit down with him and tell him how you feel. Maybe he's nervous or is worried about something? Men deal with things differently to how we do. Has he said why he doesn't want to be at the birth?

You should download the baby names app on his iPhone! Hope he bucks up his ideas soon hun! (((hugs)))
ahh cactus girl sorry your OH is ebing an arse, i think sometimes its the way men are programed! my OH is similar, i was asking him to read the info the mw gave me a few weeks ago and im still waiting for him to do it...i gave up in the end, funny enough sophies dad was the same..
oh god i-phones.....my OH is obsessed! every night he is reading about them etc and would get one in a heartbeat if his contract is up lol its killing him my step dad has one and doesnt even use it to its fullest potential lol
do they let you take children into your scan? on our letters it says that if you can't find a babysitter you have to rearrange your appointments.

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