*** May Babies ***

Jolou- Every year I ask my hubby to wrap up money for my hair as a gift, or like you I will get it done before Christmas and then tell him that it is one of my gifts:haha: I am excited for Christmas even though I know MOST of all my gifts, I am getting 3 new maternity shirts, right now I only have 2... and I've only worn one (Thanksgiving) because I am trying to keep the other one new for Christmas! And the doppler is coming today but I dont know if I can wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to all you ladies on finding out what team you're on. I wanted it to be a surprise this time round but am soooo tempted having read all your exciting announcements....scan next Wed...can't wait!

Jolou, one of each, you must be over the moon. A little brother for Sophie, how lovely. I so want to have my hair done but the smell of highlights stinks and the amonia makes me gag so I'll just have to have roots this year. Boo.
I have stretch marks on my boobs and tops of thighs, think Bio-oil helps and funnily enough it's one of the few smells I don't mind at the moment.

BabeeAngel - try not to worry too much about Aubrey's development. I learnt not to compare to others with my DD. She hated being on her tummy and although she did crawl at 9 months, she didn't walk until 16. She also got her first teeth really late too but they all catch up eventually so I'm sure she will be fine.

Freezing here, nearly finished wrapping pressies now and feeling very Christmassy. My mum has also bought me maternity tops for Christmas!

Took our DD to see Father Christmas yesterday and she was such a good girlie....she's 22 months and just loved it. Especially when he gave her a present!
I have been slapping on cocoa butter twice a day, am and before bed. It has really helped me as I was getting really dry skin with the BioOil? I've managed to avoid stretchmarks so far but I think if they are going to come, then they will come whatever I do. At least I know I'm doing my best to avoid them although I'm not sure how much longer I can take of moisturising 2 times a day zzzzzzzzzzzz

Well I am in the South East waiting for 15cm of snow and not a thing yet... still time for it to happen and get tomorrow off work I suppose :haha:
Hope&faith - hope you are feeling ok and taking it easy. Good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you...:hugs:
I've just had my family nurse/midwife here, and she did the doppler for the first time, it's fab isn't it :cloud9: and felt my uterus- it's above my belly button! She said it feels really big for 18 weeks, so now I'm worried I'm going to have a huge massive baby!
fifie123 you know my sister! you bloomin work with her lol she was here yesterday and she was on your facebook profile showing me pics of your bump and i was like "i know that face!!" lol

ahh katie you might not have a big baby :) they said sophie was gonna be big but she was just average :) 8llb2oz born..compared to my sis, cousins and me she was diddy lol me and one of my cousins was 8llb12oz, my other cousin was 9llb something and Rachel was 9llb10...oh god what if this one takes after us...my stomach does feel rather heavy lol

how odd widger that bio oil gave you dry skin! its ment to do the opposite lol i dont have many baths, i never have time, so when i do i put a few drops of the oil in that aswel so it gets all my skin..my skin feel so nice when ive done that..i then plaster myself in cocoa butter haha
Anyone got snow yet? I'm in the South West and no sign yet but freezing out....Brrrr!
Nope no snow! It's been snowing everywhere else though apparently :cry: I'm in the North West.. jolou have you had snow because you're only about an hour away? xx
We have had snow yesterday and today, but it hasnt settled :(
Evening ladies,

I have had a relaxing day ... still got some essay writing to do tho.

Looking forward to scan tomorrow to find out exactly what is going on! and hopefully find out the sex! early night for me even tho scan isnt until 4!!!

I will be joining with you. My due date is 20th May and this is my first pregnancy. I'm hoping I will cope with you guys:flower:

So far everything has been kind of okey. I had morning sickness but resolved it with one biscuit before getting out from the bed. We haven't told anyone about the baby yet, because we want to do that after the wedding. It is held 2nd Jan and after that we will announce to our parents and closest friends. I hope my bump won't grow with those 3 weeks because I have to fit in to my dress :haha:
I got hit with a volleyball into my bump today. I was so nervous and I was advised to go to check myself. Went there and said to doctor why I came. She asked how far I am and told me to lay down. So I did and told I had 18 weeks. She corrected me, 8 weeks you mean? I said no, 18. Her eyebrows went 10 cm higher :haha:
But everything is okey :happydance: Still, got to be more careful. I mean if I had a bump others could see that I'm pregnant but at the moment they can't.
I have a dress rehersal tomorrow :thumbup:
We have a lot of snow but cold weather also. Yesterday we had -17 C degrees. I was frozen when got home.
17+4 That is why doc was so amazed:haha:


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aww Marta glad your ok hun, your lil bump is way cuteZ! You remind me of one of my close friends. She is way small in her frame and when she was pregnant no one even knew and she was 8 months and still in her normal cloths. She made a cute top saying "yes, im pregnant" too cute. Have fun at the rehearsal tomorrow..
Evening ladies,

I have had a relaxing day ... still got some essay writing to do tho.

Looking forward to scan tomorrow to find out exactly what is going on! and hopefully find out the sex! early night for me even tho scan isnt until 4!!!
Im excited for you hope, I can't wait to hear all about tomorrow..
cactusgirl - its not just that she won't crawl... she has always hated being on her stomach, so she hasn't had much tummy time, and because of that she hasn't developped strong core muscles... so she over compensates with her back muscles (between her shoulder blades) and over extends her arms back all the time. this is why i feel like irs my fault, if she cried i would take her off her tummy right away. It's just really stressing to me because I feel like I've held her back. And now that she has been waking to feed every hour and a half I barely have the energy to try and help her fix it... I made a Dr appointment to have her seen today to make sure she is alright. Hopefully it will help me sort some things out...

I wish I could find out the sex of my baby... our hospital won't tell you :(

Babee - Okay - I am no expert, but I CAN tell you that you are being WAY too hard on yourself. Is the big problem that she is just not crawling yet? Is she only 7 months old??? My son didn't crawl until over 8 months old but he was walking by 10 months old. And let me tell you - he is a strong kid! Don't go comparing her to other babies her age... they all develop differently! Some kids aren't interested in crawling. Does she try to stand up at all - or like to be held in a standing position at all? I know Logan always liked to do that - but HATED tummy time! You have not held her back! You are being loving and attentive by NOT letting her cry! There is nothing wrong with that and its NOT hurting her development! IF she is dd, its NOT because you hold her too much - I can PROMISE you that!
In Manchester we had about half an inch yesterday which has settled - it drives me mad how the country grinds to a stand still we are so unprepared!!

MartaMi - congratulations on the pregnancy and the pending wedding. How exciting!! Bet it is driving you mad having to keep it so quiet for so long!

Hope&Faith - good luck today chick - hope everything is ok.

Not a lot happening with me - had a really good nights sleep, was shattered after the awful nights sleep the night before. Am really on go slow at work at the moment and cannot be bothered!! Good job the other staff are on the ball as it is my business!!
Hi Ladies,

OH left laptop with sod all battery so not sure if this will post before it is typed!

I hope those of you in the UK are faring our winter-wonderland conditions well - I love the snow :) I am on a late shift today at work - I got up about 1/2 hour ago, made my cuppa and toast and came back to bed to eat it and surf on here - Bliss :mrgreen:

I had a very busy day yesterday but got lots of things done - My favorite was buying a cotbed - it is a lovely solid pine one from mothercare for just £30! I will look at getting a decent mattress closer to thrid tri I think.

Widger - did you hear you LO's HB? And don't worry Christmas and new year will fly by and then it will be less than 2 weeks until our scan :)

Got to dash - laptop not giving me much choice and I really should get out of bed and get ready for work :rolleyes:

Have a good day everyone :hugs:
Thanks for congrats:thumbup:
Yeah Cactus, it really does. Can't imagine what it'll be like in my wedding when everybody will be asking about when we are planning to get a baby:haha:
Okey, back to work now:coffee:

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