morning ladies,
We took sophie to see santa yesterday and she loved it and we found a feee personalised video that can be sent for you child over an email, she loved that even more lol we are officially in christmas mode. The poor thing is still poorly, turns out she had flu and was given some ibuprofen from the doc, seems to be working but she is now playing on the fact she gets pampered when ill...that means she is feeling better lol kept her off school an extra day just be cure she is bettter since she wont eat anything thats hard and cries to be fed...its like she has reverted back to being a baby, hopefully that will stop when she goes to school tomorrow.
Also OH felt the baby kick for the first time yesterday morning in bed, im laying there and i was like wow that was a strong kick! put my own hand where it was and i got 5 big prods on my hand lol told OH and baby stopped (hehe i found that funny), it started up again and OH could feel it, think it feels more real for him now
been getting the prods again this morning and can feel it again through my hand and seems to be in the same place again, reallly low down, which is where the mw picked up the heartbeat at my 16w appt so it must like laying down low...maybe it will be like jack bauer after all! lol
Abz i sometimes think i can see my belly move slightly when im in the shower but im not 100% sure lol
daisyfflur im always how much blood can come out of something so small! the amount of times ive cut myself shaving and not reallised untill i find it running down my leg.
hope your all well