*** May Babies ***

Morning ladies ... oops its afternoon already where has the time gone!

Well last night i went to bed early as OH was down at the new house doing the kitchen but when he came in he insisted on waking me up and offering me food (which I didnt want as I was already feeling ill enough!) But suddenly he said ha ha look at your belly its all sticking out and your getting red marks and hairy! Well thanks alot but at least it looks like im growing a bit!!! yay!

I have my 20 week scan on Friday, cant wait now am so excited about seeing little one again and seeing if im right about the gender!!! Me and OH are thinking boy - I have seen so many clothes that I love!!!

I agree with Jolou, all babies develop differently, my niece is 10 months and shows no signs of wanting to crawl she just sits and waits for you to go to her!

Anyway enough from me now only 4 days till im half way!!! yay!

x x x
oh BA. don't feel that way :( you are definately not a failure as a mum. did the nurse give you any helpful advice? has your health visitor not had anything helpful to say? that is what they are there for. my best friend's babies didn't crawl at all. they got around by rolling everywhere. try not to fret.

congrats to everyone who has had a scan :D i can't wait for mine in the new year :)

well i've been babysitting for my friend this morning and i've just got to work to start a 10 hour shift. my mum is arriving from scotland this evening so no doubt she'll have taken over my house by the time i get there :D

OH has bought a tree but he hasn't found a stand yet so that's his mission after work...

11 people have been laid off from OH's work just before christmas :( thankfully for us he wasn't one of them, but what an awful time to do that to so many people :(

abz xx
oh dear its hard enough having to lay people off but just before christmas...ouch. My OH is the HR for his site and hates having to do stuff like that, earlier in the year he was having to sort out redundancies, who would be in risk groups etc, i dont think he slept for weeks.

I have just bought the first baby boy thing from ebay hehehe just a tiny pair of trainers for £2 :) oh its so tempting to go out buying stuff now!
ha. restrain yourself jolou!! you'll bankrupt yourself just in time for christmas!! :D

i have bought two things and i promised myself that would be it until we found out what we were having, ha.

abz xx
im behaving! im thinking january sales :D plus i think my sister will go mad enough for the 2 of us...plus i have no where to put them yet, we need to sort out sophies wardrobe and her chest of drawers...i dared to look in there the other day and the little bugger hides things in them already! shes 5!! i found my eyeliner lipstick blusher....ive been looking for them for weeks (i ony go in one of her drawers which is the underwear and pj's lol) the selotape i needed to wrap her bday stuff up with and stones...she went through a stage of collecting stones..for no reason at all, yes she is an odd one lo
ha. a little hoarder already then :D

well my best mate has a boy and a girl and she's kept all the clothes. so after my 20 week scan i need to go through whichever are relavent and get to keep what i want :D woo. so i may not need to buy an awful lot to be honest. i want to buy one really nice outfit but other than that i think for newborn i'll be concentrating on babygroes. i've only ever seen people getting really angry with 'proper' clothes for teeny babies, ha.

abz xx
well i found a duffle bag of plain white baby-gros so im sorted with that anyway and i had loads of proper clothes for sophie when she was first born :) only cos i was out every day picking mum up from work lol it was mainly little leggings and tops.

A friend of OH is expecting a little girl around the same time im due, they already have a boy and saved all his things and said we were welcome to everything as its the right season! ive said the same about sophies old things but she was born in november so some might not be suitable.
i'm sure some of it will come in very handy. even at the wrong time of year. my best mate's babies were both born in may, so i'm lucky :D
well to be honest i didnt really buy winter stuff when she was born as she would wear a snowsuit or warm coat when we went out, if i was warm i knew she would be nearly as warm, so i have lots of long sleeve tops that would be fine for may i think, not like we have the best weather is it lol

they can have a root through and what is not wanted will be stuck onto ebay :)
i am sure a lot of it will be fine :)

i am starting to get rather excited now. i don't know if it's because it's christmas and this time next year i will have a wee one for the festivities or what, but it's all suddenly seeming much more real and exciting. am trying to be excited rather than worrying all the time, ha.
Yay Jo! Congrats on baby Harrison!

HUGS baybeeAngel!
awwwws, I haven't bought anything yet. Things are still sinking in for me..My sister told me yesterday she bought the baby a christmas gift and for some reason I thought she was talking about my niece lol She was like "no silly, your baby" LMAO I think a big reason im holding back (aside from money) is that were going to be moving and im trying to get rid of things right now. I hate going to stores during the holidays too. Way too crowded for me.
Morning ladies!!!!!

Well im one happy waddling yeti, we had out 20 week scan this morning and turns out i was right!! (i lovvve being right) we are on team :blue: :D:D:D i'm soo pleased, i wanted to have one of each. All the measurements are perfect for 20 weeks and he was a right mover, the sonographer had to get me moving on to different sides so she could get the spine measurements but everytime i moved he done a somersault lol He was very proud to show off his little boy bits, the sonographer mentioned how it was undoubtedly a boy and you cant miss it :O lol

OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I remember a conversation we had where we were saying that our pregnancies this time were totally opposite of last time so we were thinking that maybe we would be having the opposite sex....and you got yours!!!! Does this mean I will get mine:haha: I already have a boy and this pregnancy has been sooo different I am hoping it is a girl!!! Oh I can't wait to find out!!!!

Congratulations again on your little boy!!
So I am feeling irritated with my doctor now! Everyone is having a 20 week scan and finding out the gender but my doctor has not mentioned anything to me! I do have a scan 5 days after Christmas which will be when I am 20 weeks so I really hope they find the gender out then. But the doctor didn't mention anything special about this appointment it is just another routine one....But I wanted to know the sex before Christmas!!!
haha i know babyhope its weird how i got it right!! Id imagine if your having a scan at 20 weeks you could mention before hand you want to know the sex if possible. I had to do this today, i had to state before it started i wanted to know what it is and had to wait till the very end before she would look as the scan was for measurements etc.

man im feelin tired this evening i cant get moving at all!!
could someone copy and paste the babes of may banner for me to copy pls xxx
Hi Ladies,

I've not been on here in ages, so still need to read up on everyone's posts.

We went for our 20 week scan today and all was well, although we couldn't find out the sex (boo hoo:cry:). We have to go back on Monday for a second scan. They did all the measurements of the head, limbs, spine, etc. Checked all fingers and thumbs were present, and the heart was beating just fine. But it was lying face down so that she couldn't get to the heart to measure it, so I have to go back for this to be done. She said that she couldn't see anything prominant between the legs, but she couldn't be 100% sure that it is definately a girl. We're all going for my private scan on Saturday so that my DS can come and be a part of it. Our NHS hospital are really horrible and wouldn't let us take him in for the 12 week scan and I think he feels a bit pushed out. It will be nice that he can be a part of it this time. Can't wait til the weekend now!! I will come on here and let you all know what team i'm in as soon as I know.

My friend bought over a big bag full of baby vests and sleepsuits today. She works as a nanny and one of her clients passed them on for me. Half of them have never been worn and are in doubles as she had twins. They're so lovely. Such pretty colours and all good brands. So pleased. I have so many newborn vests now though I doubt beanie will get to wear them all before *she's* grown out of them!

I've got a really nasty cough and cold at the moment, mixed with heartburn and a dodgy tummy... so feeling kinda pants. I hope I feel better soon. I was up til 3am this morning coughing so am exhausted now. Fingers crossed for a sleep-filled night tonight.

How is everyone else getting on?
I fould out were on team blue today!!!

https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-second-trimester/239694-20-week-scan.html my post for pics :) xxx
Don't agree with my ticker... I can feel wriggling, but not so that it wakes me up. I've only felt 3 proper kicks and that was weeks ago. I can't see/feel it from the outside. My baby must be really lazy! Lol.
We posted at the same time Mrs A! Congratulations again! Have you picked any names yet? Will you be decorating the nursery blue?

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