*** May Babies ***

woohooo now you can buy all the nice cute pretty things :D i loved doing that with sophie :D
I know, I'm looking on the Next website now!! Trying to resist buying because I had to get an advance to buy xmas presents, only got it today and have spent like a quarter already :dohh: xx
Jolou and Logansmama- I am soooo happy:happydance: The seller got back to me and said that they would sell it to me!!! They are also selling it to me at the price of the starting bid which was $8.50 instead of the buy it now price of $13!!! I know my son is going to love it!!!

Logansmama- that is so great that your mom and sister got to see! And in 3D! My hubby wants to get one already but I was worried about the baby being too small still, at 20 weeks how did your baby look? I was thinking of getting one at 26-30 weeks but hubby said he will pay for 2...so should I go for it?

Now go have :sex:!!!!!


I would wait a couple more weeks - till 25-6ish... although even at 20 I thought baby was adorable!
just got babck from the doctors, had a scan,but baby's back was towards us. The baby was a little tilted thought,and we could see a little of what seems to be a boy, But doc. is not going to say for sure until our 20 week scan.
I will try and post the scan pictures later, i have to go to my mom's to scan them.
OMG! Ladies I just ate ONE slice of pizza and my stomach got HUGE!!! This better be bloat, it looks like I've gained 10 pounds:haha: I look soooo big!
i already look like a sodding yeti :(

abz xx
OK. I am going on my scan next week, not a private one.
Midwife said last time she will tell me the gender if she can see it.
I thought of asking her to get a photo of the gender, but my mom said she might find that a weird request.
Do you think it is weird to get a "photoproof" of the gender?
Hi ladies,

I hope you are all ok - there has been a fair amount of action on here today!

Congratulations on your little girl katie :)

Awesome news about S-E-X being back on the menu Logansmama - I felt so crappy through 1st tri I wondered if I would ever feel like being rude again. I need not have worried :blush:

Jolou - I too am a BIG one tree fan. I watched the penultimate episode on E4 last night and as REALLY looking forward to next weeks show. I shall have a box of tissues handy.

Babyhope I have not felt any movement yet (just wind :blush:). I mentioned this to my MW who said I might not feel anything clearly discernable as movement until after 19weeks so I guess I just have to wait and see.

Missy I am glad your MW appointment went ok today. Mine did too. MW is quite keen on supporting homebirths where possible - she actually works 2 days a week at my doctors surgery completing routine MW appointments and the rest of the time she is one of the on call homebirth MW's :thumbup: She has said I need to let them know about my preference for a homebirth at my 34 week appointment and then they will arrange for a home visit at 36 weeks so a homebirth can be planned for. I just hope that on the day LO decides to come that they have enough staff for me to stay at home - fingers crossed!

My MW found Wee-J's heartbeat with the doppler straight away which was very reassuring and quite magical to hear :cloud9: OH is well gutted he could not get time off work to come too :sad1: However, it is only abour 4 weeks until our next scan which he will make sure he comes to, even if he has to book the day off as holiday. I am getting scanned the same day as widger :)

Have a great night everyone x
Hi everyone. I'm due May 25th. :D

I feel weird... I haven't bought anything yet. But I'm getting the sudden urge to. I wish I could know the sex now! I won't until January 5th. Boo!!!

We're due date twins!

Jolou- ROFL over the waddling yettis :)

Less than two days until our big gender scan... Can't wait! Then I won't feel guilty about shopping!
Katie- Congratulations on your little girl!!! My mom and dad want a little girl and hubby has announced that he wants a little girl too...so now I am kinda hoping it is a little girl!!!
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while... I'm feeling pretty down. Aubrey hasn't been sleeping very well (averaging 5 feeds a night, and 2 nights ago was up every hour :() I had a nurse over today because she's been showing signs of developmental delay, her core muscles aren't very strong so she has a hard time with being on her tummy, and pushing up with her arms... it's just really depressing when it seems like everyone on my facebook with babies is announcing how their baby is crawling, walking, etc, and they are all younger than aubrey ...

I feel like a failure as a mom, and don't know how i'm gonna do with 2... I cried at so many of the questions the nurse was asking me because i'm just so stressed that i'm doing something that is causing her to be delayed :*(
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while... I'm feeling pretty down. Aubrey hasn't been sleeping very well (averaging 5 feeds a night, and 2 nights ago was up every hour :() I had a nurse over today because she's been showing signs of developmental delay, her core muscles aren't very strong so she has a hard time with being on her tummy, and pushing up with her arms... it's just really depressing when it seems like everyone on my facebook with babies is announcing how their baby is crawling, walking, etc, and they are all younger than aubrey ...

I feel like a failure as a mom, and don't know how i'm gonna do with 2... I cried at so many of the questions the nurse was asking me because i'm just so stressed that i'm doing something that is causing her to be delayed :*(

I'm sorry you feel that way! But you are definitely not a failure as a mom! So banish those thoughts. What did the nurse say to you? :hugs:
Hi everyone. I'm due May 25th. :D

I feel weird... I haven't bought anything yet. But I'm getting the sudden urge to. I wish I could know the sex now! I won't until January 5th. Boo!!!

We're due date twins!

Jolou- ROFL over the waddling yettis :)

Less than two days until our big gender scan... Can't wait! Then I won't feel guilty about shopping!

Yay! How are you feeling at 17 weeks? I feel very unpregnant at the moment. Just eating a lot, lol. Have you felt the baby yet? I'm so jealous, my gender ultrasound isn't until January 5th!
The nurse told me it's not my fault and that it's because she is a fussy baby and likes to be held that she didn't get enough time on her belly... The lack of sleep and hormones are making me so crazy!
Hi everyone. I'm due May 25th. :D

I feel weird... I haven't bought anything yet. But I'm getting the sudden urge to. I wish I could know the sex now! I won't until January 5th. Boo!!!

We're due date twins!

Jolou- ROFL over the waddling yettis :)

Less than two days until our big gender scan... Can't wait! Then I won't feel guilty about shopping!

Yay! How are you feeling at 17 weeks? I feel very unpregnant at the moment. Just eating a lot, lol. Have you felt the baby yet? I'm so jealous, my gender
ultrasound isn't until January 5th!

I'm actually feeling pretty good. The insomnia and ms have both subsided. Only real issue is that I can't take anything stronger than tylenol when I get a headache or migraine. I started feeling flutters at 14w. I don't think there have been any proper kicks yet but I can feel stronger flutters and rolling. What's weird is that I can't really see a bump when I'm standing (I just look thick) but first thing in the morning it's a hard lump that's undeniably baby.
How are you feeling? Getting the 2nd tri bloom yet? The gender scan will
come soon enough! We're already halfway through December and only a week and a half from Christmas.... It'll be here before you know it ;)

Have you picked out any names? Dh stopped playing the name game with me until we find out the gender and I'm hoping my interest in nursery decor picks up after we find out... Right now it's kinda 'blah'.

My monthly appointment would have fallen right in the middle of my doc's vacation, so they gave me an option of before or after the holidays. I jumped at the chance :)
P.S. To try to increase your babies movement, have you tried eating something sugary shortly before laying down for the night? I'm finding that having like a bowl of ice cream or sherbet and then relaxing on the couch with my feet kicked up results in the most action... Worth a shot anyhow :)

Also, if you pay attention to the stretching pains of your uterus, you become aware of the placement of things. When you feel bubbles in your tummy, it will help you in differentiating gas from the flutters.
The nurse told me it's not my fault and that it's because she is a fussy baby and likes to be held that she didn't get enough time on her belly... The lack of sleep and hormones are making me so crazy!

Morning Girls,

2 posts for me in less than 12 hours!

I need to get showered, dressed and leave for work in the next 20-25 mins and I am still on the sofa in my pj's reading BnB :rolleyes: We are having a Christmas dinner at work today in our canteen so at least I do not need to pack up my lunch.

I was hoping the MW would forget to weigh me yesterday but no such luck!. According to the MW's scales I have put on about half a stone so far (7 pounds) which was about what I had thought - she did not comment on it so I guess it must be ok!

I have just been looking at Mummykel's thread of 20 week bumps. Honestly my 'bump' at the moment is still really low and looks rather bloaty I think and is really not that big - Wee-J has got some serious growing to do in the next 4 weeks to catch up with some of the 20w bumps there! With how my shape has changed so far I think I might have a very low wide wrap-a-round bump - we shall see!

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
Morning ladies!!!!!

Well im one happy waddling yeti, we had out 20 week scan this morning and turns out i was right!! (i lovvve being right) we are on team :blue: :D:D:D i'm soo pleased, i wanted to have one of each. All the measurements are perfect for 20 weeks and he was a right mover, the sonographer had to get me moving on to different sides so she could get the spine measurements but everytime i moved he done a somersault lol He was very proud to show off his little boy bits, the sonographer mentioned how it was undoubtedly a boy and you cant miss it :O lol

BabeeAngel i really wouldnt worry too much if your friends babies are crawling and things, all babies are different, my friends little girl is 10 months and not crawling, some babies are just stronger than others, yours might be quicker at doing other things, (me and my sis were very fast walkers both by 10 months but quite slow with talking) did the nurse give you any advice?
Remember you are not a failure as mum!!

Frufru half a stone aint bad! i think ive put on a stone already :( weight watchers is calling asap once harrison is born (hehehe that seems weird typing his name now lol)

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