May BFP - roll up roll up!!

What a week this has been!! Four more days until testing and I'm a wreck. Took a test this morning...BFN of course. I knew I should have waited! Now I have weird, yucky symptoms. My back aches terribly, I'm very snappy and emotional, and I just want to lie down and sleep.

PMS or BFP? I'm almost in tears typing this because I'm so sure this cycle was a bust! I just wish (if I'm not preggo) there was a way to fast forward through AF. I hate it! And I hate feeling this way! Went out to dinner tonight and saw FOUR pregnant ladies. I'm also freaking tired of people telling me I should be grateful for my I'm not!! :growlmad: So what's wrong with wanting a second???

And I'm afraid I want it so bad it's never gonna happen again for me!

So sorry for whining and ranting...I'm just a mess tonight!
What a week this has been!! Four more days until testing and I'm a wreck. Took a test this morning...BFN of course. I knew I should have waited! Now I have weird, yucky symptoms. My back aches terribly, I'm very snappy and emotional, and I just want to lie down and sleep.

PMS or BFP? I'm almost in tears typing this because I'm so sure this cycle was a bust! I just wish (if I'm not preggo) there was a way to fast forward through AF. I hate it! And I hate feeling this way! Went out to dinner tonight and saw FOUR pregnant ladies. I'm also freaking tired of people telling me I should be grateful for my I'm not!! :growlmad: So what's wrong with wanting a second???

And I'm afraid I want it so bad it's never gonna happen again for me!

So sorry for whining and ranting...I'm just a mess tonight!

BIG BIG hugs to you! :hugs: I actually cried this morning bc this cd was the cd I knew that I was preggo in Jan.. :cry: and I don't feel at all the same. I feel a whole lot of NOTHING! I definitely understand how you feel my dear ... I already have an 8 year old son who means more to me than ANYTHING~ and I soooo ache for him to know what it's like to have a brother or a sister.. and I sooooooooooo ache to carry a child in my womb again. There is for sure still time for you my dear though.. lots of BFP vibes for you!!!

CRC~ The clomid should definitely help.. you'll have to let me know how you are with taking it.. every woman is very different with the side effects- some feel nothing- others can't tolerate it. I was fine with it~ just the headaches. I still had a VERY faint positive today.. it's practically gone! If you want ~ you can look @ it on my journal:

I hope you won't need IUI too.. but if you do~ I promise its a PIECE OF CAKE and totally worth it!
Hi ladies!!

Love the pee on a stick post!! Ive done all of those today apart from pull it apart...that can be tomorrows task!!! :rofl:

12 dpo for me and BFN ... Roll on AF now!! Got a big packet of digital ovulation stick waiting for me!! :cry:

I really hope you ladies have more luck....i really want to see some BFPs on this thread!!

:hug: to you Hanskiz if youre still reading this thread x x x

I'm sorry about the BFN hun :hugs: It makes me so sad to see each us bumping forward to the next month.. I wish nothing more than for the ladies in this section to get BFP's!!
They were evaps or false positives ! :bfn: today for me but i am feeling almost what feels like ovulation pain off and on by my right ovary mabey its implantation cramping cause ive heard it can feel like ovulation pain !
What a week it's been. 2am Wednesday morning, my son starts puking. He's been sick since then w/ a high fever, more puking and diarrhea. Today he seemed to be feeling a little better. Let's hope so, b/c my OH leaves tomorrow for 2 weeks-Russia/Germany for work. So I will be alone.
Friday night my OH took me out for dinner. He surprised me with diamond earrings for our 5-year anniversary! He brought tears to my eyes! What a lovely evening I had! I had a couple drinks last night which I believe was the cause for me sleeping AWFUL last night! I woke up at 3-4am w/ a headache, feeling anxious, and thirsty. My temperature was off this AM too. I peed at 330 this AM, and peed again at 9:30am when I got up again, but after two glasses of water, it was diluted, which surprised me. Anyway, I tested BFN. Which I am fine w/. I was testing before OH left, not b/c I actually think I'm pregnant. CD 26...AF should be here at any day now.

Someone mentioned greasy hair...that was me last night! SOOO greasy! My CM never dried up either like it normally does...but I'm sure it's nothing.

I loved the "pee on a stick"post!

Wow~ 2 thumbs up to the hubby on the earrings!! :thumbup::thumbup: that was very sweet of him!!! How often does he have to travel?? I'd miss my DH DREADFULLY if he had to go away.. I've never been away from him more than a day or 2 and I miss him sooo bad in that small space of time.

I'm sorry about the BFN.. I was just telling Rachel how sad it makes me when someone on here gets a BFN.. especially after all we've already been through!

Lots of dust for you! :flower:

I am exhausted!!!!!
Keep thinking im nauseous but could just be my imagination,
Deffo frequent urination, no interest in food, tired/dizzy, headache and full/pressure feeling oh and keep getting tingly pains in boobs, VERY occasional. But got no difference in boobs with previous pregnancy

The imagination can be a TERRIBLE thing! :nope: I hope it's real symptoms for you though!! :hugs:
What a week this has been!! Four more days until testing and I'm a wreck. Took a test this morning...BFN of course. I knew I should have waited! Now I have weird, yucky symptoms. My back aches terribly, I'm very snappy and emotional, and I just want to lie down and sleep.

PMS or BFP? I'm almost in tears typing this because I'm so sure this cycle was a bust! I just wish (if I'm not preggo) there was a way to fast forward through AF. I hate it! And I hate feeling this way! Went out to dinner tonight and saw FOUR pregnant ladies. I'm also freaking tired of people telling me I should be grateful for my I'm not!! :growlmad: So what's wrong with wanting a second???

And I'm afraid I want it so bad it's never gonna happen again for me!

So sorry for whining and ranting...I'm just a mess tonight!

BIG BIG hugs to you! :hugs: I actually cried this morning bc this cd was the cd I knew that I was preggo in Jan.. :cry: and I don't feel at all the same. I feel a whole lot of NOTHING! I definitely understand how you feel my dear ... I already have an 8 year old son who means more to me than ANYTHING~ and I soooo ache for him to know what it's like to have a brother or a sister.. and I sooooooooooo ache to carry a child in my womb again. There is for sure still time for you my dear though.. lots of BFP vibes for you!!!


Thank you Holly! :hugs: You echoed my thoughts exactly! How I want my daughter to know having a brother or sister and how I too ache to carry another child. I want to cry when I think it may never happen!

Thanks for the positive thoughts and encouraging words!
What a week this has been!! Four more days until testing and I'm a wreck. Took a test this morning...BFN of course. I knew I should have waited! Now I have weird, yucky symptoms. My back aches terribly, I'm very snappy and emotional, and I just want to lie down and sleep.

PMS or BFP? I'm almost in tears typing this because I'm so sure this cycle was a bust! I just wish (if I'm not preggo) there was a way to fast forward through AF. I hate it! And I hate feeling this way! Went out to dinner tonight and saw FOUR pregnant ladies. I'm also freaking tired of people telling me I should be grateful for my I'm not!! :growlmad: So what's wrong with wanting a second???

And I'm afraid I want it so bad it's never gonna happen again for me!

So sorry for whining and ranting...I'm just a mess tonight!

BIG BIG hugs to you! :hugs: I actually cried this morning bc this cd was the cd I knew that I was preggo in Jan.. :cry: and I don't feel at all the same. I feel a whole lot of NOTHING! I definitely understand how you feel my dear ... I already have an 8 year old son who means more to me than ANYTHING~ and I soooo ache for him to know what it's like to have a brother or a sister.. and I sooooooooooo ache to carry a child in my womb again. There is for sure still time for you my dear though.. lots of BFP vibes for you!!!


Thank you Holly! :hugs: You echoed my thoughts exactly! How I want my daughter to know having a brother or sister and how I too ache to carry another child. I want to cry when I think it may never happen!

Thanks for the positive thoughts and encouraging words!

Trust me ~ I have the same fears .. ESPECIALLY after the mc. I am forever changed as a result of that. I try SO very hard to not think about that- but it creeps in- and when I see my son bike riding outside alone or wanting to play with other kids.. my heart gets torn in 2... I keep telling myself (repeatedly bc it NEVER sinks in! :haha: ) to focus on now and not next month.. like I'll deal with that if I have to cross that bridge.. all I can do is try- even when it's hard- and even when I'm frustrated- I can never NOT try. Shoot~ even after being hospitalized this month~ I wasn't going to skip a month- nooo way jose!

I can't wait to see you post pics of your daughter holding your baby!! I am so hopeful for you! :hugs:
What a week this has been!! Four more days until testing and I'm a wreck. Took a test this morning...BFN of course. I knew I should have waited! Now I have weird, yucky symptoms. My back aches terribly, I'm very snappy and emotional, and I just want to lie down and sleep.

PMS or BFP? I'm almost in tears typing this because I'm so sure this cycle was a bust! I just wish (if I'm not preggo) there was a way to fast forward through AF. I hate it! And I hate feeling this way! Went out to dinner tonight and saw FOUR pregnant ladies. I'm also freaking tired of people telling me I should be grateful for my I'm not!! :growlmad: So what's wrong with wanting a second???

And I'm afraid I want it so bad it's never gonna happen again for me!

So sorry for whining and ranting...I'm just a mess tonight!

BIG BIG hugs to you! :hugs: I actually cried this morning bc this cd was the cd I knew that I was preggo in Jan.. :cry: and I don't feel at all the same. I feel a whole lot of NOTHING! I definitely understand how you feel my dear ... I already have an 8 year old son who means more to me than ANYTHING~ and I soooo ache for him to know what it's like to have a brother or a sister.. and I sooooooooooo ache to carry a child in my womb again. There is for sure still time for you my dear though.. lots of BFP vibes for you!!!


Thank you Holly! :hugs: You echoed my thoughts exactly! How I want my daughter to know having a brother or sister and how I too ache to carry another child. I want to cry when I think it may never happen!

Thanks for the positive thoughts and encouraging words!

Trust me ~ I have the same fears .. ESPECIALLY after the mc. I am forever changed as a result of that. I try SO very hard to not think about that- but it creeps in- and when I see my son bike riding outside alone or wanting to play with other kids.. my heart gets torn in 2... I keep telling myself (repeatedly bc it NEVER sinks in! :haha: ) to focus on now and not next month.. like I'll deal with that if I have to cross that bridge.. all I can do is try- even when it's hard- and even when I'm frustrated- I can never NOT try. Shoot~ even after being hospitalized this month~ I wasn't going to skip a month- nooo way jose!

I can't wait to see you post pics of your daughter holding your baby!! I am so hopeful for you! :hugs:

You have brightened my night considerably! I hope that before long BOTH our older children will be holding their little brothers and/or sisters in their arms! I'm looking forward to that day. :hugs:
Rachel, dimples and ruskie :hugs: and sorry you got bfn's.

Mercedes and Holly...just because you haves child already, doesn't meant say you want a child any less you know. I can imagine in a way it's harder as you have already carried a child full term and you know the joy and love that children bring. :hugs: to you both

Mrs HJO...keep positive

Hanskiz if you are lurking, big :hugs: and thinking of you of you do test today :flower:

Woody, sounds like you're in for another month like the last one :wacko:

Anyone else :hi: hope you're doing ok :thumbup:

Well as I was in such a rubbish place yesterday, I tested and got a bfn :shrug: but I'm ok with it.

Have a good day everyone :thumbup:

I hope not!! Last month ended with AF!!
Cramping seems to have subsided now so I guess it could have been implantation
Or it could have been ov pain as if I have a 35 day cycle I'm due to ov around now
Woody hun I meant the up and down journey with all different symptoms. :hugs:

Apologies if that came across wrong, wasn't intentional

Woody hun I meant the up and down journey with all different symptoms. :hugs:

Apologies if that came across wrong, wasn't intentional


No I knew what you meant hun!! Don't worry about it!!

Hi ladies, now up to 6DPO and my crazy poas addled mind made me do it yet again, I almost convinced myself I could see the faintest of faint lines but then I put my contact lenses in! HaHaha I have a new symptom today which is strong aversion to smells bbut waiting to see if I will have any more fatigue spells which will be interesting to say the least! Well to me anyways, lol! gonna have to make a start on sunday dinner soon or we will all starve aanyone doing anything nice today?

Oh by the way watched a scary film last night from callled the lovely bones, about a girl of 14 who gets murdered and she is in limbo...wierdly made all my hairs stand up! Thought I would have nightmares but instead I had a vivid dream that one of my good friends had a big fat gypsy wedding style wedding where we turned up 3 hours early and got a free manicure and not to leave the men out the manicurists stripped down to a gold bikini and jiggled about a bit, then we got to pick our own bedazzled outfits in neon colours with crystals ooh and then I won the ownership of monarch airlines in a competition!!!!
What a week this has been!! Four more days until testing and I'm a wreck. Took a test this morning...BFN of course. I knew I should have waited! Now I have weird, yucky symptoms. My back aches terribly, I'm very snappy and emotional, and I just want to lie down and sleep.

PMS or BFP? I'm almost in tears typing this because I'm so sure this cycle was a bust! I just wish (if I'm not preggo) there was a way to fast forward through AF. I hate it! And I hate feeling this way! Went out to dinner tonight and saw FOUR pregnant ladies. I'm also freaking tired of people telling me I should be grateful for my I'm not!! :growlmad: So what's wrong with wanting a second???

And I'm afraid I want it so bad it's never gonna happen again for me!

So sorry for whining and ranting...I'm just a mess tonight!

BIG BIG hugs to you! :hugs: I actually cried this morning bc this cd was the cd I knew that I was preggo in Jan.. :cry: and I don't feel at all the same. I feel a whole lot of NOTHING! I definitely understand how you feel my dear ... I already have an 8 year old son who means more to me than ANYTHING~ and I soooo ache for him to know what it's like to have a brother or a sister.. and I sooooooooooo ache to carry a child in my womb again. There is for sure still time for you my dear though.. lots of BFP vibes for you!!!


Thank you Holly! :hugs: You echoed my thoughts exactly! How I want my daughter to know having a brother or sister and how I too ache to carry another child. I want to cry when I think it may never happen!

Thanks for the positive thoughts and encouraging words!

Trust me ~ I have the same fears .. ESPECIALLY after the mc. I am forever changed as a result of that. I try SO very hard to not think about that- but it creeps in- and when I see my son bike riding outside alone or wanting to play with other kids.. my heart gets torn in 2... I keep telling myself (repeatedly bc it NEVER sinks in! :haha: ) to focus on now and not next month.. like I'll deal with that if I have to cross that bridge.. all I can do is try- even when it's hard- and even when I'm frustrated- I can never NOT try. Shoot~ even after being hospitalized this month~ I wasn't going to skip a month- nooo way jose!

I can't wait to see you post pics of your daughter holding your baby!! I am so hopeful for you! :hugs:

You have brightened my night considerably! I hope that before long BOTH our older children will be holding their little brothers and/or sisters in their arms! I'm looking forward to that day. :hugs:

Me too! :hugs: I know I definitely am and we're going to have awesome helpers when that time comes!!!
I'm 9DPO.. don't feel a DANG thing :cry: I almost feel over it already- I already knew by this point in January and right now I feel lot of NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's really frustrating honestly. I mean, maybe my body was NOT ready after being in the hospital and I know I've physically been through a lot- but it still hurts. I cried yesterday morning bc I just feel like I know I'm not... but today~ I feel like I'm packing up my sadness and trying to just look forward to next month. AF is supposed to be due on the 13th or 14th.. I just hope the B&*ch isn't late and also that I don't have any cysts so I can do another round of fertility meds and IUI. (fertility meds can SOMETIMES cause cysts and end up making you sit out a month) ... ((SIGH))

Happy Mother's day everyone!! :flower:
Holly: :hugs: I ain't feeling a dang thing either, and last time at this point, I knew without a doubt in my mind I was pregnant. But, I have heard not all pregnancies are alike.... Still, I have already written it off and am focusing on next month. :( :cry: Thinking of you.
Holly and Mrs HJO - please have faith its only very early days and mrs eggy could still be floating around in there...PMA its the only way to be to save your sanity...:flower::flower::flower::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Holly and Mrs HJO - please have faith its only very early days and mrs eggy could still be floating around in there...PMA its the only way to be to save your sanity...:flower::flower::flower::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

I think my sanity left the building :rofl:

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