*** May Babies ***

Babeeangel - Welcome!

Jolou - Thanks for letting me know it is free listings day. Got quite a few dresses I want to put on. I love ebay!! Buying mostly though :)

Cactusgirl - I was going to ask you how much doula cost too. I am terrified of giving birth and someone suggested getting one. Living in London though I'm sure they will be even more..... bit like when you mention a wedding - prices go up. London the same! I@m happy to think.... we will all have pain free births :haha: My friend says that a good doula can sometimes decrease labour by a couple of hours, is that true? Not that I'll be in pain at all :)

Moongirl - Enjoy your weekend with family. I had same last weekend and was great!!

Thanks for your messages girls. I went to hospital today for scan as midwife advised me to go there. I had scan and all is well. Got a right little wriggler in there moving about. They can't tell me where the blood is coming from but I think I'm just going to be one of those who bleeds. So difficult when it is your first and not sure what to expect.
Widger- Glad everything is ok!

:happydance:I am 17 weeks today!!!:happydance: Hahaha...I think I post something like this every week but I get so excited every time I hit a new week!

Out of curiosity how much weight have you ladies gained so far?
I think I am really keen on a home water birth now - I am not sure if I am mad with it being my first but it is really what I would like.

Me too. :thumbup:

oooh let's do it!!!

My Pelvic Girdle Pain has being so bad the past few days that I feel like I never want to leave my house again anyway. Lol. I am a little worried about keeping the pool temperature right but am looking at the larger of the two pool a box.
Every new week you get to Babyhope is exciting! Woo hoo!

I was so worried in 1st trimester that I was going to gain a shed load of weight really early because I had uncontrollable eating :haha: but I've started eating normally again. I think I've put on about 3kg? I'm not 100% sure. I'm not used to putting on weight so slapping on the cocoa butter to avoid stretchmarks.... if I can :)
hmm hard to tell how much ive put on, ive only gone up a clothes size, i was a 12/14 before and now im in a 16 in normal clothes (14 in maternity), tho tops are slightly bigger on my shoulders and chest. When i last weighed myself i had put on a stone and a bit but ive not stuck to the same scales! im hoping my mw weighs me next time so i can see from that.
Hello everyone, I have been so busy and stressed out over the past few weeks that i haven't had chance to to post or hardly get on :( There's too much going on at work at the moment and I'm just trying to get through it all......although feelinga bit down. Other than that I think I have started to feel kicks this week, just little ones, but it's like a quick tap, a little like a small muscle twitch - not at all like wind! Starting to think about clearing out the box room to prepare for the nursery....butim just not motivated at all with anything at the moment :(
Well, I am normally a 12-14 (I sometimes need the 14 because of my breasts, hips and bum rather than waist) and now I can only wear maternity clothes and most are a size 14. I have a few size 16 tops and they don't look as ridiculous on as I would have thought and I had to buy a normal jumper at size 22 but my bump is lifting it up a lot. I am not sure about weight gain but my bump is looking big now and I would imagine people who do not know me would guess I was pregnant now, unless they were silly and thought I was Santa!
I won't weigh myself. My eating is out of control so I'm just going on how clothes fit but my jeans are getting tighter that's for sure.
After a midwives appointment yesterday I realised I have got my dates slightly wrong :wacko: So I am 3 days further along than I thought I was! Which just give me a May due date of 31st!!

Hope you don't mind me joining you!

Morning ladies and welcome poppykat :hi:

It's taken ages to catch up on this thread!!

I'm not even going to hazard a guess as to my weight gain, but it is not good! I spent 18 months eating really healthily and steadily losing weight for my wedding, conceived the day after and now it has all gone to pot!

Guess I'll have to worry about all of that next May though!!!

Hope everyone is well and has a good weekend!? :)
Snap for our due date poppykat :mrgreen:

Well it looks like a wet weekend for me :sad1: I will be driving the 425 miles home today so really would have loved dry weather to do so - at least it is not snowing or icy outside like it has been on occasion this week ;)

I was looking to have a lazy day tomorrow but it so not going to happen! I have lots of washing to get through, food shopping to do, library books to return and a last bit of Christmas shopping to get through :wacko: I think I better write a list - I should also put on the list to make my 16w appointment with my MW as I still have not done this :dohh:

I last laying in bed last night and thought I felt flutters - however it was just wind again :blush: I was getting ready for bed last night and OH says he thinks I might be starting to get a little bump. I agreed, but did point out that the massive chinese, birthday cake and litre of juice I drank over the course of the evening probably made it seem a little more pronounced that it probably is!

We bought a few more bits for wee-J the other day from matalan and now have a cellular blanket, 3 x scratch mits (only £1!) and a changing mat. MIL and FIL were happy about wee-J when we told them but still very suprised - I feel it has taken them a few days to really take it in. However, MIL was talking yesterday about how when our nephew is finished with the lovely babywalker it will be about time for our LO to be using it. Also she says that she gave my SIL and BIL money towards their cots/nursery when they had their babies this year and is going to be doing the same for us - completely unexpected but certainly appreciated. I love my family-in-law and count myself really lucky they are all so wonderful :cloud9:

FIL scanned our scan picture into his computers and managed to print off some really clear copies - bless him he did a load that are only about an inch by 2 inches for us to put in our Christmas cards :D We plan to tell as many of our close friends and family in person but for those who we will not see we will send Christmas cards signed from us and wee-J with the little picture. I am still putting off telling people in general as there are still so many individual folk we want to make sure we tell in person that we have not been able to see. I really hope my figure does not give me away too soon :wacko:

Welcome babeeangel :hugs:

How is your cough doing now Jolou - any better? I am glad your arm is not giving you too much trouble.

Widger - I am really pleased that everything looked ok on the scan :hugs: Also I am really pleased that they saw you so quickly.

Cactusgirl - thanks for posting about doula's and costs as it is good to compare from area to area. Round here the going rate seems to be the same for a fully qualified birth doula - a trainee can charge a max of £200 but sometimes they offer their services for free. I sent an email off our local birth group enquiring about the doula's they recommend and am waiting on a response now - I think I would be willing to consider a trainee doula depending on what the actual individual was like, how we got on and what level of experience they had.

Anyways - sorry about the massive post and hope I have not bored you all to tears.

Hugs to you all and your LO's :hugs:
hey everyone, sorry havent been in here for a while, how are you all doing. I am still feeling like crap got sore throat still and now got a cough, plus i still got that crappy yeast infection. Have nearly finished my christmas shopping, just small bits to get now. I think i have felt baby move but not sure, but i cant help worrying about baby thinking something is wrong, but i know that i wont feel baby everyday yet, just the way your mine works i guess. Got my scan soon on 22, have a few things coming up in between to keep me occupied too, 2 of my boys got their school play on Tuesday, then they break up on 18, so plenty to do lol. Anyone doing anything interesting today, im doing housework so boring, but hopefully not going out today, feel too poorly to go out again, going out all week doing christmas shopping while poorly not fun. Oh my oldest got a black eye in school wednesday, him and his friend were playing with a cone, his friend pulled it and let it go, then hit corey in the eye, so i got a call about that but they were happy for him to stay in school. Always when your out shopping too, i was about an hour away when it happened but had my dad who could pick him up if needed. Im gonna put my kids in the bath for am hour i think for some peace, they have been really pushing my buttons this morning. My middle son been the worst as usual, just hope that gets better at some point. I even have a family support worker for help with him, so fingers crossed. Speak soon everyone.
Morning all

I want to eat again, woohoo all I want to do is stuff my face lol
and my stretch marks are getting worse, I am going look like a map by the end

Glad everyone is doing well
My due date is 11th may ,but i think its more around 4th may (i know conception time ) i will just have too see when he/she decides to put in an appearance :)
Morning ladies.

Well I am so stressed atm, my and OH are arguing and I have so much work to do before christmas. I have three essays to write and am so nervous I wont get them done :-( i just dont have the motivation to get on with them. I have so much stuff to look forward to over the holidays but this uni stress, moving house etc is really getting to me. Hopefully I can find some motivation this afternoon and get on with one of the essays ... fingers crossed!

Hope everyone is ok? x x x
Hi everyone! Found out the other day that we're on team :pink: :happydance: would have been over the moon with either a boy or girl, now I can start shopping for pink clothes! Baby is healthy too and was moving around lots:thumbup: have my anomaly scan in less than 2 weeks now!!

A question though...what's an anterior placenta? :shrug:
This is so exciting! I can't wait to find out our baby's gender on Friday :)
Hi everyone! Found out the other day that we're on team :pink: :happydance: would have been over the moon with either a boy or girl, now I can start shopping for pink clothes! Baby is healthy too and was moving around lots:thumbup: have my anomaly scan in less than 2 weeks now!!

A question though...what's an anterior placenta? :shrug:
awww yay, congrats on the lil gal! Here is a good read for ya... Anterior PLacenta... and here I can't wait to hopefully find out on Monday what were having... eeekkk too excited lol
Im not sure this advice will help anyone but it works wonders for me most the time. After working in the medical field for so long I started to see a trend of how many patients never had a response to the famous doctor question "do you have any questions for me?" I always reminded patients if they thought of anything later to write any questions they might have down for next time.

I went to the store and got me a cheap daily planner book. The thing cost like 2 bucks.. Nothing big just big enough to carry and not forget. I write down everything, all the doc dates, any symptoms or non symptoms, and questions I have. Then when I go to my next appointment and he asks me; "do you have any questions?" I pull it out and say yes I do. lol My last appointment I did have to say "umm just a moment please, I've got some questions" lol It really has helped me.... Sometimes he will answer some of them I already had down but I would make sure they all got answered.. Just thought I'd share that...

oh almost forgot, I also was asked if there was certain feelings I have had and since it had been a week or so I might have forgot if that had happen or not, Id just open my book and say, nope didn't have that or yes I did. Really helps jog the memory when your all excited...
Aaaw thanks!:thumbup:

Do you have a feeling what it might be? Me, my husband and all my family thought I was having a boy so we all got a big suprise lol! I have since apologised to bump as I have sub-consiously referred to it as "he" for the past few weeks lol!:haha:

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