May/Early June Mommas

Updates have been made! (But as always, let me know if I missed something :) )

Thanks for the bump compliments. Some days I feel more beautiful than I've ever felt and some days I just feel fat. Lol!

One day closer to meeting this little man. Every day that passes makes me that much more excited! (And nervous in some ways)

Does anyone plan on doing anything special with their husband/significant other before baby is born? I'm trying to think of something fun that my husband and I can do over a weekend that is fairly inexpensive, but I'm drawing blanks. We've just been spending a lot of time together going on picnics and walks, but I want kind of a mini baby-moon without getting too far from my hospital (I'm at an increased risk for preterm labor due to irritable uterus).

I would love to do something before baby is due, but we're buying a house in April so money is tight! The most we will probably do is get a babysitter and go to the cinema (to be honest that sounds like bliss to me!) If you're worried about being near your hospital could you take day trips to different places? Go out for lunches, theatre, spa days? Whatever you do hope you have an amazing time!
And yeah, you have a super cute baby bump! Is this your first baby then as well? I've been waiting and waiting to have an obvious baby bump, and now that I have one, I'm starting to feel really big sometimes! It's funny how that works. Now after dinner I'm like....."whoa, baby, slow down there!" But it is exciting, the bigger we get the closer we are to meeting our little ones! :happydance:

I love having an obvious baby bump because now if I eat too much, or get super bloated it doesn't show up as it just looks like added bump and me being pregnant :happydance:
Ok, I think the first post is updated.

Alita: Did I get your due date right? I calculated based on your ticker but I'm sleepy and not very good at it. lol Feel better! Coughing and sneezing while pregnant is SO awful!

Wannabe Mommy: You didn't mention gender so I added you under team yellow for now. Do you know the sex or are you staying yellow? Welcome!

Leids: Congrats on buying a house! That is so exciting!

Gaves99: My irritable uterus was diagnosed in Labor and Delivery at 24 weeks. My doctor sent me in because of some pain I was having, then when hooked up to the monitor, we found out I was having rhythmic contractions every 2 minutes or so, but they were very mild and not productive. Ultrasound showed that my cervix was still long and closed, so I was put on bed rest for a few days. I get Braxton Hicks often and still get a rhythmic tightening every so often, but I find that if I drink enough water, it's not bad. I have been off bed rest for 3 weeks and everything has been fine. What are you experiencing?

Tuppance: Congrats on buying a house! We will probably just plan a series of date nights. Good suggestion :) And yeah, that's one nice thing about having a bump. Lol!

I am totally wiped and ready for bed already. Seems I can no longer function past 3 pm recently... that's a problem. lol.
Hi all! I'm not third tri quite yet but figured I'd hop over since second tri is difficult to relate to these days.

I'm due May 28th with little boy. I ovulated a week early and measured a week ahead in early scans so in my mind I'm due closer to the 21st! My first son was born May 21st so it's possible they'll share a birthday.

I'm hoping third tri goes slowly (I'm weird and nowhere near ready). I doubt that'll happen because we just bought a house and we're moving in March 15th eek!

Predictions: May 23rd, 8lb 1oz and 21 inches long.

Good luck with your move! :happydance: Great time to move house as well, as other people have to do all the heavy lifting for you so you can hopefully relax and drink tea :)
Lil, I have been getting the pains and cramps now every day for a few weeks. I went to dr 2 weeks ago and the said they didnt know and suggested I go to l&d to hook up to a monitor when it happens like you did. I felt like a baby doing that so I havent gone. The past few days have been horrible and VERY uncomft and now as we speak. These last me hours tho!! I get really figgiety and my back also kills, I try to start drinking a ton, and if I can I either lay down or pour a warm bath. I have a dr appt tomorrow for my glucose test and will DEF be asking again.
Updates have been made! (But as always, let me know if I missed something :) )

Thanks for the bump compliments. Some days I feel more beautiful than I've ever felt and some days I just feel fat. Lol!

One day closer to meeting this little man. Every day that passes makes me that much more excited! (And nervous in some ways)

Does anyone plan on doing anything special with their husband/significant other before baby is born? I'm trying to think of something fun that my husband and I can do over a weekend that is fairly inexpensive, but I'm drawing blanks. We've just been spending a lot of time together going on picnics and walks, but I want kind of a mini baby-moon without getting too far from my hospital (I'm at an increased risk for preterm labor due to irritable uterus).
We want to do a 'baby moon' we've been married almost 2 and a half years and still haven't had a honeymoon. We booked in for this month actually to go to Bali but I got pregnant lol!! We had tried for 12 months with two early losses and decided it just wasnt time for us and that we'd either not try again at all or wait till after our holiday. Well that very month I got pregnant using the withdrawal method :haha: shocked to say the least :)
Anyway so we'd like to do maybe a long weekend some where together and ill get my mum to have our two older boys.
Gaves, I'd have them check your cervix to make sure it's unchanged by the uterine activity. Don't ever feel like a baby going to L&D - that's what they're there for. Women come and go all day to be checked and monitored. It's not as serious as it sounds. They'll pop you in, hook you up to a monitor and record any contractions for a bit, then run any tests they think are necessary and if all goes well, send you home. I was there for about 7 hours total because the contractions were rhythmic and they tried to stop them. The nurses there were VERY sweet and said to never feel silly about going in because in the long run, babie's health is the most important thing. :)

Misscalais - we didn't go on a honeymoon either and planned on getting a cabin in the mountains for a week in Feb/March but then I got pregnant too. Lol! I hope you guys get a nice little getaway before baby :)
Ok, I think the first post is updated.

Alita: Did I get your due date right? I calculated based on your ticker but I'm sleepy and not very good at it. lol Feel better! Coughing and sneezing while pregnant is SO awful!

Yes sorry , is may 12 according to my OB ,but may 6 according to a specialist as boy is measuring larger ..
My OB didnt agree on changing my dates since we know when we concieved , so May 12 due date , i predict may 7 ..
Ok here i go again :)
Due may 12
Predict may 7
I think he will weight 7,5 pounds
Hoping for a natural birth but open to paun relief as well
Ladies, quick question - what was your baby's femur length measurement at your 20 week scan? The sonographer asked if I'm tall (why couldn't she tell by looking at me?!) indicating that she thought it was longer than average. Just curious to know what everyone else's were?
Hi can I join?

pregnant with a boy - my first child - due May 19. He's been measuring huge but I was a normal sized baby so I'll predict 8 lbs 5 oz on May 17th. My dad's b-day is May 12th which would wreck him (he's an old brat :haha: about birthdays) but I secretly would love them to share the date.

I am SO LOST on names. love lots of very popular timeless names but also don't want to be Ethan H. #4 in his class or something...

Glad we have each other to share next few months!
I have a few questions for may ladies! Can my doctor possibly try and predict how big my baby boy will be at birth by looking at measurements from my 20 week scan?

Also I am having a problem with OH's work and possible spontaneous labor. He works for a temp service while he is able to take off whenever he wants if he is already working and out some where there is not a chance for him to get back if I go into labor. And he says if the driver does agree to bring him home then he feels obligated to pay him/her for the work they had to miss. I don't want to be induced as I was last time and the worst experience in my life as pain was just beyond unbearable and due to severe back problems I can't get an epidural. My question is this what do I do I don't want him to take off as we can use every amount that is made but I also don't want him to miss anything and not have his support even though I will have a good friend with me. So should I opt for the induction even though it's my dream to go on my own? :shrug:

Also would you opt for a personal induction if overdue or for other reasons such as to make it a better fit to make sure you have childcare ect?

I went on my own for DS1 at 10 days before my due date and my pain wasn't that bad plus being my first surprisingly had a short labor (7) hours. My DS2 was an emergency induction at 37 weeks due to complications that were found during a routine ultrasound. Both boys were small and premie clothing was too big on them. This was because of IUGR.

DS1- Born on October 12, 2009 at 1:02 pm at 5 pounds 10 ounces 18 3/4 inches long

DS2- Born on August 12, 2011 at 1:27 am at 5 pounds 6 ounces 17 inches long.

To the day they are 22 months 12 hours and 25 minutes apart! :cloud9:
Ladies, quick question - what was your baby's femur length measurement at your 20 week scan? The sonographer asked if I'm tall (why couldn't she tell by looking at me?!) indicating that she thought it was longer than average. Just curious to know what everyone else's were?

Hi! My notes say FL was 31mm at 19+6. What was yours?

I have a few questions for may ladies! Can my doctor possibly try and predict how big my baby boy will be at birth by looking at measurements from my 20 week scan?

Also I am having a problem with OH's work and possible spontaneous labor. He works for a temp service while he is able to take off whenever he wants if he is already working and out some where there is not a chance for him to get back if I go into labor. And he says if the driver does agree to bring him home then he feels obligated to pay him/her for the work they had to miss. I don't want to be induced as I was last time and the worst experience in my life as pain was just beyond unbearable and due to severe back problems I can't get an epidural. My question is this what do I do I don't want him to take off as we can use every amount that is made but I also don't want him to miss anything and not have his support even though I will have a good friend with me. So should I opt for the induction even though it's my dream to go on my own? :shrug:

Also would you opt for a personal induction if overdue or for other reasons such as to make it a better fit to make sure you have childcare ect?

I went on my own for DS1 at 10 days before my due date and my pain wasn't that bad plus being my first surprisingly had a short labor (7) hours. My DS2 was an emergency induction at 37 weeks due to complications that were found during a routine ultrasound. Both boys were small and premie clothing was too big on them. This was because of IUGR.

DS1- Born on October 12, 2009 at 1:02 pm at 5 pounds 10 ounces 18 3/4 inches long

DS2- Born on August 12, 2011 at 1:27 am at 5 pounds 6 ounces 17 inches long.

To the day they are 22 months 12 hours and 25 minutes apart! :cloud9:

Hmmm, tough one. I'm not really sure what to suggest in this situation. It would be great if baby could let us know exactly when to expect them wouldn't it! I would maybe speak to the midwife about these concerns and see what she suggests the best plan would be.

Endlessblue: Not sure what my measurements were. I didn't get a copy of the measurements, just trusted the doc that all was fine. If you and hubby are tall, I wouldn't worry about a longer femur. :)

Proudparent: That's tough. How long would it take for hubby to get to the hospital if he were working? I would say that if you are set on having a natural delivery, go with it. I'm sure your husband will do all he can to get there in time, but in the meantime, would your friend be willing to act as your birth coach? Are there doulas in your area that don't charge too much? I do think that doing it naturally will be more stressful without him there, so definitely weigh the pros and cons of being induced vs. a natural birth. I'm sorry you're in this situation. :hugs:

ETA: Welcome, Qwerty! You've been added to the first post :)
Hi can I join?

pregnant with a boy - my first child - due May 19. He's been measuring huge but I was a normal sized baby so I'll predict 8 lbs 5 oz on May 17th. My dad's b-day is May 12th which would wreck him (he's an old brat :haha: about birthdays) but I secretly would love them to share the date.

I am SO LOST on names. love lots of very popular timeless names but also don't want to be Ethan H. #4 in his class or something...

Glad we have each other to share next few months!

YAY Qwerty!!!!!! :hugs:
Can I join you ladies? I'm 29 + 1 with a little girl on board. We had a long road getting here and I'm high risk so I will be induced early. I'm due the 8 th of May but I predict 24th of April and 7 lbs 6 oz.
Welcome, Chook! Added your due date and prediction :) You sure have had a long road, looking at your signature. I'm so happy you're able to join us here!
Me too?!
I'm Kirsty - due a boy on 21st May. He will be our second baby because we already have a daughter, Sophie who is 16 months old. In the beginning I was terrified at the concept of having 2 under 2 but the excitement has definitely set in now.
We're getting married when I will be 33 weeks because it was already booked when I got my bfp so that is mostly taking over my life right now.
I predict that this baby will be born on 28th May (Sophie was 10 days past my due date) and will weigh 8lbs 9 oz. Sophie was 8lb 11oz but I have a feeling (and a hope) that this one is smaller. I have a gtt on Monday because my mum is an insulin dependent diabetic and there were a few things during my last pregnancy that indicate I may have had gd. I have to starve for HOURS! Think its all going to come back normal though.
How is everyone finding work at the moment? I am a nurse on an acute admissions ward and we do full time hours over 3 days a week. Some days are fine and other days I feel like crying my the time it gets to 5 o'clock because I'm so tired. I keep toying with the idea of getting a sick note from the doctor for stress and then telling myself to get s grip lol.

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