*** May Babies ***


Interesting conversation.

Just to let you all know that loads of guys don't mind stretch marks. I've always thought of them as lines of life. They show that a person has lived and especially in the case of stretch marks from pregnancy they show that you've had an amazing life experience.
Thanks, not sure I'll meet many who feel the same way though! x
Don't have time to catch up with everyone right now... BUT

BABY BOY IS HALF WAY COOKED TODAY! :) 20 weeks on the nose!
good morning everyone. did everyone have a good weekend?

i can feel my baby moving now :D and can evening see my tummy jumping around when i'm in the bath :D i couldn't quite believe it and asked the midwife when i saw her on friday as it's really early to be able to feel kicking, let alone see it when you are overweight like me, but she said that if the placenta is at the back, which it may be, then the baby would be at the front and it was definately kicks as the baby was kicking the doppler. so i'm a happy bunny :D

just want to get home and have a bath in our bath and watch my tummy again. we've been away for the weekend so haven't been able to see if it happens every time :D

abz xx
Oh god I'm so tired. Last working week including travel was 65 hours. Have been up since 5am as I had to travel to Luton for a 8.30 meeting. I'm dead on my feet. When I know I have to be up early I can't sleep properly so I've been awake since 4.30. Good practice I suppose. Roll on Wednesday!

I had a heart stopping moment last night. I was getting ready for my bath and I was scratching my lower legs where my leggings ended. A couple of mins later I felt this trickle down my ankle and checked and there were bright red blood drops on the bathroom mat. My heart literally stopped and I did that immediate search at the top of my legs but couldn't see where it was coming from. Eventually located a tiny scab where I had been scratching. Who would have thought a tiny tiny scab could bleed so much! :dohh:
morning ladies,

We took sophie to see santa yesterday and she loved it and we found a feee personalised video that can be sent for you child over an email, she loved that even more lol we are officially in christmas mode. The poor thing is still poorly, turns out she had flu and was given some ibuprofen from the doc, seems to be working but she is now playing on the fact she gets pampered when ill...that means she is feeling better lol kept her off school an extra day just be cure she is bettter since she wont eat anything thats hard and cries to be fed...its like she has reverted back to being a baby, hopefully that will stop when she goes to school tomorrow.

Also OH felt the baby kick for the first time yesterday morning in bed, im laying there and i was like wow that was a strong kick! put my own hand where it was and i got 5 big prods on my hand lol told OH and baby stopped (hehe i found that funny), it started up again and OH could feel it, think it feels more real for him now :) been getting the prods again this morning and can feel it again through my hand and seems to be in the same place again, reallly low down, which is where the mw picked up the heartbeat at my 16w appt so it must like laying down low...maybe it will be like jack bauer after all! lol

Abz i sometimes think i can see my belly move slightly when im in the shower but im not 100% sure lol

daisyfflur im always how much blood can come out of something so small! the amount of times ive cut myself shaving and not reallised untill i find it running down my leg.

hope your all well :)
Logansmama - half way, goodness time is flying!!

I had a good weekend - I have discovered Becks alcohol free lager and Kopperburg pear cider alcohol free. The pear cider tastes just like the real thing!!

I think I am definitely feeling the baby now - twice I have experienced almost a rolling sensation which is really strange. It definitely did not like me lying on my left side last night in bed.

Have my gender scan a week tomorrow - cannot believe it has come round so quickly!!

Have a good week everyone!
o i like the becks one and also bevaria (spelling?lol) it tends to be cheaper than the others too. i tried the pear cider and couldnt drink it, it was near the beginning of my pregnancy and was off sweet things, i might give it another go.

cactusgirl i know what you mean about scans coming round so fast, mine is on wendesday and seems like only last week i had my 12 week scan. OH's dad has told him he doesnt want to know the sex...gonna be tricky cos i think his mum wants to know and his sister lol
Morning Ladies, how are we all today?

Well I can a good weekend, went to see the nutcracker with my mum and then spent Sunday decorating my mum and dads house to make it all christmassy!!! Am really looking forward to friday as I have my 20 week scan yay (hopefully find out if we are on team pink or blue!!!)

Does anyone have any plans for this week? We are officially moving next weekend so the rush is on to get the kitchen finished, the carpets down and the furniture in! Not sure if we are ever going to be ready!!! Still have one essay to finish before christmas but hopefully that will be ok!

Anyway enough from me ... still not feeling the baby kick properly starting to worry a little.

x x x
i wouldnt worry too much about feeling bubs i didnt feel sophie properly till about 22ish weeks i think, if your worried tho would you mw let you hear the heartbeat if you phone her?
I think im just going to hold on until the scan on Friday ... then I will see LO and know whats going on ... havent put on much weight either so I hope everything is ok! x x x
hi everyone :wave:

how are you all feeling today? It might be my imagination but i don't think i've been quite as exhausted these last few days..... probably just wishful thinking! :haha:

I'm just back from my 16wk midwife appointment, and got to hear my little satsuma's heartbeat :happydance: was really cute! The MW had a feel about my belly and said that baby feels about 18-20 week sized - that would explain why i feel huge already :winkwink: she said it's just a wee growth spurt and might find that s/he hardly seems to grow for a few weeks - it'll all even out :thumbup:

Next milestone - 4 weeks until my 20 week scan! :happydance:

yes. i got told at mine that my uterus is already up to my tummy button, which is apparently very high for 16 weeks. i have no idea what that means, but i hope it's not down to all my pigging out... :D
hahaha abz - that was exactly my first thought - "yay it is baby and not just cake!" :haha: And even better, she didn't weigh me so i'm still able to remain in denial on that front! :winkwink:

well i asked my midwife about weight gain. i'm very overweight in any case. coming in with a bmi of 34, so obviously i don't want to gain any more. but she said that they don't monitor it and that i'm not within their need to know limit, and the only reason i need to keep a check on it is so that i don't have to lose it all again afterwards...

that surprised me. i thought they'd be checking on me and telling me off. my scales are broken and i just daren't weigh myself... i really really daren't...

abz xx
Hi ladies.... BNB has been weird lately. Every time I try to get on here its down for maintenance! Then when I did get on - a whole bunch of posts were there - BEFORE my last one - that weren't there the LAST TIME I was on. Strange!

Like - I never saw the one about the blood dripping down the leg! That would-of FREAKED me out! Glad it was just a scab! LOL.

I go for a check-up today. Can't wait to see the baby! Its an U/S to see if my placenta has moved over. Fingers crossed it has. I would like to have sex again - EVENTUALLY! :) My mom and sister are coming with me too! So thats exciting. They live out of state and just happen to be here right now - so I'm taking them with me!

Other than that - all is well. I've been "nesting" like crazy. OH has about finished the tile floors - on the last bits now. And I have been helping him with the stuff I can do (like grout), but mostly cleaning up after him! And I started painting my living room too! IT looks awesome! Can't wait for it to all be done so I can get my house back together. ITs gonna be so nice when its all finished! LOL - except now that my house is gonna be all pretty - I'm gonna need all new furniture to match! :)
hope&faith don't worry. i only recently started 2 put on weight and it is my 3rd. u feel movements later if it is your 1st baby usually. not long till your scan and then your mind will be at rest! I have mine on thur and am excited though will not find out the sex as against hospital policy and also am on team yellow this time.

abz u must have a big baby if your uterus is high up, i dont think it has anything 2 do with your weight!
argh. don't tell me that!! it's all that pizza :(
abz aparently my uterus was up to my belly button when MW felt it and said it was all normal, that was my 16 week app too lol maybe some mw have different views on whats big :S lol

we have finallly decided on a boys name if bubs is a boy, Harrison James Thomas Scott, i am thinking of suggesting taking out james (its a family name for my side of the family, theres a james in every single generation going back to the mid 1800s so far) for Stuart as that was my mums first born name who passed away when 3 days old, his name was stuart lee, sophie has leigh as her middle name so would be nice to put something in this baby;s name aswel :)

cant wait for wednesday!!! :D

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