*** May Babies ***

hey ladies

widger that might be movement :) its hard to describe the feeling.

nice to see you curiosity and hope you doing ok huggsss

Ive been a busy bee today, OH got alllll of sophies old clothes down, ranging from newborn right up to age 3 so i spent 2 hours sorting it all out into age group piles ready to put on ebay, decided to only put on things from 1 1/2 yrs up for now until we know the sex, (knowing my luck id stick it all on and we find out its a girl lol) and things that wouldnt be the right season when born etc (big winter coats for may-july....no no well actually u never know with our weather haha), only managed to get for listings up on there as i needed to iron the stuff i was taking pics of..ergh i hate ironin! lol

Arm is still aching and kept waking me up as i seem to keep turning onto my right hand side, no red lumps tho *touch wood*, Abz how is yours doing?

hows the rest of you?
Curiosity I'm so sorry for your loss once again. :hugs: I know it must be especially hard when the pregnancy came at a less than ideal time, and so on top of dealing with the tremendous loss you have to face a wait before ttcing.

I wish you a lot of strength and healing and hope that everything goes smoothly for you on your road towards trying again.

As for me, I am doing all right. The whole pregnancy seems a bit surreal as it's so close on the heels of the last one (which was LONG awaited- we got pg on the first try but we waited so long to have our second because we wanted to be in a good financial position before having another child). I've since been laid off so our "good financial position" is, to put it nicely, in question, but here comes baby #3 regardless...

I feel a bit guilty at not being more excited. Maybe I will get that gender scan after all...
hey everyone :)

jolou, my arm is nearly better. it's no longer sore when i move it, just sore when i touch it. the massive red patch has gone and i'm now just left with a smallish red lump at the actual injection site. so it's improving :)

finally managed to go food shopping today. desperately trying not to retch around the supermarket but got there. then decided to make a roast dinner for when OH got home as today was my day off. managed that too with only a few retching incidents. so things are on the up, ha.

had a horrible experience with my hip today though. it felt like it almost came out of joint whilst i was walking through a shopping centre. really REALLY hurt and now my back on that side and around my left hip are really sore :( my other hip was hurting the other day and i was really hoping that it was just stretching pains or something, but now i'm thinking it might be something worse :( so something to mention to the midwife if it stays put for another week. otherwise it's off to the docs... again!!

can't wait until my next mw appointment. really really want to hear my baby and know that it's ok!!

abz xx
had a horrible experience with my hip today though. it felt like it almost came out of joint whilst i was walking through a shopping centre. really REALLY hurt and now my back on that side and around my left hip are really sore :( my other hip was hurting the other day and i was really hoping that it was just stretching pains or something, but now i'm thinking it might be something worse :( so something to mention to the midwife if it stays put for another week. otherwise it's off to the docs... again!!

I know the feeling, I am in absolute agony today with my SPD. :hugs:
I just want to hear HB too Abz. After pink spotting last night just been to toilet and now have brown spotting/discharge like before. I just didn't expect to get it. Not sure if I can wait 2 weeks till my mw appointment.

:hugs: to us all
Aw thank you for all your lovely comments girls they really are appreciated :hugs::hugs: yes it really is so hard wtt now!

Widger, thank you for your message I was just thinking can you ring your midwife to ask for advice just to be on the safe side? Sometimes spotting is due to a hormone imbalance or something. All the best hun xxx
Hi ladies... Gosh - I'm so brain dead. I read everyones posts, but by the time I finish I can't remember who said what and what comments I had to make! Seems like the only way to really keep up is to comment after each post I read... but then I'd end up with 50 posts in a row - LOL. Such the preggo brain. ITs bad!!

Anyhow... Took the LO to a Christmas parade tonight. Its a pretty big deal in our town, with all the local businesses and schools, and marching bands and such. DS had a great time, but I am EXHAUSTED now! Seriously. Just knocked me OUT.

We are currently tiling our house, and DH is doing all the work. He is doing a fantastic job, but its starting to feel like its taking forever. He's doing it all alone though - so its gonna take a while! I'm so getting tired of living in a construction zone though! ITs going to look so nice when its done - I can't wait! And my sister will be in town on the 11th, so hopefully it'll be done way before then! We can't really decorate for Christmas either till its done.... so thats another reason I hope it comes along a little quicker. Its such a big job though... I just need to be patient! I just want to get on with my normal life though... He started it Friday... so it'll eb a week tomorrow. Hopefully will be done by next Friday. He wants to paint too.. so do I, but I think I'm gonna make him hold off till AFTER the holidays... unless I get super motivated this weekend. Fat Chance of that happening though! LOL.

I saw my pulmonary doctor today for my asthma. He put me on a daily med - gave me a sample instead of writing a scrip... but DUH... I forgot to ask how much to use! So - now I have to call in the morning. So brain dead. I'm assuming it'll be the same as last time I was on it... but want to double check anyhow!

So thats the story of my life today... :)

Oh - one more thing.... My belly feels HARD all the time. My ENTIRE belly - from boobs to belly button. Its weird. I'd say its like a braxton hicks - except it really doesn't go away! ITs like one constant ball of hardness. Feels like I am doing one long sit-up - like my muscles are contracting, but never rest. Its pretty uncomfortable. Whats that about?? Any ideas? Something to worry about or not?
Hi, I'm due May 28th! can I join in?
My DD was born May 1st 09! and her due day was may 26th... we really waste no time!
Wow! BabeeAngel - Congrats! You aren't kidding! Wasted no time at all. Did you really want twins the first time and this was the best you could work out??? LOL!
BTW - your little one is ADORABLE!
Hi Babeeangel - how very exciting for you and what a fun busy home you'll be having this time next year :happydance:
Hi everyone not been able to get on for a couple of days to post but have been following the thread.

Widger - fingers crossed for you hun that the spotting is nothing. My friend had heavy bleeding for several weeks and her LO is perfectly fine. Our bodies are funny things.

Curiosity - good to hear from you. Really hope you are doing ok.

Logansmama - I feel your pain, we had our kitchen done this summer. Well it started in July and was FINALLY finished in November after 4 months!!! It was a nightmare!!

Abz- ouch, that sounds really painful regarding your hips, fingers crossed it was a one off

Babeeangel - you are not kidding you are not wasting time!! Wow!! Congratulations and welcome!!

Well we interviewed our doula on Wednesday and she is absolutely lovely!! I definitely want her at the birth - she is so calming and knowledgable - it has really relieved a lot of the stress for me!! She was really good with DH as well saying he can be as involved as much or as little as he wants - she is not there to replace him.

She does a minimum of 2 antenatal visits (more if you want more support) she will even go shopping with you to buy baby stuff!!) And is available by phone or email whenever you need her.
She then blocks out 2 weeks before the DD and 2 weeks after when she is on call 24/7. She said some women don't call her until they are on their way to the hospital others will call her in from the first twinge to sit with them at home.

She stays with your for the whole of the birthing process, however long it takes and as long as you need her afterwards - she said she normally likes to stay a minimum of 2 hours after.

She then gives one postnatal visit to discuss how things are going and offer any other support required. And then if you require further postnatal support there is a further charge.

I think I am really keen on a home water birth now - I am not sure if I am mad with it being my first but it is really what I would like. And I think with the support of the doula it might actually happen as I am less likely to panick and rush myself to hospital!! She also has a lot of experience with this. I will discuss it with midwife when see them in Jan.
morning ladies and welcome babeeangel :D

Abz sorry your hip is hurting!

cactusgirl glad your happy with your doula! i dont know anyone who has used one, only know from what i have seen on tv etc

widger fingers crossed the spotting is nothing to worry about.

I am trying to get my ass into gear and do stuff around the house but i can tell im in a lazy mood today, i think a cup of tea and a biscuit and il be ready to do something.... lol we decided to stick the christmas decorations up on sunday it will be our first one living together so we have 2 lots of decorations and will need to decide what to use...expecting disagrements lol my decs are very girly as it was just me and sophie for a while, think pink and purple and glittery! OH's we the usual green and red baubles and tinsel...thats it no glitter nothing! im determined to get something fluffy on there :)
Hi everyone :wave:

Hope you're all doing well today!

Cactusgirl, I'm so glad the interview went well with the doula - the more you talk about it the more i think it sounds like a really nice idea. Do you mind me asking, is it really expensive?

Well I'm feeling quite good today, it's a lovely bright frosty day up here plus it's friday which always cheers me up!! But best of all I'm off this afternoon for the weekend to visit my grandad - it's his 99th birthday!! i'm so excited, and i haven't seen him since i told him i was preggers! :happydance: The whole family will be there (including my cousin's 3 week old baby boy Yay!!) and my brother and his little girl who live at the other end of the UK so i don't see too often either.

So, hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :hugs:
Cactusgirl, I'm so glad the interview went well with the doula - the more you talk about it the more i think it sounds like a really nice idea. Do you mind me asking, is it really expensive?

Hi Moongirl

Of course I don't mind you asking! My doula is £500 and in my area (Manchester) the price seems to be £500 for the antenatal visits, oncall for the month around your DD, being with you for the full birth and then one postnatal visit.

It may sound dear but I think that seeing as the doula needs to be on call for a whole month around your DD if you don't give birth till the end of that, that is a long time!!

My doula only has one client at a time as well which is how she can ensure for that month when you go into labour she will be there - but apparently others will book several clients and hope that don't go into labour at the same time!! But then they also have back up doulas in case of emergencies when they might not be able to make it such as illness etc.

If you have any other questions let me know!!
Wow! i thought it would be way more expensive than that! Like you say, she's on call for a month, and could potentially be with you for a really long time if you called her as soon as felt a twinge and she stayed for 2 hours afterwards! (though that won't be the case with me, as i've decided my labour will be short :winkwink: and of course painless :haha: let me stay deluded for the time being!!).

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences Cactusgirl, it's really interesting to hear what others are considering (you're all soo organised!) and is giving me lots to think about!

I'm also going to discuss using a birthing pool at my next midwife appointment, i'm not sure i'll go down that route (and it would be hospital based) but think i'd like to find out a bit more.

This forum really does help me to think things through! thanks all

Wow! i thought it would be way more expensive than that! Like you say, she's on call for a month, and could potentially be with you for a really long time if you called her as soon as felt a twinge and she stayed for 2 hours afterwards! (though that won't be the case with me, as i've decided my labour will be short :winkwink: and of course painless :haha: let me stay deluded for the time being!!).

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences Cactusgirl, it's really interesting to hear what others are considering (you're all soo organised!) and is giving me lots to think about!

I'm also going to discuss using a birthing pool at my next midwife appointment, i'm not sure i'll go down that route (and it would be hospital based) but think i'd like to find out a bit more.

This forum really does help me to think things through! thanks all


No problem at all!! Like I say if you think of anything else let me know!! That is only thing I have been organised about as I was panicking that all the doulas would be booking up quickly and if they block out a whole month then it would not leave much left!! I have no idea about anything else!

And Moongirl of course your labour will be short and painless - they are all like that aren't they?!?! :haha:
yes all labour is pain free and only takes a second :) thats what i kept telling myself first time around :) this time im telling myself il only have a slight scratch across my bikini line from the c-section and il be walking about happy as larry straight away :) hehe i too like to be deluded :D

oh god i still cant get motivated! tho ebay has mdae my job easier by emialing me saying its free listings this weekend...so that means i wont be doing any listings today im gonna do em for free tomorrow lol told the OH and he said well you could iron and take photos today...er no it makes sense to do it allll tomorrow doesnt it?? lol

ive been brave and posted my first bump pic on 2nd tri!
Hi girls... ya I guess I kinda wanted twins, as with Aubrey at first the doctor thought I was having multiples, but there was just little Aubrey in there! We really wanted to have our kids close together in age, so they'd be close... this was a little closer than we had planned, we were going to start actually trying in January or February, but we weren't doing too much to not get pregnant either. I figure any other baby would not have been my sweet funny Aubrey, so this has to be the right baby for us again!

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